I just saw

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

La La Land
I just saw...

I just saw the movie La La Land yesterday... it was so so so good, and I don't even like romance! My friend cried the whole movie (it was her 3rd time seeing it.) The music was absolutely amazing, and it was just so good. If you are worried about it being PG-13, honestly it could pass for PG, there's just a little bit of swearing. It's actually not that bad.

Has anyone else seen it? 

I saw it and LOVED it! 


submitted by The Riddler, age 843.946, Here
(February 5, 2017 - 1:58 pm)

I've been wanting to see that movie for AGES!!! I was thinking of maybe going today actually... I've already been listening to the soundtrack and it looks really good. My brother loves it and has seen it three times already.

submitted by Caroline
(February 5, 2017 - 3:46 pm)
submitted by Top
(February 5, 2017 - 5:29 pm)

Omk i saw that movie and i was crying so hard that last sceen. My brother was giving me looks and i was all like "no! IT WASNT SUPOST TO END LIKE THAT!" So ya. It was really good. 

Oh do u want to know another movie that i cried about? The middle school: worst year of my life movie. U know, the one where the princable is against all creativity and the boy and his 'friend' pranks him into braking all of his rules. Why did i cry when i saw a funny movie like this? All i can say is THE ADVERYISEMENTS LIED. now if u havent seen it go see it before  i spoil it all. 

submitted by Clawson
(February 5, 2017 - 9:47 pm)

I know! The ending was so sad! I've never cried during a movie, but I'll admit I almost did, in the epilogue when they flashed back to the beginning and... well I won't spoil it. I love Mia and Sebastian's theme, and when they go dancing in the planetarium... agh, it's so good!

submitted by The Riddler
(February 5, 2017 - 10:08 pm)

XD can't even spell my own name right.....

submitted by Claaws
(February 5, 2017 - 10:58 pm)



I love the way it opens with a traffic jam. I love how it contrasts dreams and reality, like how at the LA party everything is whirling around in an excited and dreamy haze and then with a splat Mia realizes her car has been towed. I love how nearly every part of it is symbolic, like when Mia and Sebastian fight and the cake he made for her is overdone, just like how he gave up his dream of having a club so he could have a steady job for her but that wasn't what she wanted. I love the big musical numbers and the small intimate ones. I love the scene where Mia makes Sebastian play I Ran, mainly just because I think it's hilarious. And I love Mia and Sebastian!

When it came to the end I was sobbing - like, loudly - because I was not expecting it to end like that, but now I think I understand why it did. La La Land is a throwback to the old Hollywood movies, so there are some very nostalgic things about it (the classic romance, music, fashion, and tap dancing) but it's also set in our modern world. The writers changed what they thought needed to be changed, and one of those things was the perfect Hollywood ending. So when we get the heart-wrenching montage of what might have been, what we thought would be, that's the kind of ending a 50s movie would have had - but it's important for us to realize that that's not always the reality. And that's okay. Dreams are not always what we imagine they will be.



Thanks for the great review, BB. I've seen it.


submitted by Brown Bear
(February 6, 2017 - 7:26 pm)

This is an amazing review! I love this movie so much, and the ending.

We get it! You hate the ending.

PLEASE stop!!!!


You already had Battle of the Books today! You read and "talked" for an hour!!!



Oh look, she's pouting like a stereotypical moody teen! 



Queen Lavender, didn't you have a punctation boycott after I used too many exclamation points?

Yeah, didn't you?

I believe you did.



submitted by Bibliophile
(February 15, 2017 - 7:35 pm)

Yasss it was so good.  my friend was crying so hard XD and my whole team just ran to hug her #cuddleparty InnocentTongue out

submitted by Random, age 13, weirdo
(February 13, 2017 - 6:55 pm)
submitted by Top
(February 13, 2017 - 7:55 pm)

Update: I saw it. 

And yes. It was REALLY GOOD!!! The costumes, the dancing, the music, was just spot-on. But so sad!! Anyone who hasn't seen it, I strongly recommend seeing it.  

submitted by Caroline
(February 14, 2017 - 10:27 pm)

OH MY GOSH ! !   I love La La Land so much. The music, the dresses, the lines, THE ENDING!!!! I don't understand how a screenwriter could be that cruel. (Then again, the deaths in Harry Potter happened, so I guess anything is possible).

I have "City of Stars" eternally stuck in my head.

Are you shining just for me? 

You're not helping. 

submitted by Bibliophile
(February 15, 2017 - 7:23 pm)