Freelancing warriors, unite!
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
Freelancing warriors, unite! This clan lives completely under the shelter of an enourmous bush (yes, I'm sure it's not a tree). It shelters us from most rain. The nursury is at the heart of the camp, protected, built around the base of the tree. It's made of brambles, but lined with feathers, fur, moss and ferns. We've stolen bird's nests to get their lining as well. My den is above the nursery in a fork of the trunk of the bush. I can look down on my clan. The freshkill pile is near one entrance to the nursury (which has an entrance and an exit). Officially, the entrance to the camp is in one place, where there is a screen of brambles hooked to a branch (sort of like a door that opens only outward It's concealed by a branch, so the enemy will take another route and scratch his eyes out on an unmoving wall of bramble. you can, however, take the dirtplace exit if you want, but it will get you nowhere as that in itself is walled in by bramble. The warriors and apprentice dens are on either side of the entrance, and the elders' den is perched on top of the warriors. Apprentices must climb up a branch to get there. In case of attack, the branch is moved aside. All dens are enclosed with bramble, making it extra-safe. The medicine cat's den is next the apprentice den. A slow river runs near the camp, bringing water and fish. Please join. I need warriors and apprentices and a deputy and a medicine cat to make this clan strong.
(June 18, 2009 - 7:12 am)
Hairstar????!!!! That is one of the dumbest names I ever hear!
(June 18, 2009 - 10:47 am)
Um, don't you think that's kind of rude? I don't really like the name much either, but I think the whole 'under a bush' idea was really creative.
(June 19, 2009 - 8:30 pm)
If you saw me you wouldn't think so. My hair comes halfway down my back!
(June 20, 2009 - 8:27 am)
Umm, aren't you a cat! shouldn't hair sover you whole body???
(June 22, 2009 - 10:53 am)
Willowbreeze: Please *gasp* let us join! I am a pregnant *gasp* mother. My mate, Wildheart was k-k-killed r-r-recently. *Tear leak out, but manages to keep it together* I am going to *gasp* have my kits within the *gasp* hour! Help me please! *Flopps to ground, panting*
Stormspirit: Please help me and my sister, Hairstar! Her first kit will come in less than 1/2 an hour! I am a medicine cat. Please help! *Lays down next to Willowbreeze and licks her ear gently trying to soothe her. Looks concered*
(June 22, 2009 - 11:35 am)
finaly! a clan that i will join!!! stormspirit, can i be your apprentice? i've always wanted to be a medicine cat!
(June 22, 2009 - 3:12 pm)
Yes you may join. Snowspirit, do you want to be our medicine cat?
(June 23, 2009 - 7:32 am)
((Descriptions of Stormspirit and Willowbreeze))
Stormspirit: Wiry charcoal-grey tom. Has even darker ears, tail, and paws. Has deep, glowing amber eyes.
Willowbreeze: Thin, quick she-cat. Tan-gold coat. Amazing hunter! Also has amber eyes.
Stormspirit: Yes I would like to join and yes I would like to have Starpaw as an apprentice, but first, Willbreeze needs to get into the Nursery! *Moves Willowbreeze into Nursery*
Willowbreeze: *Has her kits* Bushclan now has 3 brand-new kits! Thier names are Amberkit, Lillykit (not copying Lillystar, I just love lillies), and W-W-Wildkit. These are thier descriptions....
Amberkit: Soft, red-brown coat. Strongest kit of the litter. Warm, amber eyes, just like her mother.
Lillykit: Graceful, creamy coat. Very delicate. Prettiest of the litter. Pretty, green eyes.
Wildkit: Dark grey coat. Almost an exact copy of his father, who he is named after. Has very unusually bright blue eyes. Smallest of the litter.
(June 23, 2009 - 2:00 pm)
yay! stormspirit(i love your name) when can we go to the moonstone/pool???
(June 23, 2009 - 6:45 pm)
Coat: Cream Coloured She-Cat
Personality: Stubborn, but a kind heart. Found bushclan because a voice was whispering inside her head, was guided here by snowpelt, bushclans former medicine cat.
Prophecys: yet to be told! (well, i don't want to forget it, but remember, this isn't in action for a while) A star from night sky will come... and save the clan..(thats as far as i've gotten)
Parents: Nightsky(mother (and please, don't take that name!)) and sharptooth(father(yes i know that is what was killing the tribe cats!!!).
History: When she was just born, her mom went to go take herself and her kits to a twoleg to be taken care of, for it was the middle of leaf-bare. Her parents were rouges they were from different clans so they ran away toghther. Sharptooth of nightclan and nightsky of iceclan.
(June 23, 2009 - 10:10 pm)
Former medicine cat? What the heck? This is a brand-new clan! Stormspirit is our first medicine cat!
(July 1, 2009 - 7:20 am)
Hello, Hairstar! I don't beleive you have a deputy yet! *smiles* Would you like one?
(trust me, i am very good at being deputy, na di have tohe guidebook!)
(June 24, 2009 - 8:39 am)
Yes! Thank you everyone!
(June 24, 2009 - 10:25 am)
Thanks, Starkit/paw. We'll go to the Moonpool tonight! I need to be officially acepted as medicine cat. Don't worry, Starkit/paw. No one will judge you. Now, go to sleep, you'll need your rest for our journey tonight. Come on. Into bed. *nudges Starkit/paw into bed, acting much like a father to her*
(June 24, 2009 - 6:51 pm)
*yawns* ok, stormspirit...*nodds off*
(June 24, 2009 - 9:01 pm)