Chatterbox: Blab About Books

The Flames of Hope



Ok, so...well...

There were several things wrong with the Flames of Hope.

For one thing: IT WAS MISSING LIKE THIRTY PAGES. And I looked it up and lots of people had the same problem! I missed a bunch of the story and was really confused. I managed to catch up, but still.

Now about the story.

I still love Wings of Fire, and I'm glad they defeated the Breath of Evil (although it turned out to be a human...named Cottonmouth?! Of all the not-evil names!). And Dusky <3 so cute.

But the book also felt kind of...rushed. Like Tui T. Sutherland was trying to tie up everything in one story (which she was). And the room-with-the-vines-and-corpses was incredibly creepy.

And Lizard and Cottonmouth were...odd. I'm glad Lizard got a hug, but then she got destroyed which was REALLY sad. And I kind of think humans should've stayed as mysterious scavengers.

All just my opinion. And I still liked the book! 

submitted by Shining Star, age 13 eons, The Milky Way, she/her
(April 14, 2022 - 7:50 pm)

so not to be a smarty-pants or anything, a cottonmouth is one of the most venonous snakes in existence.

although i still agree with you, it sounds cute when you first hear it. 

submitted by Darkvine, age 11, Elgin, IL
(April 15, 2022 - 9:30 am)

Not to be even smartier-pantsier, but did you know that cottonmouths, despite yes, being very dangerous and rather aggressive, are actually rarely causes of death in humans? 

They're also the only semi-aquatic viper in the world, and unlike their fellow -- if not perhaps more notorious -- Copperheads of the Crotalinae subfamily, they won't easily back down(which can be interpreted as 'courage,' I suppose). Furthermore, they are pretty large (ranging from 81 to 106 cm in length), which can again be seen as the huge presence and that mind-control stuff, plus the snakes can resort to "trickier" methods, so yeah; there's somewhat of a connection to be made when analysed.

Not that I've read the book yet. :p

submitted by Jaybells, age Obscure, Lost in Thought
(April 16, 2022 - 1:03 am)

Yeah, I figured it was something like that, but it'd have sounded scarier if she'd named him Copperhead. Cottonmouth makes me think of bunnies.

submitted by Shining Star, age 13 eons, The Milky Way
(April 15, 2022 - 1:46 pm)

Did I hear... "corpses"??? *evil cackle*

Anyway, I haven't been able to get my hands on the newest books, but this sounds... Slightly disappointing. :/

Hm... We'll see.

submitted by Jaybells, age Obscure, Lost in the Nowhere-lands
(April 16, 2022 - 12:50 am)

I FINALLY READ FLAMES OF HOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*runs in circles sreaming*

i love how Bumblebee at the end of the Epilouge is just all "SOME DRAGONS VERY STUPID!" haha. 

Swordtail is NOT a role model. 

but yes, the room was creepy. 


submitted by Darkvine, age 11, Elgin, IL
(April 16, 2022 - 10:25 am)

haha late but i agree with everything shining star said

except the missing pages!  i didn't know that happened 

submitted by Tsuki the Skywolf
(May 5, 2022 - 6:27 pm)