I know that
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
I know that Mr. Fulgham is supposed to be this wise, insightful old author guy with this great sense of childlike wonder and selflessness, etc., etc., but I just couldn't stand him. I read All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten, and it was just bad writing with no purpose. The first chapter was sort of good, and then it was all downhill from there. The guy opened every chapter gossiping about his neighbours (example: my previous neighbour was a lawn freak. He was obsessed with cutting his grass and killing weeds. Sort of like my current neighbour. He actually rakes his leaves. I tell him to STOP- WHY would you rake your leaves???, etc.). His ramblings pertained in no way to everything you really need to know being common sense learned at a young age. He did not write for a purpose. He just gossiped incessantly and was actually quite pretentious. He acted all chummy (direct quote: "to strengthen our bonds of intimacy"- talking to the reader) and just rambled about his personal life. It as, I repeat, atrocious writing- unprofessional, as one might find in, say, a personal journal. And once again- he was exceedingly pretentious and full of himself.
Has anyone read any of his works? I give him all due respect where it is deserved, but I can honestly say that after my mother told me what a great writer he is I was very disappointed. I found him to be unprofessional and pretentious. What say everyone else? Am I being harsh and cynical, or does anyone agree? Does anyone enjoy him?
(June 23, 2009 - 5:01 pm)