Warriors of StormClan...
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StormClan camp
Warriors of StormClan......
Warriors of StormClan... get back here and stop deserting meeeee! *throws fit* Lookie, I made us our own thread so we don't have to get so confused. Come back! Please? *big sad eyes*
submitted by Laughingstar, age 16 moons, StormClan camp
(March 26, 2009 - 10:41 pm)
(March 26, 2009 - 10:41 pm)
Ok, I think this is what she said...
"Firefoot: Kits you are ready to be aprentices. But i think you should go to your father to live but you can stay if.........if..... Okay i think it is time, Laughingstar can you call a clan meeting?
*Laughingstar calls a meeting*
firefoot: I am not your real father. Your father is a cat from a different clan and your mother was too, but then rivepelit was exciled and came to me. I am so very sorry I should have told you when we came. (am i exciled?) Please do not excile me! Are there punishments?
*rivepelit:tris to run a way but firefoot stops her* "
Thats what you said, right? You did a pretty good job! *smiles*
(June 18, 2009 - 4:31 pm)
((Yes, actually, her spelling has improved! Good job!))
Laughingstar, I move for not exiling Firefoot and Rivepelit. Firefoot didwhat she did out of sympathy, though we will have to inquire why rivepelit was exiled in the first place. ((And they showed they have read warriors now by creating a completely dysfunctional and illegal relationship.Congradulations!) If you attempt to exilr them, I am ready and willing to play lawyer for days on end, so consider well.
(June 19, 2009 - 6:04 am)
I too, will be a lawyer! I will be Duskshadow's second. Duskshadow and I will fight to the *coff coff* punishment for Rivepelit's non-exiling. (I agree with Dushshadow on her improving-ness and readin for the books..)
*is ready for the trail to begin*
(June 19, 2009 - 5:58 pm)
*notices the smell of RiverClan*
*gasps and hides behind other cats*
Um, I'm r-r-ready for the t-t-trail to begin, Your-Laughing-Honor-Star.
*squeals at smell getting fresher*
*thinks loudly to self: Oh no! I knew this would happen. I shouldn't have told them where I was going!*
(June 20, 2009 - 9:45 am)
ok, well, the kits will have their apprentice cermony and i'll do it now.
*does apprentice cermony* (sorry guys i gotta gooo, like now)
(June 22, 2009 - 4:26 am)
HOLLYLEAF!!!!! We miss you to much! Your father and I can't stand to never see you!!! Please come back to Riverclan! My kit, please! You will never be called the runt again! I promise! If someone does, Goldenheart and I will tear them apart! Please! We miss you Hollyleaf! P-p-p-p-please! *starts sobing* H-H-H-H-H-H-Hoooolllllllyyyylllleeeeaaaaffff!!! *start sobing uncontrolably, doesn't even notice all of Stormclan staring at her*
p.s. NO! I swear I'm NOT Hollyleaf!
(June 22, 2009 - 11:22 am)
(P. S. I promise, she isn't, and thankies, Silver...)
*gasps* Silverbrook! W-what are you d-d-doing here?!?!?! You can't b-b-b-be here! *sighes*
StormClan, most of you must have figured out by now that I am originally from RiverClan, but I left, for my journey as a medicine cat, for that is the path StarClan told me to take. But I couldn't take that path in RiverClan... And also, I was the runt of the litter, and they had even thought of naming me "Smallkit", for my size, and I couldn't stand being the smallest one and the youngest of my siblings. I am fine with it now, and I am truly sorry, Silverbrook, Goldenheart,...StormClan...
*goes over to Silverbrook and licks her*
It's ok, I will see you at Gatherings, and I'll be sure to seek you out when I'm out looking for medicine herbs...I promise!
*turns to Clan* Well, that's my history. Deal with it. Yes, I was a RiverClan cat, but I am now loyal to StormClan. Punish me as you will, Laughingstar, (or has she gone now and is it Snowstorm...?) but can I be allowed to visit them once a moon? I would like to see them.... Please???
That's all I have to say... Thank you for listening... *licks Silverbrook and Goldenheart again*
(June 22, 2009 - 4:42 pm)
Could I please join your clan? I am very good with herbs and would love to be the next Medicine Cat apprentice!! Pretty please with vole on top?!? PLEASE?!?!?!
(I also have the guidebook!)
(June 22, 2009 - 4:44 pm)
Sheesh, everybody is following precedants. Soon I'll be exiled for being born in StormClan.
Anyhow, we really can't punish Hollyleaf that much. She is our med cat!
(June 23, 2009 - 6:56 am)
Sorry, Berrypaw. Featherkit already asked. *sighs* hollyleaf, we aren't mad at you, at least im not.
(June 23, 2009 - 1:41 pm)
Aw... but I've heard of a Clan that's had three medicine cats, and I could be the Medicine Cat before Featherkit is an apprentice! Please? I can't exactly fight well... *shows her sprained paw* Well, if I can't be the Medicine Cat Apprentice, then what can i be? I left my other Clan in search of one spot as a medicine cat apprentice, because that is all I'll ever be able to become! I thought that StarClan had sent me that message saying it was StormClan: A Clan of cats behind a huge storm! I guess that it was just a dream with starry cats with it... I guess I was wrong, then...
(Um, I'm a friend of Hollyleaf, and she told me to come and ask to be her apprentice....I guess I'm a little late, then... *sigh*)
(June 23, 2009 - 6:18 pm)
F: Momma, when can we be apprentices?
Sn: Soon, I hope.
All the Kits: YAY!!!
Mo: I'm going to be the best hunter in the forest!!!
Mi: No, I am!!!!
*Mintkit and Mousekit quarrel while their sis and bro take their place*
I: Well, then I'm gonna be the best fighter in the forest!!!!
Sw: No!!! I am!!!!
Sn: Now kits, STOP FIGHTING!!! *all fighting ceases and kits look up at her* Good. Now, go help the apprentices clean out the elders den, and maybe they'll tell you a story!!!
*kits scamper off *
(June 23, 2009 - 6:42 pm)
berrypaw, try going to the medicine cat thread. it is called "calling all medicine cats".
(June 24, 2009 - 2:49 pm)
Hey, Snowstorm! You should be leader, since Laughingstar hasn't come back. So... *hint hint* who's gonna be deputy? *hint hint just kidding but hint hint*
(June 29, 2009 - 12:13 pm)
Whew! *sleeps for a few days* I. Am. Exhausted. I know, I know, I was gone way longer than I said I would be. Sorrysorrysorry.
But I'm back! Thank you so much, everyone, for staying out of that ridiculous battle! I'm totally agains fighting between the Clans. I'm glad you guys remembered that. Thank you.
I'm not going to punish Firefoot (or Riverpelt) until I find out what all that exile stuff was about. And Hollyleaf, it's perfectly fine for you to visit your parents, as long as you remain loyal to StormClan. (Besides, what kind of leader would I be if I punished the medicine cat? Terrible, terrible. Not gonna happen.)
Look, new apprentices! *congratulates them all* I'm so sorry I missed seeing them as kits, but now I get to watch them train and all that fun stuff. Gingerfur, do you mind taking Mintypaw? I'm gone way too much to have an apprentice, and you've been with me from the start. Thanks.
Poor Eaglestream. *sits vigil* I didn't know this cat very well, but he (she?) will be missed.
*goes back to sleeeeep*
(June 29, 2009 - 9:29 pm)