Welcome! I am
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
Welcome! I am Rosestar. I am in need of a deputy, warriors, a medicine cat, queens, apprentices, kits, elders, everyone! Roseclan will welcome every one of you! Make yourself at home. The nursery is over there *motions to a big, draft-free, bramble covered den* It has brambles on the outside, and soft leaves and mosses on the inside walls. It also has bracken on the outside of the beds, and piles of fresh moss and bird feathers in it. All feathers from the birds we catch are distributed, first to the nersery, then to the elder's den, then to the medicine cat den, then to the apprentices and senior warriors, then to warriors, and then to me. The medicince cat den is over there. *motions to a small, fern and moss covered rock cave with a stream running through the back* You will find it fully stocked. The warrior's den is over there. *motions to big, sheltering bush, reiforced with brambles and leaves* There is plenty of mosses, and it is warm all around there, so that cats that sleep on the outside aren't cold. The apprentices den is over there *motions to what looks like the warrior's den, but smaller* It is also moss-filled. The elder's den is over there *points to small rock cave by medicince cat's den* It has just as much moss as the nursery! There is a hot springs that you can go to only by going through the medicine cat or elder's den, that way, kits can't get hurt. The hot spring runs underground, all throughout the camp, so the camp always feels warm. Please join!!
(September 28, 2009 - 8:14 pm)
I am Windrush. May I be the medicine cat? Of course, I'll need an apprentice...
(September 29, 2009 - 3:13 pm)
Hello!Are you Rosepetal?It's me, Robinflight!
Anyways...I'll be medicine cat!
physical description:Brown tabby young she-cat with a bit of fur on the top of her head that sticks up. Blue eyes.
Oh, a nice warm camp. Will it still be nice in leaf-bare?
(September 29, 2009 - 5:05 pm)
Hi, Robinflight! I'm Dancepaw! Anyways, I said I'd be medicine cat, too, so it's up to Rosestar to decide which one of us is to be medicine cat. In the meantime, I'll go see the dens.
(September 29, 2009 - 5:21 pm)
((Yes, Quailsong, it is Rosepetal!! :D))
@Quailsong: Sorry, Quailsong, but Windrush asked first. You coulde be deputy or you could be Windrish's apprentice and just be Quailpaw for a bit... Whatever you like. Oh, and of course the camp will be nice in leaf-bare! It keeps the snow away because it's so warm, so camp never has snow on the ground. It keeps everything nice and toasty during cold leaf-bare days!
@Windrish: Windrush, welcome. I would be gald to have you as my medicine cat! Welcome to Roseclan!
(September 29, 2009 - 6:24 pm)
Oh, dear... Maybe I could be Windrush's apprentice. Who has her medicine cat name?
(September 29, 2009 - 6:26 pm)
Can I be the Medicine Cat apprentice? (sorry if I already asked) No snow?!?!?! Mouse-dung. I was hoping to have my first leaf-bare in snow.
(September 29, 2009 - 11:18 pm)
HI! Can I be A Medicine cat apprentice???? PLEASE!!!!!
Gender: Tom
Coat Color: Bright Orange with Black flecks.
Eye Color: Green.
Personality: Hyper (will grow out of it). Nice. Gentle.
I see that two Medicine Cats have come. Maybe More. Please one of you, Apprentice me!
(September 29, 2009 - 9:24 pm)
Sorry, Firekit. Quail'paw' asked first... but maybe you could go see Rosestar, she'll know what to do.
(September 30, 2009 - 4:12 pm)
*sigh* ok. Rosestar?
(September 30, 2009 - 6:31 pm)
You know, medicine cat apprentices can have full names, look at Jayfeather. But If you can't have me being Quailsong, I'll be Quailpaw...
(September 30, 2009 - 7:44 pm)
What should I do? Rosestar?
(September 30, 2009 - 10:37 pm)
Yes, Quailsong, of course you could keep your medicine cat name if you wish... And if it's okay with Windrush. Firekit, I'm sorry, but it doesn't look like you could be a medicine cat... Unless Quailsong would want to mentor you, but that would mean 3 medicine cats... If you want, Firekit, I'll train you!
(October 1, 2009 - 7:16 pm)
Oh, and Firekit? There's still snow outside of camp! It's just not inside camp where it could endanger cats by it being to cold... You can still play in the snow!
(October 1, 2009 - 7:18 pm)
*was outside camp* la la la la la........................... hum-de-dum...... *hears noise in bushes* huh??? what was that?? *runs away form noise* *scrapes eye on Bramble accidently* YOWCH!!!!! ROSESTAR!!!!!! MEDICINE CAT WHO'S NAME I CAN'T REMEMBER!!!! QUAILSONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOMCAT!!!!!!!
(October 1, 2009 - 9:36 pm)
Yipes! Firekit! I'm coming! *looks at Firekit* It doesn't seem to be too bad. But you might want to take some herbs. *gives herbs to Firekit* Oh, and have a poppy seed, too. And.... wait! You aren't supposed to be out of camp! Don't ever do it again without someone accompanying you. Is that clear?
(October 2, 2009 - 3:20 pm)