Many kits are

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Many kits are...

Many kits are born half thisclan half thatclan or as loners or rogues.  This clan is for parents who want them to grow away from cats that look at them like it makes them bad.  Please send your kits to this clan it is a safe place.  All teasing that is not ment to be friendly will resolt in banishment on the second time it is done!

submitted by Longshadow, age 20 moons
(May 5, 2009 - 10:19 pm)

Mosspaw: Oops, sorry. I got my name wrong.

Stonepaw: Can I please be a warrior now?

submitted by Mosspaw and Stonepaw
(July 31, 2009 - 4:09 pm)

CAN I PLEASE BECOME A WARRIOR? If not, it's okay, but I'd appreciate it if you could just say yes or no.

submitted by Stonepaw
(August 17, 2009 - 11:54 am)

Longshadow: My kits are over-ready their apprentice cerimony. Actually, all
the kits in the clan are, I believe!! Lets see... That would be....
Hailkit, Longkit, Pinkkit, Branchkit, Frostkit, Sunkit, Brookkit,
Streamkit, and Bluekit. They've been waiting for a while I think. Lets
see... Hailkit, Longkit, and Pinkkit belong to you, Rosestar, Brookkit,
Streamkit, and Bluekit blong to me, Branchkit was a lone
kit and Frostkit and Sunkit are Nightwhisper's. Also, the apprentices have been waiting a while, to. Those would be Stonepaw, Applepaw, Plumepaw, and Peachpaw. Starpaw left and Mosspaw and Goldpaw are medicine cat apprentices, so we don't control when they become apprentices.... Wait. Did Applepaw Plumepaw, and Peachpaw become warriors already? I don't think so... Hmmm. Rosestar, do you think you could do the cerimonies? Also, Sorry for anyone missed! That was just the latest count I had, but I haven't updated it for a while....

Ferntricle: Firesong, tonight is Moonpool night. I think Mosspaw and Goldpaw are ready to get their Medicine Cat names. What do you think?

submitted by Longshadow&, Ferntrickle
(August 18, 2009 - 12:28 pm)

Wow. That's a huge honour! However... 4 medicine cats? Don't you think that's a lot? SkyClan has no medicine cat, but does have an apprentice ready to be trained. Maybe I should go... but I'm still loyal to ApprenticeClan! What should I do? *sigh* I suppose I do miss my sister a lot... and SkyClan's apprentice needs training... O StarClan, what should I do? This is a hard descision.

I shouldn't get too excited, though, I suppose, because it's not even fully decided whether I will get my full medicine cat name. If I do, though, I'd like it to be Mossfire.

I suppose that if I get my full name, StarClan will show me the right path. I mustn't worry about it too much.

submitted by Mosspaw
(August 18, 2009 - 9:26 pm)

Yes, the medicine cat apprentices are ready. lets go! *exits camp with goldpaw, ferntrickle and mosspaw following* *they get to moonpool* Before we share tounges with starclan, i have an announcement to make. (will be continued on the medicine cat thread.)

submitted by Firesong
(August 18, 2009 - 11:53 pm)

I believe I have an announcment, also.

submitted by Ferntrickle
(August 19, 2009 - 11:39 am)

Ummm, Rosestar? Are you there? Will you do the ceremonies? Since everyone has been waiting for so long. If you don't post tomorrow, I'll do the ceremonies, then. Sorry, it's just that they've been waiting for so long.... :S

submitted by Longshadow
(August 19, 2009 - 1:26 pm)

Longshadow and Rosestar, may my brother and sister and I go join Skyclan? 

submitted by Goldsky
(August 19, 2009 - 6:42 pm)

Well, Rosestar hasn't been responding, so I'll say yes. After all, that was the origonal purpose of this clan, to raise cats to warriors (or medicine cats) and then send them off, but that has varried a bit as we've gone along. (I like that way it's turned out!) So yes you may, Goldsky! We wish  you and your siblings a safe journey and happy home. Farewell!

submitted by Longshadow
(August 19, 2009 - 8:54 pm)

I don't think Rosestar is here. I think Longshadow should be in charge until she gets back. If so, can we apprentices please get our warrior names? (You can choose mine, it doesn't really matter to me).

submitted by Stonepaw
(August 21, 2009 - 10:55 am)

Since we have so many medicine cats here, and Skyclan has no medicine cat to train their apprentice, I volunteered to train Mintpaw. Rosestar, is that all right? Afterwords, I think I shall become an elder....

submitted by Ferntrickle
(August 19, 2009 - 7:04 pm)

(Sorry! Only have time for a quick ceremony! Sorry for being gone! I'm super busy!)

*does ceremony for Applepaw, Peachpaw, Plumepaw, and Stonepaw* *They are warriors* *They go sit their vigil thingy* (You can pick your names) *clan cheers their warrior names enthusiastically* 

*does apprentice ceremony* *kits become apprentices* *clan cheers names*

Rowanheart mentors Bluepaw

Dapplesong mentors Streampaw

Amberleaf mentors Brookpaw

Nighwhisper mentors Hailpaw

Lionheart mentors Pinkpaw

Honeysong mentors Longpaw

Eaglesong mentors Branchpaw

Longshadow mentors Frostpaw

Tigersong mentors Sunpaw  


submitted by Longshadow
(August 23, 2009 - 10:50 am)

(Sorry, I was at school, couldn't get on...)


That's totally fine with me, Ferntrickle, and thank you for doing the ceremony, Longshadow. XD

submitted by Rosestar
(August 24, 2009 - 6:56 pm)

Thanks for making me a warrior! I think I'll be Stonepelt.

submitted by Stonepelt
(August 24, 2009 - 10:12 pm)

Oops! I changed my mind, I'll be Stonegaze.

submitted by Stonegaze
(August 26, 2009 - 7:20 pm)