I'm writing a
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
The Elementi Chronicles Book I: The Stone of Serenity
I'm writing a...
I'm writing a book. Read what I have so far to understand it.
Chapter I
The moonlight shone on the Lake's deep, fuchsia waters. Conifer trees fringed it, thickening into foreboding woods. The Lake was the center of the Faimón Forest, and it contained a great amount of magic. Its surface was smooth, undisturbed. All seemed well, yet it was not. A wild cry broke the peaceful silence. A shape tumbled down a path through the trees. Another shape hared after the first, who had a jagged gash down its side. "Tell me where it is and we can save a lot of trouble," the second animal growled. "Never! Never in my life!" the first cried, practically wailing. "Then I guess the information will die with you!" The second figure struck the first, shoving it into the Lake. After a while, its head bobbed up, gasping for air. "We. . . . won't. . . tell you! You'll never. . . find. . . . it. . . " The second animal chuckled quietly to itself. "And who's going to stop me?" It padded silently away into the trees.
Sheena opened her eyes. Squinting through the thick water, she searched for the surface. She couldn't tell which way was which in the murky fuchsia water of the Lake, heavy with magic. It was the one body of water that Aquinas leopards couldn't swim skillfully in. There! A pinpoint of moonlight shone through the water. Sheena kicked strongly towards it, propelling herself through the Lake to that shaft of light. She could feel her breath slipping away. Just as she thought she would black out, her muzzle broke the surface. Sheena gasped for air, the gash Narwhal had given her stinging. She paddled for the shore, tail boosting her forward. The leopard reached the sandy beach and heaved herself up onto it. She shook her royal blue pelt out, shuddering.
Sheena knew that the Knowledge Protector would be proud. She would not reveal the Stone's location to anyone, especially not Narwhal, even if it cost her her life. The Aquai Leopards were the guardians of the Stone of Serenity and were part of the Elementi Leopards, along with the Ignis, Ventus, Aether, and Terra Leopards. Each kept a Stone of Harmony, like the Honesty Stone and the Joy Stone.
Each cult of Leopards selected one of their kind to keep all of said cult's lore, the Knowledge Protector. The tales and secrets of each cult were passed down through generations of Protectors. Sheena was training as the Apprentice Protector for her cult.
In addition to the Leopards in the five cults, there were Leopards that abandoned their birth cult and lived as enemies of the Elementi known as Rogues. Rogues banded together, and Narwhal lead his group, which he called the Rens. Narwhal and his group wanted to get everyone in Leovie who opposed the Stones of Harmony to join him, their goal being to capture the Stones, or destroy them, once and for all. Sheena didn't know what would happen if all balance in Leovie was destroyed, and she didn't really want to find out.
Lying on the shore now, gasping for breath, Sheena recounted the day she'd been selected for Apprenticeship by the Knowledge Protector, Ciel. . . .
I'll add more later, I promise! Enjoy the story! Oh, and, biae!
submitted by Scylla
(February 5, 2016 - 10:02 pm)
(February 5, 2016 - 10:02 pm)
Hey Scylla! :D
I'm here today because the possibility of getting on CB tomorrow (Saturday) is very slim. So if you add more to the story tomorrow, I probably won't be able to read it :( :( :( :( :(
(April 29, 2016 - 7:29 pm)
Hey! :D
It turns out i can get on today, after all- if only for a little while.
I was quite disappointed not to see a continuation of the story here, which just proves how I've come to anticipate it every time I'm on CB (no pressure, Scylla ;D)
While we're all waiting for the next installment, we should get as many people reading this story as possible, and get it up to the top of the page again! :)
(April 30, 2016 - 4:25 pm)
Sorry for inactivity. I'll post soon.
(May 1, 2016 - 2:23 pm)
Did you get the idea from Warriors?
(May 1, 2016 - 3:21 pm)
No. When I began, I could see it leaning in the direction of Warriors - after all, leopards are solitary creatures which makes this book naturally impossible, but once I realized that I did all in my power to avert the story in any way possible from Warriors. So no, I didn't.
(May 1, 2016 - 6:05 pm)
Yet another Saturday has come-- but the next installment has not. :( :( :( *sniffs*
I have a little too much of a first-hand experience with taking a while to write, myself. :/ ;)
I'll look in again next Saturday! :) :) :)
(May 7, 2016 - 8:48 am)
I know, I'm such a disappointment. But this week has been really busy for me, especially today. Writing is exhausting and I have next to no idea what's going to happen next so please give me some time. But I won't be unreasonable and you'll be sure to find something here next week.
