hi i am

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

new clan! fireclan! need leader!
hi i am...

hi i am the medicine cat of this clan and i need a leader! not like tigerstar please! please 

join! plus i need a deputy. so cats who want to be the leader  please dont be disapointed                                                                                                                                cause there is always a deputy!!          

submitted by creamtail., age 11, Mo
(November 12, 2009 - 5:45 pm)

Lillyfrost: Okay, Brightstar, I will stay. I am so glad your back! Goldenkit, I'm so proud of you for helping to heal an apprentice! Will you stay here, too? O-or will y-you go j-join L-LakeClan? *Bows head sadly* You c-can join LakeClan if you w-want. Your o-old enough to make your o-own choices about we-were to live now. So will you s-stay or leave?

Spiritkit: Please stay! I could'nt live without you! *Looks sad*

submitted by Lillyfrost, Spiritkit
(January 11, 2010 - 4:30 pm)

A cat named Willowtail said she would apprentice me. I'm sorry, but I can't stay in this clan forever. I'll visit you every other day. I will go tommorow.

submitted by Goldenkit
(January 11, 2010 - 6:46 pm)

Lillyfrost: *Bows head sadly* G-goodbye, my Goldenkit. I hope you have a good life in your new clan. I will miss you.

Spiritkit: Goldenkit, I'll miss you, too. I wish you didn't have to go. Bye.

Lillyfrost: Brightstar, when will Spiritkits apprentice ceramony be? Who will mentor her?

submitted by Lillyfrost, Spiritkit
(January 12, 2010 - 11:56 am)

I'll give her the ceremony as soon as possible! She wants to be a warrior, correct? Does Blizzardleaf have an apprentice??

submitted by Brightstar
(January 12, 2010 - 10:51 pm)

L: Spiritkit, what do you want to be?

S: I think I want to be a warrior. When will my ceremony be?

L: Brightstar said as soon as possible. Brightstar, I have no idea if Blizzardleaf has an apprentice or not. I kind of want you to mentor her, but it will be fine with me if you don't want to or can't.

submitted by Lilyfrost, Spiritkit
(January 13, 2010 - 7:09 pm)

I am here to visit!

submitted by Goldenkit
(January 14, 2010 - 8:31 am)

Lilyfrost: *Purrs* Hello, Goldenkit. How is your new clan?

Spiritkit: Hey Goldenkit, wanna play-fight?

submitted by Lilyfrost, Spiritkit
(January 15, 2010 - 4:53 pm)

Sure, Spiritkit! I'm Jaystar and you are the evil Silverheart! *Crouches low, wagging her tail and preparing to pounce*

submitted by Goldenkit
(January 16, 2010 - 9:02 am)

*Leaps on Goldenkit and pretends to bite her neck* Ha! You can't kill me! I'll kill you!

submitted by Spiritkit
(January 16, 2010 - 6:15 pm)

*Rolls, gently pushing Goldenkit to the ground* Ha! You aren't even a good fighter! Plus you're evil!

submitted by Goldenkit
(January 17, 2010 - 9:13 am)

*Hisses playfully and paws at Goldenkit's neck* I scratched your neck, now! You will definitley lose! *Rolls over, putting Goldenkit under her again*

submitted by Spiritkit
(January 17, 2010 - 7:15 pm)

You're already dead!

submitted by Goldenkit
(January 18, 2010 - 8:49 pm)


submitted by Goldenpaw
(January 19, 2010 - 8:56 am)

Lilyfrost: Oh! You're an apprentice! *Starts licking Goldenpaw* Congratulations! Who is your mentor? Is he or she nice?

Spiritkit: WOW! An apprentice! What's it like? I can't wait to be one too! Mom? When will I become one?

Lilyfrost: Very soon, I'm sure. You should be an apprentice by now.

submitted by Lilyfrost, Spiritkit
(January 19, 2010 - 6:44 pm)

Very true, Lillyfrost! Spiritkid does need a mentor! So . . .

Spiritkit! From now until you recieve your warrior name, you shall be known as Spiritpaw. Blizzardleaf will be your mentor. 


submitted by Brightstar
(January 21, 2010 - 8:02 pm)