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Favourite Villains
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Who is your favourite villain from a book/movie? Im kind of obsessed with Moriarty from Sherlock Holmes. He sometimes kind of makes me want to be an evil genius.....only joking! I hope....

Every fairy-tail needs a good old fashioned villian..... 

submitted by BookBug, Australia
(January 26, 2017 - 5:27 pm)

Mine is Saruman from LotR. He  was a wizard who used to be good, but then he got dragged over to the dark side by Saroun. Saroun is that glowing eyeball, I'm sure most of you have heard of him. Anyway, Saruman was the leader of the white council before he turned evil.

And also Draco Malfoy. Not exactly 100% evil, but he's a good character. And he's...never mind.  

submitted by Arwen
(January 26, 2017 - 7:48 pm)

I agree! Draco Malfoy is pretty cool. I also like Voldemort!

submitted by BookBug
(January 26, 2017 - 8:29 pm)

I like Voldemort from Harry Potter.....And Darth Vader from Star Wars.

submitted by Sparkle Girl
(January 26, 2017 - 8:23 pm)

Both are the classic super-powerful-ruthless-guy-in-a-dark-cloak; personally I like Darth Vader more. But Umbridge, though... as villains go, she's the one I truly hate.

submitted by Shoshannah
(January 26, 2017 - 9:25 pm)

hmm... lets see... i like:

the Phantom of the Opera

Pitch (from RotG)

Artemis Fowl (though he isnt a bad guy exept for the first book)


have to go, will post more later 

submitted by Nebula, age 1 Million, the Milky Way
(January 26, 2017 - 8:44 pm)

Darth Vader, Count Olaf (from A Series of Unfortunate Events), and Gru from Despicable Me!!!!! 

submitted by Caroline
(January 26, 2017 - 9:44 pm)

Definetly Vader and Umbridge. But I don't know about Gru. I mean, I really like him as a character, but he's not exactly a villain. How many villains do you know that adopt cute little girls and have armies of small yellow creatures?

submitted by Arwen
(January 28, 2017 - 8:53 am)

True. I guess I like him because he THINKS he's a villain but really he's not. :D

submitted by Caroline
(February 1, 2017 - 11:57 pm)

I personally like Maleficent and Regina. (Maleficent from Disney's Maleficent; Regina from "Once upon a Time")


submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 14, Camelot
(January 28, 2017 - 3:09 pm)

Haha, Moriarty. A lot of people expect him to come back, but I'm not sure.

I would probably also say Moriarty and Ultron. Ultron from the Avengers is (or was) just kind of funny and sarcastic. 

submitted by Killim
(January 31, 2017 - 10:02 pm)

Greg Louwiski from Kingdom Keepers. He finally got what was coming for him.

submitted by Lindsey H., age 11, Massachusetts
(February 1, 2017 - 7:56 pm)

I got SO MANY!



Hatty Hattington

Alan (from Volume)





Silver Surfer (Does he count?)

Bill Cypher!

Papa Blac (a little known game called De Blob)

Starkiller (Force Awakens)

Count Olaf!

Moriarty (books)


Kylo Ren (Until he took off his helmet)

Prince Humperdink


I think that's it... WHEW!



submitted by General Waffleson, age -457, The Nexus of All Reality!
(February 2, 2017 - 8:00 pm)

Oh gosh, how did I forget Humperdink? Humperdink Humperdink Humperdink.

submitted by Arwen
(February 3, 2017 - 6:54 am)

Yes Yes Yes!

submitted by BookBug
(February 3, 2017 - 8:48 pm)

I have personal favourite villains. Draco Malfoy, Luke Castellan (he technically was a hero though), School Master and Tedros (from School for Good and Evil, Tedros was technically the villain in the second book)... *blabbers on and on about book related stuff*

submitted by Random Person, age 1-100, Somewhere
(February 3, 2017 - 10:47 pm)