Charlie Bone fans
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
Midnight for Charlie Bone
Charlie Bone fans...
Charlie Bone fans PLEASE WRITE! I am desperate, like Gabriel was when he had to get that nightmarish cape off.....
submitted by Riley M., age 12, USA
(May 8, 2009 - 5:40 pm)
(May 8, 2009 - 5:40 pm)
I only read the the first few books. They were pretty awful, in my humble opinion. All the characters were Mary Sues and Gary Stus, the pace was bad, and it wa overall sort of surreally weird and unenjoyable. All the books were the same:
*Charlie is tormented* *But yay, Charlie has friends* *Charlie is a nerd who enjoys school* *Oh no, someone is in trouble!* *Charlie Bone will rescue them! With his friends' help! And some psycho cats!* *Wait, someone doesn't like Charlie! They are trying to hurt him and his friends!* *But Charlie can do it! And his friends and the cats will help!* *Yippee, good over evil! Bash those grandmothers!* *We win!*
Each sentence to be punctured by a strange meeting in a diner that needs to be reported to the Department of Health for animL infestation.
Sorry, that came out more cynically than I'd intended, but they really weren't very interesting- to me, at least...
(May 9, 2009 - 10:42 am)
The sole redeeming factor, IMO, was when Charlie's uncle was run over by Charlie's aunts (it was this series, right?). I lol'd.
(May 12, 2009 - 5:33 pm)
(May 9, 2009 - 10:43 am)
Well everyone IS entitled to their own opinion. Either you are obsessed or not. And what is a Mary Sue? I am not a huge internet user and so I'm new here. *BIG GIGANTIC BLUSH*
So basically all the Charlie Bone stuff is from me *more blushing* because I thought none of it had gone through. Oops. Heh...heh. But there seem to be no more fans.... any other books you like, Mary W.?
(May 10, 2009 - 10:42 am)
A Mary Sue is a perfect, flawless or near-flawless character who EVERYONE likes, even the villains (sometimes). Anyone who doesn't like her is immediately labeled as heartless, soulless, and downright evil.
A Gary Stu is the male counterpart of a Sue, with the added component of Angel-esque brooding (though Angel had reason to brood, I should think).
An Anti Sue is someone who gets NOTHING right and is usually very unpleasant but again is universally liked.
(May 12, 2009 - 5:35 pm)
Mary Sue= Perfect character who never messes up on any account. Example: blond blue-eyed girl who practices her piano every day, is graduating with honors, has a billion gazillion friends, is kind and loving and fair, blahblahblah and on and on and on. YUK.
Any other books I like? *lists dozens and dozens for hours on end*
Sorry. HP, Bruce Wilkinson, Lemony Snicket, Nathanial Hawthorne, EAP, Sherock Holmes, rambles for days listing miscellaneous titles, authors, series, and abbreviations...
Yes, Riley, manymanyMANY.
(May 12, 2009 - 6:54 pm)
Whoa, wait, the aunts ran Paton over? Did he die? *tenterhooks* I missed this- but it sounds awesome!
Sorry, that came out not the way I intended it. I need to leave before Lena accuses me of being a physco murder-fan too. ;)
P.S. What's IMO? *baffled by text talk*
(May 14, 2009 - 4:52 pm)
I think so. He's reading a book while walking to keep from doing that thing he does with the lights- and he steps out into the street and they run him over. At least, I think it was the Charlie Bone series. It might be something else. And no I don't think he dies... And it's early on, I only read the first book.
IMO= In My Opinion, IMHO= In My Humble Opinion. I only know because I watch Life. *shrug*
(May 14, 2009 - 11:10 pm)
Oh, yeah... *is disappointed* Now I recall... he didn't die, Charlie got the wizard guy to save him. Acch.
I read the first three, I think. They were all the same: there was someone in troubble- like, they were in danger of being squeezed my a giant blue anaconda- and Charlie, amidst his complicated familial and socal dramas, with some help from Paton the uncle, and Paton's girlfriend and the girlfriend's niece, and the kind and helpful friends who attend that creepy academy, Charlie saves the day. Typical Gary Stu behaviour (*cringes at extra "u" but cannot help self after reading so many British stories*). This is all unfolding while Charlie is on a wild goose chase for his missing daddy.
(May 15, 2009 - 3:48 pm)
I read a little bit of the first one, and it's not bad. I have a loose tooth.
(May 15, 2009 - 6:00 pm)
I love the Charlie Bone series! (Not as much as Twilight, though.)
(May 15, 2009 - 8:13 pm)
I disagree on both accounts.
(May 16, 2009 - 10:12 am)