I wasn't awfully

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

I wasn't awfully...

I wasn't awfully impressed. They were sort of draggy... I didn't make it past the first book, and that took me forEVer to read. Saphira was rather irksome, Paolini killed the best character (Brom) before the series was even halfway written, and it was all unoriginal. And way too verbose. Can we have another page of description regarding the exact appearance of that elfish tunnel thing?

Does anyone agree, or have a believable argument for enjoying them?

submitted by Mary W., age NJ, 11.38
(June 2, 2009 - 5:06 pm)

Arrogant little thing, too. He- I kid you not- "strive[s] for a lyrical beauty somewhere between Tolkien at his best and Seamus Heaney's translation of Beowulf." You don't SAY stuff like that. If you want to compare yourself to Tolkein you say, "I would be ecstatic if my work was considered anywhere close to the caliber of Lord of the Rings." It's as bad as smeyer saying Bella and Edward's love was greater than Romeo and Juliet- B&E WAS R&J love, minus the warning/tragedy at the end. Heck, R&J wasn't even a romantic story! GAR! *headexplodes* *hugs LotR* 

submitted by TNÖ, age 15, Deep Space
(June 2, 2009 - 5:41 pm)

Did Smeyer actually say that? (Hope not.)

submitted by Mary W., age 11.38, NJ
(June 3, 2009 - 4:24 pm)


submitted by TNÖ, age 15, Deep Space
(June 3, 2009 - 10:37 pm)

Well, I thought it was great! One of my favorite books! I've read every one in the series! If you want a believable argument, I'll give you one. I do not think Brom was a very good character, I thought he was "rather irksome" (meaning I wasn't all that upset when he died - sorry) and I thought Saphira was one of the best characters! The first book only took me about five days - which for me is a long time but if a book is really good, you don't want it to end. At least that's how it is for me. And I really like to read good, accurate descriptions of things, so I really don't mind verbosity. It wasn't draggy to me, because the story was interesting and original. How isn't it original? If you mean that it copied Cornelia Funke's Dragon Rider, the books we re way different (the characters - especially the villains - were much more realistic.)

submitted by Ima
(June 3, 2009 - 6:13 pm)

He ripped off Lord of the Rings. It wasn't interesting, original, of well-thought out. Also, Dragon Rider was an amazing book and nothing like Eragon.

submitted by TNÖ, age 15, Deep Space
(June 3, 2009 - 10:41 pm)

Well, it was written by a --what was it? 12-year-old? or was it 13..... *has headache* Oh whatever........


I think Eragon is a good book. But a lot of my favorite books are like that, so it might be the style of book I like....???? I don't know. But I still think Brom died too soon. At the end of the book would have been better. But the movie.....Is....Um....really off the book. I haven't read the 3rd book, though. Only the first two.


And I looove the naming of Saphira. Saphira said, Eragon. And Eragon said "Is that all you can say?" And Saphira said, Yes.


Nice sense of humor, doncha think?

But I haven't read Eragon for about a year......I'll have to dig it out and reread it again. It's a good book. But I'm not quite sure about the second one, though....

submitted by Martia, age 10, in a book
(June 3, 2009 - 6:31 pm)

He was fifteen, but that's no excuse. I'm fifteen, and at least when I steal ideas I spice them up a little. I also don't compare myself to Tolkein. Except to say, "I ramble as much as Tolkein did", which, in my case, isn't necessarily a good thing, since I infodump! instead of rambling in a story-telling manner. Just in the same quantities.

submitted by TNÖ, age 15, Deep Space
(June 3, 2009 - 10:42 pm)

Paolini wasn't comparing himself to Tolkien, he was saying he wants to be like Tolkien, and besides, he was. It was not a knockoff of LoTR, however, because the plots were extremely different! The writing style was similar, but can't two people have similar writing styles? And I know that it's nothing like Dragon Rider, that was just all I could think of at the moment. I think Eragon was better than Dragon Rider because it actually has believable characters!

submitted by Ima
(June 4, 2009 - 12:54 pm)

I could say, "I want my writing to be as good as JKR's," but that would be extremely presumptuous of me, like assuming that my writing is good enough to be like JKR's. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, but that's not for me to decide, it's for the people who read what I write. Saying the above is tantamount to comparing myself to Rowling, when in truth I don't think my writing's nearly as good as hers.

And verbosity isn't detail. It's . . . verbosity. Too much writing. Dictionary defines it as:

Verbose (adj): Using or having more words than required; wordy.

You can like detail. But isn't liking verbosity sort of like saying, "This guy doesn't have enough sense to think of one perfect word that sums up all this verbiage that's he got cluttering up his novels, and I respect him for that"?

submitted by Mary W., age 11.38, NJ
(June 4, 2009 - 3:48 pm)

If he had said, "I would love it if my writing was of a quality similar to Lord of the Rings," that would be fine. However, he said that he "strive[s] for a lyrical beauty somewhere between Tolkien at his best and Seamus Heaney's translation of Beowolf." Yes. He said that. The implication being, he thinks his work is as good as Tolkien at his best and a particularly eloquent translation of Beowolf. He's not saying, "I dream of being as renowned as Tolkien, like any normal fantasy author would", he's saying, "I AM as good as Tolkien, and all those normal fantasy authors can now frolic in my fields of awesomeness". 

And it's totally LotR ripoff. Or more accurately, Eragon ripped off Star Wars ripped off LotR.

1. Eragon FINDS something SPECIAL.

2. GUESS WHAT? It's a DRAGON! (not a ring, surprisingly enough)

2a. And this means Eragon is the CHOSEN ONE. (just like BILBO and then FRODO)

2b. (The Ring, I might add, CHOOSES the "chosen ones" to achieve its own ends.)