(May 7, 2016 - 9:28 pm)
[insert divider here]
After Sheena and Ciel told the Rooks what little about the Gathering there was to tell, they left the cavern. Sheena padded after them, stopping Xiang on his way out. "What is it, Sheena?" he asked. "Xiang," Sheena said. "I want you to tell me more about half-cult leopards....."
Chapter 4
"Couldn't Ciel tell you? I'm sure he'd know more on the matter," Xiang said as they walked to the Pool of Sansir. "I don't know," Sheena answered. "I guess I just thought I'd be moer comfortable talking with someone..... closer to my age?"
Xiang just nodded.
"I mean, I love him, but sometimes he can be a little intense," Sheena continued hurriedly. Xiang chuckled. "It's alright, Sheena. Keep your fur on."
The two sat at the edge of the Pool of Sansir. It was a small body of water, its crystal-clear depths smooth and silent. Willow trees gracefully draped their branches over it, but nothing disturbed the peace of the pool. Small silver fish flicked about in the water, flashing their scales and chasing each other. Sheena loved the Pool of Sansir and often went there to solve problems. Perhaps this was because Sansir was the Ancient Aqua word for wisdom.
"Well," Xiang began, drawing a deep breath. "Like I said earlier, half-cult cubs are extremely dangerous and usually killed at birth. But sometimes, a half-cult leopard can live safely among its cult members without them noticing. That's because there are two 'types' of half-cults - Clashes and Hiddens. Clashes are way more common. They look like two elements just...... Clashed, I guess. No better word for it. They're nearly uncontrollable.
"Hiddens are very rare. I think the last known Hidden leopard lived two hundred years ago, but they 'camoflage' so well that we probably wouldn't notice if one was right under our noses."
"It was actually one hundred eighty-two years," Sheena commented.
"You'd know," Xiang said with a sigh. Sheena made a little hrrumph noise but didn't respond. "Now, as I was saying," Xiang continued, "Hiddens blend in with their cult members. They have the characteristics of one of their parents' cults, usually the mother. The cubs have the slightest resemblance to the other parent, for example, if a Terra leopard had a Hidden with an Ignis leopard and their cub looked Terra, it might have fiery eyes. Hiddens' title has a dual meaning. In addition to being virtually unnoticeable, they have a secret power. It's secret, so most leopards don't realize it's there until it kills them all.
"That's about it," Xiang finished.
"Thanks for the help, Xiang," Sheena mewed. "But I have one more question. "Do you think I look like I could be a hidden?"
Xiang looked surprised. "Do you think so?"
"Well.... It's just that at the Gathering, I thought I saw something familiar in Aether's eyes. Almost like his gaze softened when it rested on me. I don't know why he'd do that; he seems cruel. But it stirred something in me, like I'd found something I'd lost."
"Sheena, you couldn't mean-"
"Xiang, am I half Aether Leopard?"
There you go, Esthelle. Enjoy it while you can. More will come soon (And that's maybe-a-few-hours-soon, not maybe-a-few-wait-I-need-more-weeks-soon)! And Admins, sorry for the excessive writing. I hope you enjoy it as well.
(May 13, 2016 - 6:46 pm)
I love it! That is AMAZING! I can't wait to see what's next. So, I'm guessing Sheena is half Aether like my idea?
(May 14, 2016 - 9:05 am)
[Mysteriously] Maybe, maybe not.......
(May 14, 2016 - 10:08 am)
Here's a drawing of the Cult Alphas. One day I noticed a similarity between the Elementi and the Olympics symbol so I drew the leopards inside the circles. I worked really hard on the drawing so please appreciate it.
It's beautiful Scylla!
(May 14, 2016 - 11:15 am)
(May 14, 2016 - 4:07 pm)
Dang. Scylla, those are amazing. And don't you DARE let anyone say otherwise.
(May 14, 2016 - 7:23 pm)
OMGoodness!!! These are AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow. Just wow. I had to scroll back up to take another look. And I LOVELOVELOVE the new installment!!! Hey, if you want, you can also check out my book! It may not be nearly as good as this, but it's something!
(May 15, 2016 - 9:12 am)
I'll be sure to check it out.
(May 15, 2016 - 10:02 am)