So I was

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Monthly Book Club
So I was...

So I was looking at old threads and came across this book club thread from Fidelity (May 2020):

and thought it was such a good idea that it was such a pity to let it go... so here we are! I think maybe for this one (if enough ppl, let's say at least 5 (cuz that sounds good, no other reason) ppl join) we should have a list of ppl who just volunteer a book for each month, and two ppl do it every month so if you don't like one book, hopefully the second one will more fit your tastes (and if not, you can always sit out a round (or give the book a try anyways! I did that with York: the Shadow Cipher, and did NOT regret it)) so that way we don't take a long time deciding which book to read and everyone who wants to can have a chance. I think we'll have the list in order of who signs up first? Idk, everyone feel free to veto me on anything I say here, I have never been in a book club before (tho I would love to be in one! And I HAVE done one book battle if that counts). But anyways, maybe some rules/guidelines?:

1. Everything has to be CB appropriate (oc!) and try to be accessible for all ages

2. Be respectful of everyone's comments and choices (also oc!)

3. Be mindful of spoilers, some ppl just don't appreciate them! I think we'll meet on the last day of every month to talk about a book, that way hopefully everyone will have one or both books finished, and discussions don't have to be limited to the end of the month. That's when ppl can start posting spoilers, so be mindful of that! I'm also aware some ppl (like my friends) who like to read out of order, that's totally fine too! Just pls, as I said, be very mindful that you don't give anything away.

4. Take turns and if someone on the list doesn't give a book by the end of one week past the last day of the month (e.g. if the last day is Jan 31, deadline is by the end of Feb 7), then I'm afraid we'll have to skip you entirely until your next natural turn so ppl have time to get and finish a book

5. For the two ppl picking books per month, maybe try to have different books from each other each month so ppl have choices? And you can pick a book you've already read or haven't yet but it sounds good, it doesn't really matter. Just hopefully everyone can access it.

6. Pls try to label what ages you think the book would be and if it's idk scary or has death or something in any way for more sensitive readers? But try to without spoilers??

7. No limit/deadline for joining

8. I'm wondering if ppl are ok with poetry books too? I mean, I think definitely in-Verse and prose, but are you guys fine with just poetry collections? Just putting that out there. 


Hope this was all clear enough and covered everything, thanks! And do you guys think a month is long enough? I'm not entirely sure what you guys' book speeds are and plus if you have busy schedules and lots of homework. I can read at least a book a day maybe(depending on schedule and hw) but idk you guys. We can switch to meet every two months if needed, or something else. Also, if everyone can't make the last day of a month, I think I'll just make the last seven days (or 5 days?) open for discussion/spoilers? Everyone pls correct me or tell me if I'm missing anything, thank you. And ACKK I'M SO EXCITED FOR THIS IF PPL WANT TO DO IT!!

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age Bookworm, Reading EVERYTHING!!!
(August 14, 2023 - 12:40 am)

I've only read Into the Wild so

Favorite character(s)? Fireheart, Yellowfang, Whitestorm

Least favorite character(s)? Tigerheart, Darkstripe

Character(s)/Situation(s) you can most relate to? erm, maybe when Fireheart attacked Yellowfang? the need to protect from enemies, but then feeling pity and helping them

Favorite thing(s) about the book? it's cats!!!! and wildness

Least favorite thing(s) about the book? a ittle little too much fighting

What did you think the book did well? nah, to much of a cliff hanger. but the series was amazing

What did you think the book could have done better on? I don't know 

First impression on the book? wow this was better then I thought it would be

On a scale of 1-10, 1 being HORRIBLE I ABSOLUTELY LOATHE THIS BOOK (loathing, truly, deeply, loathing...) and 10 being THIS IS THE BEST BOOK EVER IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD ACKKKKKK!!!!, what would you rate this book? probably 9

Other:thanks Moon Wolf <3

submitted by Hawkstar
(September 27, 2023 - 9:20 am)

Oh, and forgot to add sorry, you can start a discussion based on anyone's forms at any time! Thank you! (Ackk almost done with Julieta and the Romeos....)

submitted by CelineReadingRampage, age Bookworm, The Library for Hours
(September 27, 2023 - 9:33 am)

I haven't been able to go to the library or put it on hold in time! I'm so sorry! I might wait until next month... :( I promise I'll try!

submitted by Nyxie, age Uh Oh!, In A State Of Panic!
(September 27, 2023 - 1:18 pm)

It's fine @Nyxie!

