Many kits are

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Many kits are...

Many kits are born half thisclan half thatclan or as loners or rogues.  This clan is for parents who want them to grow away from cats that look at them like it makes them bad.  Please send your kits to this clan it is a safe place.  All teasing that is not ment to be friendly will resolt in banishment on the second time it is done!

submitted by Longshadow, age 20 moons
(May 5, 2009 - 10:19 pm)

Longshadow... my kits are half Riverclan and half Thunderclan... Can I just give the kits to you when they're born????? Please!!!

submitted by Winterheart
(June 4, 2009 - 1:44 pm)

Here: Take my kits. They will speak soon. Keep their identity secret. They are the  kits of a leader...

submitted by CatThatWishesToBeUn , -named
(June 4, 2009 - 5:24 pm)

Hey Swiftstream! Pebblestar finally paid attention to you! Come back! I'll miss you, and your mate will too!

submitted by Swiftriver
(June 4, 2009 - 7:31 pm)

Of course you can give your kits to Apprenticeclan! I might let you know that they could come back to Riverclan after they become warriors. In case you don't know, we just raise and train cats until they are warriors and then they choose a clan to go to. Also, did you know that Firespirit (from Riverclan) came from here??

p.s. You know, I'm sure your kits would be fine at Riverclan (I'm Silverbrook there)..... If not, please leace them here. 

p.p.s. Also, who is their father?? (If you didn't pick a specific one, you don't have to say...)

submitted by Longshadow
(June 4, 2009 - 7:36 pm)

Ma! Don't go!

K1: I am Applekit! (f)

K2: My name is Peachkit.. (m)

K3: I am the leader of the kits, and am called Plumkit. (f)

(I will play them.)

submitted by KitsOfUnnamedCat
(June 4, 2009 - 5:27 pm)

I am called Rosestar. I am all that is left from my clan, besides my kits. My mate died with the others. Please, I will help you. I was the Medicine Cat, too. I will help you. My kits, I almost left them here alone, but I will stay here.

submitted by Rosestar
(June 4, 2009 - 5:30 pm)

thank you, longshadow, and if i said thunderclan, i meant nightclan... *bursts into tears* and e-every cat h-hates n-n-n-nightclan... i didn't pick a specific father cat... but hes from nightclan...

submitted by winterheart
(June 4, 2009 - 11:26 pm)

oh winterheart! that is so sad! who wus your mate? i am so sad for you!Cry

submitted by moonstar
(June 5, 2009 - 9:44 am)

*turns feirce* why are you so sad for me??????? he was a good cat, and i didn't choose a mate!!! and anyway, didn't longshadow tell you to get out?!?!?! 'cause if he did, then take this!!!

*Hisses* GET OUT NNOOWW!!!!!!  

submitted by winterheart
(June 5, 2009 - 1:29 pm)

*they all try to calm down Winterheart, saying soothing words* No, it's ok, I'm sure he was the best cat ever! I'm sure he would have made an amazing father. If you hurry, you can find him , and bring him here to be safe, if that's alright with Longshadow. It's alright.

Anyway, I will just call myself Rosepetal, for I have no clan to lead...

*continues to sooth Winterheart*

*whispers* Moonstar, this may not be the best time to be here. Can you come back later, or something?

submitted by Rosepetal&kits
(June 6, 2009 - 9:48 am)

*calms down* Sorry, I am just defensive. Thanks, Rosepetal, I love your name!

submitted by Winterheart
(June 6, 2009 - 11:48 am)

Shhh, shhh. It's okay, Winterheart. I'm positive that your mate was an amazing cat! He must have really loved you. If you want, he could live here. That would be great, in fact! (You can just make a character that is your mate.) Also, we'd be happy to have you and your kits here, Rosestar. You could act as leader if you like because we really have no leader, just me..... If you don't want to, you can be medicine cat. That would be great! Also, what are your kit's names? Applekit, Plumekit, Peachkit, we would be happy to take care of you. Moonstar, we would like your help, but just not in this matter with Winterheart. 

submitted by Longshadow
(June 6, 2009 - 5:43 pm)

All right, I'll be leader, but you must be my deputy. You did create this clan, you know. Yes, those are their names, and when they are older, one of them could be he medicine cat, if you please. But for right now, they'll have to be apprentices.

submitted by Rosestar
(June 6, 2009 - 10:38 pm)

Ok, so these kits are now apprentices: Firepaw, Shadowpaw, Goldpaw, Fernpaw, Sunpaw, Hawkpaw, Duskpaw, Peachpaw, Applepaw, and Plumpaw. They will be in a big apprentice teaching group. Dapplesong, you, Firesong, and Winterheart, you start teaching while the rest of the clan starts hunting. Longshadow, you stay here while I help teach the apprentices.

submitted by Rosestar
(June 6, 2009 - 10:48 pm)

ok, thanks, rosestar and longshadow. my mate is shadowmist. my kits were just born, and their names are

twilightkit (shadowy gray she-cat, looks like father)


dawnkit (looks like me(see riverclan) she-cat)

i will still live in riverclan, though my mate will stay. 

submitted by winterheart
(June 6, 2009 - 11:32 pm)