Come. all clans

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this clan is to join up the clans to deafeat Tigerclan!!! We are called Lionclan!!! If you all agree of course.....
Come. all clans...

Come. all clans who want to defeat Tigerstar!!!!!!!!! We will join together and call ourselves Lionclan!!!!!! (We won't be together forever though. Just until we defeat Tigerclan.)

Any clan that wants to defeat Tigerclan, come!!!!!! Tell me your clan name and you may join. Please come!!!! Here is my description:

Name: Jaystar

Age: 49 moons

Gender: Tom

Fur color: Black with white paws

Eye color: Bright blue

Personality: Strong, friendly, fierce, and loyal.

Special markings: Short whiskers

Please join!!!! Also, any cat that does not belong in a clan may come as long as they want to defeat Tigerclan.

submitted by Jaystar, age 49 moons, Lionclan camp
(November 19, 2009 - 7:59 pm)

Of course, Sootkit!!! We will need all the cats we can get!!! I am sure it was an accident that you tried to fight this clan!!! Oh, and please ask your clan!!! That would be great!!!

submitted by Jaystar
(January 7, 2010 - 6:17 pm)

Thank you, Jaystar. I will ask my clan now.

submitted by Sootkit
(January 7, 2010 - 7:28 pm)

I'd like to join, if that's all right. I'm a medicine cat. My Clan doesn't have a name, although EchoClan has been suggested. I already might as well belong here, as I pledged to heal any injured non-EmberClan cats. And I did heal Nighstar when she was injured.

submitted by Willowtail
(January 7, 2010 - 7:27 pm)

I'll join! I'll heal the injured.

submitted by Waterpaw, RiverClan medic
(January 7, 2010 - 11:04 pm)

You may join, Willowtail and Waterpaw!!! Thanks for asking!!!

submitted by Jaystar
(January 8, 2010 - 4:56 pm)

M-my clan w-will join. My mate has just recently gotten killed by a-a b-badger, so I a-am still trying to g-get over i-it. *Bows head sadly*

submitted by Flamestar
(January 8, 2010 - 5:12 pm)

She was my mother.

submitted by Sootkit
(January 8, 2010 - 6:18 pm)

We are very sorry.

submitted by Ima, or many cats
(January 8, 2010 - 7:00 pm)

Ottersplash stepped forward. "TigerClan is dead! Now we have the threat coming from Silverheart and his so-called Clan! Autumnstar, the leader of CrystalClan, nodded and also stepped forward. Her eyes were filled with pain. "I only have one medicine cat in my Clan, Leafpool, and myself. We need strong warriors to help defeat this evil." Summerpaw and Poppypaw, medicine cat apprentices from two different Clans, flexed their claws. "We will heal any cat injured except for evil clans, like TigerClan and Silverheart's clan," they declared together. Eaglepaw said, "I will fight to the death, and use my skills in battle." Hollyblossom guarded her kits, Yewkit, Birchkit, Larkkit, and Brackenkit, as well as Blizzardkit, whom was ready to become a medicine cat apprentice. "I will fight to protect any queen's kits, no matter what Clan they are from, so long as they aren't an evil clan." The six cats from 5 different Clans bowed their heads and were ready to fight.

submitted by Ottersplash,Poppypaw, Hollyblossom,Su
(January 9, 2010 - 3:38 pm)

You and your clan may join, Flamestar. I am very sorry about her.

submitted by Jaystar
(January 9, 2010 - 3:48 pm)

UndecidedI think this is so old fashioned... like, Firestar's grandchild is dead, so why are you talking abou the fifth?

I like your idea, and I will join, since Riverclan has joined.

submitted by Lauren B Cherryspots, age 11 yrs, Richmond, BC
(March 10, 2010 - 9:56 pm)