Welp, so I literally just finished Julieta and the Romeos yesterday night (form coming up) and now it's time to pick the next two books! I think next in the list are.. woah Pangolin and me?!? Ackk what book should I make y'all read?!?!?! Ackkkkkkk!!! So manyyyy!!! *brain overload of books* *panicks*

submitted by @Pangolin I think?, age Bookworm, The library for hours
(September 30, 2023 - 12:06 pm)

Ok, yep! Here's the updated list:

September- amari (formally amarillis, Julieta and the Romeos) and Moon Wolf (Warriors: Into the Wild)
October- Pangolin and me (CelineBurning Bright!, Orange for the Sunsets?)
November- Hawkstar and Wafflecat
December- Endless Parodies and Hex
January- BookGirl and Lupine
Feburary- Sylver (formerly Sylvazia) and Tsuki the Skywolf
Also, Nyxie joined between Sylver and Tsuki and can suggest books if suggestions are needed
Tell me if I got anything wrong please!
I wonder if I should stick to the Halloween theme and suggest Small Spaces or Too Bright To See or Scary Stories for Young Foxes... or go with my absolute favorites and do Midnight Children or... OH! I HAVE IT! I'll just do Orange for the Sunsets (unless y'all can't find it...)
So, I'm suggesting Orange for the Sunsets (tell me if you can find it), this heartbreakingly beautiful unexpected sometimes-frustrating-in-a-good-way historical book about when the Indians had to leave Africa under orders from the president, but mostly about this so so so perfect friendship I'm selling this horribly, let me just say that EVEN IF THIS DOESN'T SEEM LIKE YOUR TYPE OF BOOK PLS READ IT BC IT'S.... JUST PLEASE READ IT AHHH!!! Took a picture of the cover just in case you're still not certain. Feiya says REAAA! She wants you to read it too!
..that sounds really bossy, sry. Tell me if you can find the book though please!
and now, for my late form (SPOILERS!!!): 

Favorite character(s)? Ivy!! Not at first, but yes later on

Least favorite character(s)? Calvin, and.. I honestly didn't like Julieta that much either..

Character(s)/Situation(s) you can most relate to? Umm idk. Ig the pandemic and maybe figuring out crushes?? Ooh, and writing and finding an awesomely fantastic writing website (guess what it is? :)) and scavenger hunts and awesome amazing friendships since forever and little free libraries

Favorite thing(s) about the book? The culture (I love how it includes so much food), the mystery of Happily Ever Drafter (though I figured it out like halfway through the book (sometimes I just feel like I have a knack for predictions cuz I read so many books things just jump out to me)), and friendship. Loved Ivy's explanation of why she did what she did. Loved Ivy in general, also how she's so different from the stereotype, how she just wants her friend back. The letter to Las Heras was cool. And Abeula Bubbles' speech that inspires Julieta's decision towards/at the end. 

Least favorite thing(s) about the book? This is just me but I didn't really like how Julieta was kind of it felt like jumping from boy to boy, I mean, they have feelings too, y'know, and poor Lucas, and Julieta's writing/story really wasn't that fantastic either it felt

What did you think the book did well? The romance I suppose? And piecing things together?

What did you think the book could have done better on? Ig Julieta's story could've been better, but it's not the main story so it's fine.

First impression on the book? I was just kinda like... let's see if this book is good or not, I liked the beginning, was meh on the middle, liked the end

On a scale of 1-10, 1 being HORRIBLE I ABSOLUTELY LOATHE THIS BOOK (loathing, truly, deeply, loathing...) and 10 being THIS IS THE BEST BOOK EVER IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD ACKKKKKK!!!!, what would you rate this book? I suppose a 7. It wasn't that great, it wasn't horrible, I'm glad I read it but could've survived if I hadn't.

