I am in
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
The Moon and Starclan
I am in...
I am in need of warriors and a medicine cat. All cats tell cat.
submitted by Moonstar, age 12 moons, camp
(May 3, 2009 - 4:06 pm)
(May 3, 2009 - 4:06 pm)
Aww, I wanted to be her apprentice! Martimartica! Pick me! It's Holly!
(May 16, 2009 - 4:17 pm)
Whose is Deerpaw? Mine? Can you be a warrior? We have 4 kita who are 6 moons old.
(May 16, 2009 - 6:11 pm)
I am not going to live!!!!! My kits will be happy living with you cats. KitS, I love you. Bye.
(May 16, 2009 - 6:13 pm)
Here, I'll take care of them. Good bye, Lovefoot. We will miss you. *licks Lovefoot's fur* Come kits. Stay with me. It's alright. I'll take you to the nursey. *takes to nursery* Hey, will someone give some milk for these kits? I would, but I don't have any. Thank oyu! You four stay here. Here, sit in this nest and keep each other warm.
(May 17, 2009 - 8:36 am)
Huneypaw, you can be my apprentice! And Deerpaw, you can be a medicine cat apprentice! And kits, I will have you as my kits. Lovefoot is my sis...... *snitf* ooooooo *snif*
(May 17, 2009 - 1:24 pm)
yay!!! thanks, moonstar!
(May 18, 2009 - 12:00 am)
i need to have the kits be apprntisis!!! cricketkit will be a................. cricketkit: a warrior!!! moonstar: yes! snowkit:can i be warrior??? moonstar: yes..... but we have no warriors!!!!! oooo no!!!!
(May 18, 2009 - 10:24 am)
OK, Deerpaw, you'll be a medicine-cat apprentice!! So, Deerpaw, how much (Me and Jenni are laughing histarically right now, for a matter that is kinda gross, Hey, I typed groos at first, and we are laughing like iothuiaweruvoiauo!!!!!) So-ooo, Dee (a hahahahahahahahaha!!!!) I mean, Soooooahahahahahaha!!!!! So, Deerpaw, how much do you know about herbs!? (HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) ( Jenni brought up the funny thing again....HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!!) (HEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHDEHEEHEEHEEHEEEHEEHEHETEEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) (*takes deep breath* OK. sorry. so sorry. but it was hilarious!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oops. sorry again.)(*walkes off, still chuckling*)
(May 18, 2009 - 1:12 pm)
Now I'm over laughing. Good.
Deerpaw, how much DO you know about herbs?
Do you know what to do if you find someone that has a thorn stuck in his/her pad?
(May 19, 2009 - 3:56 pm)
i have the guide book
(May 20, 2009 - 12:28 am)
Greetings. A band of warriors and I come to join your clan. Our clan was killed by a fire, but we survived. Please let us join; we have 1 mother who needs shelter. PLEASE!!!
(May 20, 2009 - 10:53 pm)
Our names are Golddapple (gold she cat), Shadowsong (mother with black pelt), Rivershadow (looks like bluestar) and the kits...
Birdkit (girl) and Reedkit (boy) (Rivershadow like)
Seedkit (think Shadowsong, girl)
(May 20, 2009 - 10:56 pm)
I'm sure it'll be fine...
(May 21, 2009 - 8:39 am)
Um, Honeypaw? You're not the leader.
Anyway, (@ Deerpaw) Yay!! I have guide book too!!!!! So I guess you "know" all the herbs, right?! Just like I "know" the herbs out of the guide book too!!!
(May 21, 2009 - 12:05 pm)
yes, you can! how old are the kits? and can you battle? we mite hafe to........... oh time for hunting prol! 3 cat can go on ptrole! oh and med cat can you take this torn out?(holds owt paw)
(May 21, 2009 - 9:35 am)