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Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Random Recommendations
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Come one, come all, and submit whatever books you would like to randomly recommend. Please include title and author. Details and/or summaries of the books' contents are not required, but useful for getting people interested.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(April 3, 2018 - 10:03 pm)

Read King's Dark Tidings (a series)!!!!!!!!!!!

It is written by Kel Kade. 

It is absolutely amazing and I especially recommend it to lovers of fantasy.

The books are (in order):

Free the Darkness 

Reign of Madness

Legends of Ahn

Kingdoms and Chaos (This hasn't been published yet, but will be sometime in 2018)


The books are hard to summarize without spoilers (because it is a fantasy series with long books XD), but basically...

Rezkin grew up in a fortress and was trained in the arts of battle, poisoning, trading, and basically anything you can think of (that existed in medieval times). He had to leave the fortress, and go out into the world. Along the way, he makes friends, participates in a dueling tournament, and even attempted to become king. To find out more, read the series!

submitted by Rainbow Gal, age PrideMonth, LGBTQ+ Community
(June 26, 2018 - 1:37 pm)

Savvy by Ingrid Law. A fast-paced book about a family with unusual powers called savvies, full of risky decisions and unusual events, kicked off when Mibs' dad gets in an accident just before her thirteenth birthday, and she decides to go visit him without her mother's approval. A tangle of people follow in her wake, and a sprawling web of situations unfolds between Kansaska/Nebransas and Salina. My favorite part might be Fish's savvy, or maybe--well, that would be spoilers. The only thing I think was missing is an interaction between Mibs' mom and Bobbi. That would've been nice.

Mexi says aren! 

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(June 29, 2018 - 4:09 pm)

A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban

This is an adorably amazing book about an eleven year old girl who dreams of being a piano prodigy, but instead has an old organ on which she plays hits from the 60's, 70's, and 90's. She deals with an overly anxious dad, a workaholic mom, and regular school drama as she prepares for an organ competition. Reminded me a lot of Mockingbird and Counting By 7's (both of which are very good and you should definitely read). It's one of those books that is literally for every age group, and I thought it was unbearably sweet and funny.

submitted by Alta
(July 6, 2018 - 2:19 pm)

The Cabinet of Wonders by Marie Brennan. This is one of my favorites. An exciting first book in a trilogy about the Bohemian daughter of a metalworker who usues magic in his craft, who goes to the prince's castle in Prague when he removes and preserves her father's eyes after commissioning a clock. But the clock isn't just any clock, and with the help of those around her, Petra--that's her name--gains a new goal in addition to stealing back her father's eyes, one whose success or failure may affect the world.

I love this book so much. I first read it years ago, and the historical detail, the world-building, all the many little things I found fascinating... I love the descriptions and how real everything feels, even while magic thrives. It's almost self-contained, and I didn't read the sequels until recently--truth be told, I'm only on the second--but her return home is one of the best and most realistic parts of the book. Get the Squarefish edition with the original cover art if you can; it's really good, done in the most beautiful silhouettes, and there's an author interview in the back that stayed with me since the first time I read it. 

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(July 14, 2018 - 9:04 am)

Here's some goodies: 

Scythe/ Neal Shusterman

This is a futuristic dystopian world in which death has been conquered. the only way to die is thorugh a sycthe, who are chosen to kill, "glean" people. Citra and Rowan are chosen to be apprentices and masrter the art of killing, that neither of them wants to do. 

This book is really good, but probably for abut 13 +, as the central theme of the book is murder. 

submitted by Danelion
(July 24, 2018 - 6:56 pm)

Yes! I just finished the sequel, Thunderhead, this morning and it's so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

submitted by Hermione Granger, age 13, Hogwarts
(August 6, 2018 - 12:41 am)