Alright, i haven't

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Different Warrior RP
Alright, i haven't...

Alright, i haven't really done the Warrior RPs much, but i have been reading a lot of the different Clan Threads. I would like to keep this one as close to the books as possible. I think that it would be fun to do it more like a Harry Potter RP. It would be really great if you all joined!!!

This is MoorClan. Our Clan lives on a wide moor, we hunt mainly rabbit, ground squirrels, and marmots. We are incredibly proud, loyal, trustworthy and fearless. Our camp is in a patch of briers not far from a brook.

Name: Eaglestar
Description: She-cat. Dark grey with black stripes. Green eyes. Long tail. 
Position in Clan: Leader 


A lean she-cat stalked through a bramble tunnel into the camp. the earth was damp and cold beneath her paws. Cold air swept through the briers and ruffled the fur on the limp rabbit that she held in her jaws. A warrior nodded as she passed. Eaglestar, for that was her name, placed her fresh-kill on a small pile. The camp was mostly empty, for the clan did not have many cats, she yowled into the night. "Starclan, please send me cats, who will live by the Warrior Code!"

And as her prayer was answered, cats came...


Alright, join in however you want!!

P.S. If there is a Clan on here named MoorClan, please let me know, i'll change the name. 

submitted by Eaglestar, MoorClan Camp
(November 16, 2009 - 1:57 am)

Eaglestar nodded her head thoughtfully. "Thank-you for telling us this, Mossfire. I shall consult with my medicine cat, and then you shall hear an answer." Turning to Lightpelt, Eaglestar meowed. "What do you think of this matter, Lightpelt?"

submitted by Eaglestar, MoorClan Camp
(November 21, 2009 - 6:39 pm)

Lightpads pads towards Eaglestar at her mew. "Yes, I think that we should help, as we may find more cats there, and we need more cats" 

submitted by Lightpelt
(November 22, 2009 - 1:57 pm)

A kitten walked into camp. He had messy red-brown fur and he had muscles, an unusual occurance for a kit. " I have decided to join this clan." He glanced at the cat he assumed was leader. "Call me...hmm...Flare. Or Flarepaw. Whatever you clan cats call us."

submitted by Flarepaw
(November 22, 2009 - 5:13 pm)

The long-haired she-cat looked surprised to see the small tom. "Flarepaw, I am not leader, though you weren't talking to me, i just thought.... anyways, I'm sure Eaglestar, she's the leader, would love for you to join!"

submitted by Lightpelt
(November 22, 2009 - 9:46 pm)

The marbled tabby she-cat looked at the kit. "you are most welcome here flare, for you to become an apprentice you need the ceremony" Eaglestar told him. "do you wish to be a warrior apprentice, or a medicine cat apprentice?"

submitted by Eaglestar, MoorClan Camp
(November 24, 2009 - 4:05 pm)

Lightpelt padded out of camp, going to look for herbs, then stops as if she's forgotten something. 

submitted by Lightpelt
(December 9, 2009 - 12:24 am)

Two adult cats padded cautiously into the Moorclan camp. One was a very bulky tom with smokey gray-blue fur and river blue eyes. The other, a she-cat, had a silvery coat and green eyes. She looked as though she would be very thin and fast if her belly had not been so swollen, obviously with son-to-be-born kits. The pair padded up to the leader, Eaglestar. The big tom opened looked up at her, his blue gaze like cool water.

"Eaglestar. That is your name, correct?" His voice was rich and dark, like mahogany speaking.  

"Yes." The leader nodded.

"My mate and I were hoping to join."

"I will have kits soon and we need somewhere to be a home to us. We will be loyal to you, we promise! We decided that clan life would be good for us. We'd have a family for our kits to grow up with, cats to help and to be helped by. Please let us join!" The silver she-cat looked worn and desperate, but her voice was beautiful, like liquid gold, warm and melodious.  The leader smiled kindly at her. 

"What are your names?" she mewed. The tom spoke again.

"I am Dusktail and my mate is Winterflower." 


submitted by Dusktail and, Winterflower
(December 12, 2009 - 10:07 pm)


submitted by Dusktail and, Winterflower
(December 13, 2009 - 12:34 pm)

Dreamspirit: *Smiles at Dusktail and Winterflower* Hello, Dusktail and Winterflower. I am Dreamspirit, one of the queens here and if Winterflower will soon have kits, I believe she will sleep with me in the queen's den. I have kits of my own and I am sure they would be very happy with more kits to play with. I am sure the leader will let you join, but you will have to wait for her to respond to be sure they can join.

Dreamspirit`s Kits: YAY!!! MORE KITS TO PLAY WITH SOON!!!

submitted by Dreamspirit
(December 13, 2009 - 3:38 pm)

The bright white cat looked relieved to see more cats joining. "Greetings, Dusktail and Winterflower! My name is Lightpelt, and I'm the medicine cat here. Perhaps, if Eaglestar says so, Dusktail may be deputy. Winterflower, the Nursery is right over here", Lightpelt points with tail towards a moss-covered den, with sheep's wool inside. "We just gathered sheep's wool for it! I will go get some Borage and herbs" Lightpelt padded into the forest, returning 20 minutes later with Borage, and other herbs. "Here, Winterflower!"

submitted by Lightpelt
(December 13, 2009 - 4:02 pm)

The silver she-cat, Winterflower, smiled up at Lightpelt as she lay down on the soft bedding of the Nursery.

"Thank you very much, Lightp--" The she cat's eyes grew wide and she gasped in pain as her full belly quivered. She gasped again. "Lightpelt!" she panted, "I think that my kits are coming!" Her sides rippled again and she yowled in pain. She tried to speak but was silenced as intense pain shot through her entire being. "Lightpelt! Help!" she managed to gasp between her tightly clenched teeth. "Help me!"

submitted by Dusktail and , Winterflower
(December 15, 2009 - 7:30 pm)

As the next ripple came, Lightpelt said calmly to her, "Ok, The first kit is coming" As the first kit came, the white she-cat nipped the sack in was in. (I'm not gonna put the others cuz I don't know how long I can go...)


The last kit came and Winterflower sighed heavily. "Is that all?" She asked shakily. "Yes." Lightpelt looked relieved to. "Dusktail" She called, "Come see your new kits" The tom burst in and ran oveer to his mate.


submitted by Lightpelt
(December 17, 2009 - 1:27 am)

*Notices the queen having kits* Oh dear!!! LIGHTPELT!!! COME QUICKLY!!!!!

submitted by Dreamspirit
(December 16, 2009 - 8:13 pm)

Lightpelt looked at Dreamspirit. "Um... Incase you haven't noticed, we talk like this, not like other Warrior RP's.

submitted by Lightpelt
(December 18, 2009 - 12:20 am)

W: *shakily* Thank you, Lightpelt. *sighs* Oh, Dusktail! Look at them! 

D: What should we name them?

W: I think that one should be Lightkit, that one Midnightkit, that one Dawnkit, and that one Autumnkit. 

D: Perfect! 

Lightkit ~ she-kit
Pelt: dark gold, almost ginger
Eyes: gold

Autumn ~ tom-kit
Pelt: dark gold, almost ginger
Eyes: gold

Midnightkit ~ she-kit
Pelt: black
Eyes: green

Dawnkit ~ she-kit
Pelt: siamese
Eyes: blue

((Autumnkit and Lightkit are very close and look almost exactly the same, but Lightkit's pelt leans a little more towards gold, while Autumnkit's is leans a bit more towards ginger)) 

submitted by Dusktail,, Winterflower, L
(December 18, 2009 - 12:50 am)