Other: it was an unusual rainfall that hit 453 Rollicking Road that fateful night of 1783... sorry that sentence just came up out of nowhere

submitted by @Pangolin&Everyone, age Pleaseread, The Library for Hours
(September 30, 2023 - 2:24 pm)

Did the picture go through? Just in case, here it is again:

Feiya says FEUZP 

Sorry we're not allowed to post art from other sources. 


submitted by @Pangolin&Everyone
(September 30, 2023 - 3:34 pm)

Other sources? Umm.. I took the picture myself, this is my own book. Here it is again just in case (this is 100% my own photo.. I think that's allowed, right? Or am I missing something? Sorry)

Feiya says ORAHG 

But the image on the cover of the book was created by someone else, is that not right? You've given the title of the book. That's what's most important.


submitted by @Pangolin&Everyone
(September 30, 2023 - 4:53 pm)

Ohh ok I understand now, thanks for the clarification admins (and sorry if I was difficult!)! Just, @everyone, the book has a really amazing cover and story so yep that's all. Thanks!

submitted by @Pangolin&Everyone, Oops thanks sorry
(October 1, 2023 - 10:50 am)

@pangolin, just a (sorry so last minute) reminder, the deadline for you to suggest a book (as it is currently your turn) is tomorrow, Oct 7, but if you still don't think you have time/can do it, that's perfectly fine too! You don't have to answer to this or anything btw, on Oct 8 I'll just move on to the next person on the list (who's Hawkstar) if you don't answer, and we'll go from there. However, you will have to wait until the whole rotation of the list is done again before it's your turn once more, sorry.

anyways, again, good luck with high school and it's fine if you can't do it this month


@everyone, I think I've already said, but just, again, this club is not mandatory and not supposed to be stressful or whatever. If you don't think you can do it, whenever, for whatever reason(s), you can definitely just not post and you'll be good! :) Just join back in whenever you feel like it, thanks! <3


And on a completely unrelated topic, Feiya says ABEOY

submitted by @pangolin-LASTCHANCE, To suggest a book
(October 7, 2023 - 12:40 am)

@Hawkstar, it's your turn to pick a book! :)

submitted by @Hawkstar, age Ontheshelf, The Library for Hours
(October 8, 2023 - 2:22 pm)

oh, okay! hmmm...

How about The Unwanteds by Lisa McMann? The first book, obviously, and it's just called the Unwanteds since its the first book 

submitted by Hawkstar
(October 9, 2023 - 2:30 pm)

Oooh, thank you Hawkstar!! "A dystopian fantasy novel series"? Count me in! Plus, that cover looks awesomeee!

so, in summary, the books for this month (October) are Orange for the Sunsets and The Unwanteds, book 1. Happy reading everyone! :D 

submitted by @everyone-NEW BOOKS, age thanks!, The Library for Hours
(October 9, 2023 - 4:06 pm)

I think it's my turn to choose? 

Can we do Breadcrumbs by Anne Ursu? I read it a few years ago so I'm not quite sure what age it's for, but I loved it at the time. It's a retelling of The Snow Queen and it's about a girl named Hazel whose best friend, Jack, disappears into a mysterious forest and she has to go find him. I'm not doing a great job summarizing it, but just trust me, it's amazing.
submitted by Wafflecat, age she/her, bookssssssss
(November 5, 2023 - 3:34 pm)

Oh, yup, it is, tysm Wafflecat!! :D I wasn't sure if anyone wanted/had time to do this anymore, but I'm glad you recommended bc that book sounds SOOO GOOD!! I think I've heard good things about the name "Anne Ursu", it sounds familiar... but I also have high expectations just cause of the title alone too (idk why)! :)

remember, anyone can join in at anytime and anyone can take a break at anytime! Whatever works best for you :)

Updated list:

September- amari (Julieta and the Romeos) and Moon Wolf (Warriors: Into the Wild)
October- Pangolin (though Hawkstar (The Unwanteds, Book 1) did it for this round) and me (CelineBurning Bright!, Orange for the Sunsets?)
November- Hawkstar (though @Endless if you want to you can suggest now?) and Wafflecat (Breadcrumbs)
December- Endless Parodies and Hex
January- BookGirl and Lupine
Feburary- Sylver (formerly Sylvazia) and Tsuki the Skywolf
Also, Nyxie joined between Sylver and Tsuki and can suggest books if suggestions are needed
also, should this be every 2 months instead maybe? Would that be easier? (prob not though, right? Idk) 
submitted by CelineReadingRampage, age Storymoth, The Library for Hours
(November 6, 2023 - 9:38 pm)

@Endless, just saw your post on Kind to yourself! Kudos to you for being proactive on your schoolwork! If you can't do this, that's fine, just letting you know you have a week then it'll be... umm.. Hex's turn! :)


Feiya says UHZUP! Uhh, 'sup? Picking up on the slang, eh, Feiya? :)

submitted by CelineReadingRampage, age :), Always procrastinating…
(November 6, 2023 - 9:43 pm)