Hail!  I am

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Warriors Role-playing Nightclan
Hail!  I am...

Hail!  I am Hawkstar (NOT the real Hawkfrost turned leader in some warped dimension. I did the consult with Starclan to find your warrior name stuff, and my name was Hawkpelt.  However, I am a leader, so I am Hawkstar.), leader of Nightclan.  Join my clan, and you can have a high position of power.  JOIN ME!

submitted by Hawkstar, age 25 moons, Near the Tribe,
(April 14, 2009 - 3:07 pm)

"Wow I wonder what that could mean? Hmm, what should we do?"

submitted by Gingermist
(October 10, 2010 - 6:38 pm)

I think that I know what it means.  *sad sigh*

submitted by Applelight
(October 11, 2010 - 7:29 am)


I wanted to roll my eyes at them. Wasn't it OBVIOUS!? Oh well. "Shadowstripe, do you wanna go hunting?"  I asked my dad. "Sure Duskpaw." We walked into the forest. I was trying to figure out how to do this. He turned around and I leaped. "What the?" Those were the last words he said before I clawed his neck and raked my claws down his belly. I made sure to wash away my scent and his blood in the river. I then grabbed his limp body and pulled it back to camp. I made sure to grab a mouse on the way back, so it looked like I really had done some hunting.


I stared in horror as Duskpaw dragged a limp Shadowstripe. "What happened?!" I would NOT let myself cry in front of the whole clan. "I don't know." Duskpaw admited. She looked completely confused. "We went hunting separately, and eventually I wanted to show him the mouse that I caught, but when I called his name, he did not answer. I went over to investigate, and found him lieing by the river." She started to sob--Jaypaw, and Littlepaw, too. My eyes watered, but I refused to cry.


I was sobbing along with my sisters, but I didn't actually feel any pain. Or guilt at what I did. I hoped that I had sold them on my story, so I decided to add a bit more. "Cloudstar." She looked up at me. Her eyes were red, and the fur around her eyes damp. Even though she had tried not to cry, she had. "Yes?" she asked. "I--I think the Dusk from the prophecy has started to strike." She nodded, then continued to press her muzzle into her mate's fur. I knew, more than anybody else, that what I had said was true. The Dusk from the prophecy had started to strike.

((OMG, she's so EVIL! Sorry if that was a bit harsh, Admin.))

submitted by Duskpaw & co
(October 11, 2010 - 5:12 pm)

(Oh my gosh!  An evil apprentice! *rubs paws together*)

Oh, Duskpaw!  I KNOW that you're SO upset, but CAN you PLEASE come to do some training to get your mind off of it, if you don't mind?

submitted by Applelight
(October 17, 2010 - 8:23 am)


"It is the duty of the elders to bury the dead, but can I have some help fom my daughter?" I ask.

Mosspelt sniffs and nods. She looks more confused than any of them, for some reason or another. Cloudstar looked faint, like she was trying too hard not to cry. She noded her approval and walked back into her den. Strangley, Duskpaw was crying, but no tears streamed from her eyes. I gently shooed them into their den, and then glanced at Gingermist.

"Hunting needs to be done," I said.

"Applelight," she said,"Collect Jaykit and we will do a border and hunting patrol, To see if any cats have come from the mountain path to Nightclan."

Slowly, they left the camp and I turned to my daughter.



"You don't really need help, do you Mother?" I asked her.

"No," she replied, "I need to determine if this was an accident, or if it was murder."

I came forward to examine his body, His muscles were not tense so he could not have been openly attacked, and there were no claw marks on his belly so he could not have been plaing dead with another cat on top of him. But the

submitted by Mosspelt&Thornberry
(October 16, 2010 - 9:18 am)

okay, I'll do the patrol. *sniff*  Poor cat, they died from a sneak attack...

submitted by Applelight
(October 17, 2010 - 8:25 am)


I thought long and hard about what Duskpaw had said. Cloudstar, I think the Dusk in the prophocey has started to attack. The longer I thought about it the more comfuseing it got. The Dusk from the prophocey, Dusk, Dusk. Why wasn't this working out?! Finaly I realized what she had ment, and it wasn't good. Her name was Duskpaw. She had been with Shadowstripe when he died. And she was the one who had said that the Dusk was attacking. She was the Dusk! But that ment.... Duskpaw was truly evil. She was the one the feather of Little, and the light of Jay had to destroy. I was filled with despair. Why? I had to talk to Mosspelt.
I ran into the clearing. "Mosspelt!" I hissed. She and Thornberry were examining Shadowstripe's body. *Yes Cloudstar?* She asked. "I- I think Duskpaw is the Dusk that threatins the forest." Mosspelt looked at me her eyes wide.


I walked into the forest with my mentore, Gingermist. She looked uncomfterble. "What is it?" I asked. *I was just thinking about how your dad died.* I looked down at the grownd in dipair. This was really makeing me angry. Whoever had killed him was going to pay. I didn't care who it was! I growled. *Sory. I shouldn't have said anything.* Gingermist apoloised. "No it's fine. I just know that I'm going to be the one to kill who ever did that to him." She looked at me, a little scared. But we just continued to hunt.

submitted by Cloudstar &Jaypaw
(October 17, 2010 - 12:50 pm)

*sniff* Poor Shadowstripe.  However, Starclan probably means that.  Or, in other words, I may have an evil apprentivce.  *glances behind her*

submitted by Applelight
(October 20, 2010 - 2:44 pm)


I took a few steps back. How could they have found out that esily?! I did the only thing I could think of. I lept at Cloudstar. I scrached her back, but she was a bit faster than Shadowstripe. Eventuly covered in blood, I ran. I stood at the entrance and turned. Sadness and anger was in every cats eyes. But the only thing in my eyes was a wild evil. It was obviously a bit un-nerveing. *I declare you exiled from Nightclan!* Cloudstar shouted. Anger made my fur stand up. "Fine, I don't want to live here anyway!" And with that, I bounded away.


I stared in despair at the place where my sister had just vanished. Sadness was the only emotion I could feel. After a while sadness turned into anger. I never wanted to see her again. I knew she could have made my life misrable, but I wasn't going to let that happen.


I was happily walking through the forest hunting. I was trying not to think about my dad. Suddenly out of nowhere Duskpaw came bouding throug the trees. "Duskpaw!" I called. "Wanna join our hunt?" She turned glareing at me. She snarled, growled, and then ran strait for the boarder. "What was that about?" I asked Gingermist. She shrugged. "Dunno. Maby its just about your dad dieing." I nodded in agreement. "Either way we'd beter get back to camp." Gingermist said. I nodded and fallowed her through the trees. 
When we got back the whole camp seamed to be greiveing angrily. Everyone looked moody. Gingermist and I exchanged a glance. I ran up to Cloudstar. "What happened? Why is evryone so sad?" I asked. She glanced at me gravely. "Duskpaw is the Dusk from the prophocey, she killed Shadowstripe. I exiled her." I stared at her. It was so much to take in at once. Anger raced through me. "But then, she, it was, the prophocey is already comeing true." Cloudstar nodded. "We beter work quickly. She could come back quickly, and at any time she wants." I nodded.

submitted by Duskpaw&co
(October 21, 2010 - 6:29 am)