2c. (which is EXACTLY what DRAGONS do!)

3. Eragon must go on a QUEST with a WISER, OLDER, MORE KNOWLEDGEABLE man *coughGandalfcough* named BROM. BROM then DIES for no apparent reason.

4. Eragon finds himself a victim of STRESS and TRIBULATIONS as the EVIL OVERLORD *coughSauroncough*tries to KILL him to get his hands on the RING- Er, the DRAGON. At least EVIL OVERLORD has a COOL NAME- GALBATORIX. Actually, the EVIL OVERLORD was MUCH more interesting than ERAGON.

5. Eragon joins a group of STRONGER, MORE EXPERIENCED, AND DOUBTLESSLY BRAVE individuals... The Fellowship, for all INTENTS AND PURPOSES.

6. Eragon PREVAILS over evil. Eventually, after much RAMBLING. JUST. LIKE. FRODO.


7a. Because, while RIPPING OFF the VERITABLE GOD of FANTASY isn't necessarily bad...

7b. (everyone does it, after all)

7c. PAOLINI had to go and DO IT so very OBVIOUSLY

7d. And then he LAMPSHADED the fact that he ripped TOLKEIN off.

7e. (see above quote) 

submitted by TNÖ, age 15, Deep Space
(June 4, 2009 - 5:51 pm)

Whoa...TNÖ! Caps lock malfunction? In any case, you could say all that about finding things that choose you and going off to save the world, or to come into powers and go seeking your fortune, etc., for pretty much every fantasy book narrated by a male character (and female). 

1. Harry Potter
2. Star Wars
3. LotR
4. Eragon
5. Every fairy tale on earth
6. Cinda William Chima's "Heirs" series, to some extent
7. The "Inkheart" series
8. Diana Wynne Jones, in some books
9. Mercedes Lackey
10. His Dark Materials
11. Patricia C. Wrede
12. Caroline Stevner
13. Geraldine Harris
14. "The Naming" series
15.--Well, you get the idea. It's so much a cliché that it's really not ripped off anybody. It is really conceited of Paolini to say he was as good as Tolkien, but think of it another way: somebody reads that who happens to like Eragon, but hates LotR. Seeing that quote, he/she would say something like "well that sure isn't saying much! Talk about setting low goals!" See what I mean? I know Paolini likes Tolkien, however, so....
@Mary W.: I'm not sure whether it would be worth it for you to read the books or not: you might still dislike it, or your view might completely change, I couldn't say. Maybe, like I did, forget about even the existence of Eragon, and then pick up "Eldest" one day and see what you think. :)
submitted by Aliza, age 13, Vermont
(June 5, 2009 - 5:28 pm)

This is to Tno.

First of all many books have the main character finding something special.

second I cannot answer that, because it makes no sense.

the main character usually IS the chosen one, even Harry Potter is the chosen one.

Well its a good idea isnt it?

what about WANDS choosing the wizard? you dont hear anyone complaining about that! (not that im complaning)

Many characters in books go on quests with older and wiser people, does that make all those books bad?

All the evil characters in books try to get a hold of the important thing, and also tries to kill the main character while at it.

Read sentence four.

Well no one can do an important thing in one day CAN THEY?! You try.

Why does EVERYONE whine about eragon?its a good story!many stories take things from other books.People are using eragon as a thing to whine about, they dont even TRY to understand the beauty Paolini tries to do for his encouriging fans.



submitted by hannah P, age 13, GA
(July 10, 2009 - 1:44 pm)

Same here on all accounts, but I did think that he could've made Murtagh stick around AND made him turn out good.  Maybe hedoes though.  I haven't read the 3rd book.  I tried and I crashed and burned.XP Murtagh was most definetely my fav character. Anyone else?

submitted by Phoėnix
(June 16, 2009 - 4:34 pm)

I come from an interesting background, regarding Eragon. All my siblings (who have read it) practically detest it, so you'd think, when I got around to reading the first book, that I would be a little influenced by those strong opinions. And I was--for the first book, which I still strongly dislike. I watched the movie first, which caused me to read the first book, which I thought dragged terribly. I loved Brom the most of all of them, and was very sad when he died. Of course, now I much prefer Murtagh, who has more character. I, too, think that Eragon, for the first two books, is a little twit, but by the third book, what with the changes, both physical and mental, that he has gone through, he's more of a mature twit, reckless as...um, a comparison escapes me. Saphira's a little shallow, I'll grant you that. I liked Aria. Anyway, to steer away from rambling, I noticed the verbosity, but it didn't really bother me (in the 2nd and 3rd books. It was a little too thickly spread in the first). By the second book, I was hooked. I know there was something about Paolini regarding his work as influenced by Tolkien, but I didn't know he actually compared himself to him. Since I haven't actually read Tolkien's works (which I intend to) I can't say much on the subject, but I think, if Paolini actually said that, then he is simply suffering from a) an inflated head, b) Eragon's twithood isn't just a work of literature, and the author rubbed off on him, or both. Most likely both, what with Paolini being such a *rolls eyes* young, celebrated author.  

Anywhoo, I liked the 2nd and 3rd books a lot. I'd have to agree with Mary and TNÖ on the first one, though. I actually don't remember it very well, because I finished the first, and the second one was long overdue in the library. I forgot about the series, and was rather surprised when, about (at least) half a year later, the second one came in. THAT'S when I got hooked. :):):)
submitted by Aliza, age 13, Vermont
(June 4, 2009 - 3:18 pm)

I couldn't even bring myself to read the two sequels. I barely survived the first and need a nice, long break from Paolini until I read 2 and 3, if I ever do. Are they worth it?

submitted by Mary W., age 11.38, NJ
(June 4, 2009 - 6:13 pm)