Lunar Chronicles Thread!!

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

"Maybe fate is just the opportunities we're given and what we do with them".
Lunar Chronicles Thread!!...

Lunar Chronicles Thread!!!!!!!

I'm getting back into the lunar chronicles!!!! I'm re-reading Winter at the moment. I know a few of you guys have read it, so feelfree to talk about it below. Who's your favorite character? WHo's your favorite ship? (Yeahh, I'm setting unrealistic standards here. All of them are great). Who do you think you're most like? I think I'm Cress.

If you don't know the series, it's really wonderful. It's a futuristic novel based off fairytales, where the characters are trying to overthrow an evil government. The characters are really well developed, and it's really not a trashy sci-fi novel. The plot has so much depth, and it's not so black and white as a lot of fiction novels are. There are so many good role models and amazing quotes (like the one it the title of this thread.) Marrisa Meyer does an amazing job of creating a believable sci-fi worldwith real, relatable characters. Also, we have Iko. It's a bit of a young adult novel, and Common Sense media reccomends 12+ year olds.

submitted by Bibliophile
(May 23, 2017 - 7:23 pm)

YASSSSSS! TLC is one of my favorite series! (tied for 1st with PJO) I agree with everything you said above- "it's really not a trashy sci-fi novel" Every. Character. Is. So. Well. Written. Especially the female characters, they are really great role models and very unique. My favorite ship is probably Scarlet and Wolf (Wolflet? Sounds like a cute puppy) Wolf is so sweet despite being a 6' 4'' genetically engineered former special operative, and Scarlet is just all around awesome. I honestly can't choose a favorite character. 


submitted by Bluebird
(May 24, 2017 - 7:07 pm)

AHHHHHH YASSSSS!!!! I love TLC, even though I found the first book predictable! My favorite character is Scarlet, my favorite book was Cinder, my favorite ship is Cresswell! 

submitted by September
(May 25, 2017 - 5:52 pm)

Yay! I love Cresswell too! I agree that the first one was pretty predictible, though. It was pretty obvious what the cliffhanger was going to be, but overall, I love the books so much, especially Cress and Winter.

submitted by Bibliophile
(May 28, 2017 - 1:05 pm)

Oh, agreed, September. The first book was really predictable. But the rest weren't! I only finished reading it recently (and I haven't read the prequel or Stars Above yet), and I loved it! The romance was . . . tiresome, but there wasn't a lot of it, so I could deal.

My favorite character is probably Wolf. He's brilliant. My favorite ship is Jacin and Winter! They're adorable together. I really liked reading Winter especially for that reason. As for who I'm most like, I haven't the faintest idea. I prefer to just appreciate the characters for who they are, not compare them to me incessantly.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(May 27, 2017 - 4:12 pm)