Hiiii....so I know

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Stellarlune thread (SPOILERS)
Hiiii....so I know...

Hiiii....so I know someone else already did a Stellarlune thread but I wanted to do one of my own. Because, oh. my. gosh. I need to talk to someone about what happened with Sophie and Keefe in the ninth book. Lol. Also, if you want to post KotLC fanfic on here, feel free. I'd love to read it! Beware, however, that there will be spoilers on this thread. So, don't read if you haven't read Stellarlune. 

submitted by MorticiaTheStargazer, age 13 moons, Earth of the Frogs
(November 29, 2022 - 5:11 pm)

thx for the ideas! i'll look for 'the list' at  the bookstore im going to!

i love andes mints too-they're just so good, yn? 

submitted by MorticiaTheStargazer, age 13 moons, Earth of the Frogs
(December 14, 2022 - 9:45 pm)

Your wellcome! Smile

submitted by Moonwatcher, age 13, Rainwing Village, Pyrrhia
(December 15, 2022 - 10:54 am)

Hey! Sorry I've been AWOL for days..Christmas stuff takes alllllll my time away.

My roleplay, sadly, is going downhill...Admin didn't like my scene (apparently it was too violent?) and told me I needed to take a look at the rules..But like, where is an obvious place to check for the rules? It's fine, but..I haven't posted in forever and everyone else in my rp posts basically two sentences and then leaves it at that. :(

Anything interesting going on with you? I'm leaving tomorrow for Ohio to visit my fam for Xmas. Kinda dreading the six hour drive. Lol. And I am SO taking a bunch of blankets and pillows. I learned that the hard way...last year was awful. Once, on the drive to Ohio (we do it every year) I threw up all over my blanket, but..that most definitely won't happen this year. Hopefully. 

I ended up getting this book called York for my friend. And Lindor chocolates. Most of the books I'd wanted to give her, her mom didn't appprove of...so thus, I ended up with York. It's an okay book, just not my top choice. Thanks for your reccomendations though, I'm looking into reading The List.

I made this dancing hot dog the other day for no apparent reason. I'll attach a picture of it below. I was bored. Don't ask. :)


submitted by MorticiaTheStargazer, age 13 moons, Earth of the Frogs
(December 20, 2022 - 1:31 pm)

Ok, that dancing hot dog looks AWESOME! Sorry about your RPs though.

I am currantly in Idaho at my great gradnmas house. It is very cold here and it snowed last night! Their is actualy a moose on the property right now which is very scary because we brought our puppy with us and Moose chase dogs and can be very aggresive. yesterday me and my brother were outside playing in the snow with my dog, and the moose was right there it just appeared out of nowhere. My dog started barking at it, and I was terrified. but luckly we managed to get inside before it started chasing us or anything.

submitted by Moonwatcher, age 13, Rainwing Village, Pyrrhia
(December 21, 2022 - 10:20 am)

woah. thats insane. i'd be terrrified too tbh. christmas in ohio was...okay, though a bit stressful. But family events can be that way. My twelve-year-old cousin for some reason is obsessed with Bluey, the preschool tv show..? Super concerning lol.

I got Gregor the Overlander series by Suzanne Collins, and I'm looking forward to reading that. She also wrote the Hunger Games, which you probably already know, which sadly I'm not allowed to read. :(

We're doing our family christmas tomorrow morning, im very excited. Not to brag, but..(yep, im toooootalllllyyy not bragging) im pretty sure i got the absolute best gifts for my parents and sister. I do wish I would've gotten my mom claw clips since she always steals (or in her words, "borrows") mine. 

Anyway, sorry I didn't get back to you very soon. My computer doesn't load anyone's messages for like three hours afterward and by then I was gone so..yeah. 

Do you mind going to the 'this month' section on the CB and clicking on 'The Holidays are Here!' thread? It's by Holiday Spirit, posted in 2020 or something but I created a few more posts and I'm hoping some people stop by. It might be too late, but..we'll see. Thanks!

P.S. I totally blew my cover on that thread-everyone can now see that I was Amarillis. oops. lol. 

submitted by MorticiaTheStargazer, age 13 moons, Earth of the Frogs
(December 29, 2022 - 12:12 pm)

yeah my Christmas was stressful too. My dad was supposed to fly in on Christmas eve but he was sick :( so he spent chritsmas all alone at our house. For christmas I got the Wildwood books, have you read them? I'm not allowed to read the hunger games yet either! But I really want too...


Ha! My mom always "borrows" stuff from me too! And sadly our feet are almost the same size so she is now "borrowing" my socks and shoes. 

I checked out the Holidays are Here thread (thanks for including me by the way :) also my pronouns are she/her but thanks for asking! 

I think maby you should start a New years one or somthing else like that considering that the holidays are bacicly over.  

Anyways... thats what I think but you can do whatever you want. Nice talking to you! Bye!

submitted by Moonwatcher, age 13, Rainwing Village, Pyrrhia
(December 30, 2022 - 4:17 pm)

i actually threw up at 2am on christmas. it really sucked. sorry about your dad though.

yeah, the New Years Eve thing sounds probably better than the holidays are here thing. ill probably do it in inkwell if you want to  join.  

submitted by MorticiaTheStargazer, age 13 moons, Earth of the Frogs
(December 31, 2022 - 10:13 am)

Aww thats too bad, did you feel better the rest of the day? 


I'll look for it on Inkwell! 

submitted by Moonwatcher, age 13, The Lost Continent
(December 31, 2022 - 11:16 am)

Just to let you know, some sort of glitch is keeping me from seeing your messages for an hour or so-which means I know you replied to my message, but I can't see it. So sorry. I just made the New Years post btw. 

Thanks for understanding lol. It's literally so frustrating and I feel awful because it seems like I'm ignoring people when I'm actually unable to see the message. I'm not sure why it does that though 

submitted by MorticiaTheStargazer, age 13 moons, Earth of the Frogs
(December 31, 2022 - 11:48 am)

Thats so weird, I wonder why it does that.  I'll go look at the new years post! :)

submitted by Moonwatcher, age 13, The Lost Continent
(December 31, 2022 - 3:46 pm)

ok that's great! it should be the top thread, i think. n/a since no one has posted on it yet. 

submitted by MorticiaTheStargazer, age 13 moons, Earth of the Frogs
(December 31, 2022 - 4:37 pm)

Hi, I'm going to a bookstore today, are their any books you think I should get?

submitted by Moonwatcher, age 13, The Lost Continent
(January 2, 2023 - 11:05 am)

Hmmm.....I think the Bloom Trilogy is pretty good, it's YA. And the Gilded Ones as well as the Merciless Ones.

submitted by MorticiaTheStargazer, age 13 moons, Earth of the Frogs
(January 2, 2023 - 12:16 pm)

Sorry I havent responded in a while...I have been super busy with school work and stuff. Anyway I dident see your post until after I went to the bookstore, but I will check those books out at the library!

submitted by Moonwatcher, age 13, The Lost Continent
(January 4, 2023 - 10:49 am)

That's okay! What'd you end up buying instead?  

submitted by MorticiaTheStargazer, age 13 moons, Earth of the Frogs
(January 6, 2023 - 4:17 pm)