Nerd's unite!
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
Nerd's Guide to Practically Everything!
Nerd's unite! ...
Nerd's unite!
I am constructing the ultimate nerd book! A Nerd's Guide to Practically Everything!
I has three sections, Books, Movies/Tv, and Video Games. And I needYou guys to give me some entries! I need any fandom you like, and I need YOU!, that's right YOU! to write an entry in the book. I will post the finished copy (With all the authors) on another thread when we are done. I will link the thread when that happens. Keep calm, nerd on, and Waffle Ho!
submitted by General Waffleson, age -457, The Nexus of All Reality!
(February 6, 2017 - 5:34 pm)
(February 6, 2017 - 5:34 pm)
That's awesome! Are you looking for books/movies/games that many other people would know and be interested in? Or just anything?
(February 6, 2017 - 7:37 pm)
(February 6, 2017 - 7:38 pm)
(February 6, 2017 - 8:43 pm)
DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS!!! THE NERDIEST GAME EVER!!! You have to put an entry about it!
(February 6, 2017 - 10:25 pm)
You definitely need something about Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, or There and Back Again. Both by J.R.R. Tolkien.
-There once were three types of Hobbits. Fallohides, Stoors, and Harfoots.
Fallohides are more elven than other Hobbits, and they are more athletic.
Stoors are more like men than other Hobbits, and they are more comfortable in boats.
Harfoots are more like dwarves than other Hobbits, and they are the ones who came up with the age-old custom of living in holes in the ground. Now, however, all of the Hobbits have become blended. There are no main types.
-The elven name for Rivendell is Imladris.
-Valinor is the elvish name for the land to the west, across the sea.
-The prophecy that all ring-bearers would eventually leave Middle-Earth came true.
The bearers of the Three, the Elves, all passed to Valinor.
The bearers of the Seven, the Dwarf lords, all *tear* died.
The bearers of the Nine, the Black Riders who were once men, (sorry, I can't remember their proper elvish name. Does anyone know it?) all died.
Sauron and Isildur, both bearers of the One Ring, died. Frodo, Bilbo, and Sam, also bearers of the One Ring, passed with the last elves to Valinor.
Would the term geek instead of nerd work, or does that sound too computer-y? I, personally, find nerd kind of insulting, but that's just me. Don't let me control any of you. There might be more to come on this. No, there will definitely be more to come, I just have to leave now. Farewell!
(February 7, 2017 - 3:32 pm)
I love Star Wars and Harry Potter, and the Hunger Games and most books I've read. I have started reading comic books (Yay!) and those are AWESOME!!!! I like the D.C. ones about the Suicide Squad. I also like most of the Marvel ones. I have been reading D&D manuals, but I don't have anyone to play it with. I'm mostly a book nerd, and am actually working my way through a Merrium Webster pocket dictionary and thesaurus. It's actually pretty fun! (I know, I have a problem). I don't play many actual video games, but I can give you the name of one of my favorite TV shows. It's called the Librarians, and it's on TNT. Since I don't get cable, we have to buy the season online instead of watching it live. I like the show Supergirl too (Hurray for Netflix!)
Sorry if that was infinitely long and excruciatingly painful to read. (Yay thesaurus!)
I also probably used way too many exclamation points.
If I think of any major fandoms I missed, I'll tell you.
(February 7, 2017 - 4:14 pm)
Okay, so when people think of board games or card games they either think of Monopoly or dungeons and dragons. BUT THOSE ARE NOT EVER CLOSE TO THE REAL DEAL!
(I would go on a rant on why I *ahem* kindasordadespiseD&D but I won't)
*breaths heavily*
It's hard to put board games into categories and sub categories, but I'll do the best I can. Also, I won't focus on the party games, like 'Time's Up!' or 'Apples to Apples'. I'm focusing on the hardcore games. Also, some of these categories focus on specifc game mechanics.
Deck Building Games: You're pretty much collecting cards and passing them around, and trying to get the most points out of those cards. there are variations, but they usually have the same gist. I'm really bad at these.
Examples: Dominion, Legendary, Sushi Go!
Bluffing/Deduction Games: Self-explanitory. People are trying to figure out who someone is or what's happening, and people are trying to make sure noone knows who they are. These are some of my favorite games!
Examples: Sheriff of Nottingham, Clue, One Night Werewolf(Love it), Coup(Addicting and I love this)
Really Hard Co-operative games: There are quite a few of theses, trust me. You work together and try to defeat the enemy. All the games in this list are the hardest games I've ever played.
Examples: Pandemic, Ghost Stories(LITERALLY THE HARDEST GAME. LOOK IT UP. TRUST ME.), Zombicide(Not as hard as the other ones), Eldritch Horror(Second hardest game)
Adventure Games: Usually, each person gets one or two characters that start off with a set of stuff that improves as the game goes along. You are usually fighting enemies, or each other, and sometimes have elements of fantasy.
Example: Arcadia Quest(This game can really tear your family apart. We stopped playing after a few go's because we started screaming at each other), Eldritch Horror, Zombicide, Smallworld(Sorda)
Meeples Games: You get some little figures called 'meeples' and you place them on a board and get materials to get points to win the game. Sounds simple, isn't really. Can get really boring, at least for me.
Examples: Carcassonne, uhhh there are more but I can't think of them.
Sorry if I'm not good at explaning this. Anyways our family is a board game nerd.
(February 8, 2017 - 12:14 am)
Harry Potter JK Rowling
Percy Jackson Rick Riordan
Fablehaven Brandon Mull
The Five Kingdoms Brandon Mull
Video games
Super Smash brothers
Mario cart
Percy Jackson
Harry Potter
The legend of Korra
I hope you like these suggestions I could not write them all because I am totally a book bug
(February 8, 2017 - 10:14 am)
In the original version of Star Wars: A New Hope, Han shoots first in the Mos Eisley tavern. In the later, edited version, he shoots second. THIS IS NOT TRUE! Han would always shoot first! He's that kind of a sneaky scoundrel creep! YES!
(February 11, 2017 - 1:49 pm)
also, Sorry but if I included board games this book would take even longer than it already is.
Thanks for all the submissions and suggestions.
(February 11, 2017 - 5:49 pm)
Also, there's book like this called The Fangirl's Guide to the Galaxy, although it's mostly about being a girl online as a gamer, blogger, fanfiction writers and members of sites like tumblr. It's a really great book although a bit inappropiate.
(March 16, 2017 - 9:51 am)