Okay. Who else

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Frederic S. Durbin
Okay. Who else...

Okay. Who else is crazy about Frederic S. Durbin's writing?

He's written some of the best continued stories for Cricket. Including: (okay, you've probably never heard of most of these. Thank you, older sister, for getting Cricket way before I was born.) 

*The Star Shard

*Ren and the Shadow Imps


*The Girl Who Writes the Future

Those are all awesome. Although I admit, he didn't write any of these:

*Saving Freyfaxi

*Katerina and the Bright Falcon

*A Temple Built by Philosophy


I completely freaked out when the--well, either the March or the April issue had a story by Fred. It was AWESOME! And I sincerely hope he collaborates with the CBers again to do a story, because TGWWtF was awesome and I had the misfortune to miss it.

~Ultimate F. S. D. Fangirl, Leafy 

submitted by Leafpool
(May 8, 2017 - 1:20 pm)

Wait, when did you start getting Cricket Leafpool? Because I got TGWWtF in one of my first issues, infact I think I got all of it.

submitted by Epic Fangirl
(May 8, 2017 - 6:29 pm)

I started getting Cricket...let's see, it was probably in 2014 or 2015. But I didn't really know what the CB was, and I didn't know how to use it...and I didn't really understand about the Crowd Sorcery at the time, either. (Oh well.) And my older sister got it way back in 2004 up until I got it...so we have a lot of old mags. Plus, my brother's friend's mom had a box of the old (old) ones, from nineteen ninety-something. They were smaller and thicker back then!


submitted by Leafpool
(May 9, 2017 - 1:30 pm)

I got my first issue in January 2013, (my favorite Christmas gift EVER), so I just caught the tail of the Ren and the Shadow Imps story... I LOVED the Star Shard! I didn't read it in Cricket, but it's at my library. I did hear about it in Cricket, however... The Girl Who Writes the Future is amazing! 


submitted by Nianad
(May 9, 2017 - 7:41 pm)