All the worlds

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

All the worlds in stories are
All the worlds...

All the worlds in stories are connected by a thin bridge that nobody can cross but one day Percy Jackson, Eragon Bromson and Harry Potter are swept out of there safe book worlds and sent to a dead world. A dead world is a story that got turned down by all the editers and was left in someones attic. The charicters become little more than shadows  and there world turns misty and dangeres. 

Harry Potter~ As Harry Potter raced along the wind tunnle he tryed to reach his wand. It was in his bag but did he even have his bag with him? Only a mew seconds before, he had been playing quidittch with Ron and George and Ginny. Now he was hurtling along a tunnel. His best guess was that the bludger that had whacked him iin the head right before he had gone into the tunnel had been a porkey. Harry wondered where he was going and soon he fell asleep. 

Harry awoke to a painful thuump.  When he looked around he saw that he was on a misty peice of ground. He pulled out his wand and said "Lumos."The tip lit up and Harry saw that he had landed on a misty hill. There were dark shapes that resembled people floating just out of his light. Then he heard whispers " Once we were as powerful as you. Once, all that time ago. We were raised as a great host but we were forgotten and now here we are. You will have the same fate as us if you do not leave. Alas the only way to leave is to destroy the other two. Destroy them adnd the Master will send you back. Back to your own world, back to the light and Ginny, your love. "

Harry spun aroung, his wand at the ready. " Kill them and he will send you back. Kill them, Kill them....."

Percy Jackson~ As I rush through the tunnel I feel like I am flying and I don't like that feeling. At all. I try to reach into my pocket to grab Riptide but the wind pushes my hand back. I look up and see the faces of my friends. Anabeth, Grover, Tyson and many others.  I try to think of why I am flying through a tunnel of wind but I can't think of any reasons. If Anabeth were here she would have already figured out what myth involved people flying through wind tunels and how to escape. This reminds me of the summer Juno/Hara kiddnapped me, wiped my memory and sent me to camp Jupiter. I look ahead and see a black speck growing closer. I slam into it and black out. 

When I wake up I see that I am at the bottom of a vally. To my left there is a black river and to my right there us a huge cliff.  Sudenly I notice that there are shadows gathering around me. Then I hear whispers" Once we were human just like you. We were powerful and daring. Everyone knew our names. But we were forgotten. We were left and we faded. The same thing will happen to you. You will become like us, a mere shadow of what you used to be. There is only one way to get back to your world. To Tyson and Grover. And to Anabeth, your love. You must kill the others. They too have travled to here and they too must figth. Only one can leave. Kill them, Kill Them....."

Percy drew Riptide and the shadows vanished.

Eragon Bromson ~ As Eragon rushed through the tunnel he felt like he was riding Saphira. The rushing of air agenst his face and sped was the same but he could not feel Saphira's warm body. Eragin shut his eyes and tryed to acess the magic but it escaped him. He tryed to contact Saphira but he could not. Eragon reached for Brisinger. His fingers brushed that handle but the wind blew them away. Suddenly something jerked Eragon to a slow stop. Then all went black. 

When Eragon woke up he felt hard packed dirt under his fingers. He stood up slowly and reached for Brisinger. It was still there. Again he tryed to call Saphira  but he was to far away. He tryed to use magic." Brisinger"

A ball of fire apered in his hand. Suddenly Eragon felt like he was being watched. He straitend and looked around.  Just outside the light Shadows had gathered. They were in the shape of humans. Then Eragon heard whispering" Once we were the kings of this world. Once we ruled all. Everyone knew who we were, everyone knew are names. Then we were forgotten, abandend, cast away. We bacame as you see us now. Shadows. You to will join our rankes. You too will becoeme a shadow unless you face them, fight them. That is the only way you will ever go home to Saphira and Arya and Roren. If you defeat them the master will send you back. If not you will die. Kill them, Kill them...."

Then they vanished.

Ok so you have gussed what this is. Who do you tink is going to win Percy Harry or Eragon?   

submitted by Elvina
(December 23, 2015 - 12:44 pm)

I do not wish to offend but I had trouble struggling through your lack of punctuation. And occasional typo. Can I edit this, please (idiosyncrasy)? It is, however, a very intriguing and interesting idea and I can't wait to see where you take it.

submitted by Scylla
(December 23, 2015 - 11:19 pm)

Go ahead and I am not offended at all. I didn't have that much time to write it because we had to leave to go rock climbing and I didn't proofread it. I made it because nobody in my family has read all the books and they can't answer my question. Top!!!!

submitted by Elvina
(December 24, 2015 - 12:37 pm)

Each of the worlds in stories are connected by a thin bridge that nobody can cross; but one day, Percy Jackson, Eragon Bromson, and Harry Potter are swept out of their safe book worlds and sent to a dead world. A dead world is a story that got turned down by all the editors and was left in someone's attic. The characters become little more than shadows and their worlds become misty and dangerous. 

Harry Potter~ As Harry raced along the wind tunnel, he tried to reach his wand. It was in his bag, but did he even have his bag with him? Only a few seconds before, he had been playing quidditch with Ron, George, and Ginny. Now he was hurtling along a tunnel. His best guess was that the bludger that had whacked him in the head right before he had gone into the tunnel had been a portkey. Harry wondered where he was going and soon he fell asleep. 

Harry awoke to a painful thump.  When he looked around, he noticed that he was on a misty piece of something. He pulled out his wand and muttered, "Lumos." The tip lit up and Harry saw that he had landed on a misty hill. There were dark shapes that resembled people floating just out of his wand's light. Then he heard whispers. "Once we were as powerful as you. Once, all that time ago. We were raised as a great host but we were forgotten and now here we are. You will have the same fate as us if you do not leave. Alas the only way to leave is to destroy the other two. Destroy them and the Master will send you back. Back to your own world, back to the light and Ginny, your love."

Harry spun aroung, his wand at the ready. "Kill them and he will send you back. Kill them, Kill them....."

Percy Jackson~ As I rush through the tunnel I feel like I am flying. I don't like that feeling. At all. I try to reach into my pocket to grab Riptide, but the wind pushes my hand back. I look up and see the faces of my friends. Anabeth, Grover, Tyson, and many others.  I try to think of why I'm flying through a tunnel of wind but I can't think of any reasons. If Annabeth were here, she would have already figured out what myth involved people flying through drafty tunels and how to escape. This reminds me of the summer Juno/Hera kidnapped me, wiped my memory, and sent me to camp Jupiter. I look ahead and see a black speck growing closer. I slam into it and black out. 

When I wake up I see that I'm at the bottom of a valley. To my left there is a black river and to my right there's a huge cliff.  Sudenly I notice that there are shadows gathering around me. Then I hear whispers. "Once we were human just like you. We were powerful and daring. Everyone knew our names. But we were forgotten. We were left to fade. The same thing will happen to you, in time. You will become like us, a mere shadow of what you used to be. There is only one way to get back to your world. To Tyson and Grover. And to Annabeth, your love. You must kill the others. They too have traveled here and they must fight. Only one can return alive. Kill them, Kill them....."

Percy drew Riptide and the shadows vanished.

Eragon Bromson ~ As Eragon rushed through the tunnel he felt like he was riding Saphira. The rushing of air against his face and speed was the same but he could not feel Saphira's warm body. Eragon shut his eyes and tried to access the magic but it escaped him. He tried to contact Saphira, but he could not. Eragon reached for Brisingr. His fingers brushed the handle but the wind blew them away. Suddenly something jerked Eragon to a slow stop. Then all went black. 

When Eragon woke, he felt hard packed dirt under his fingers. He stood up slowly and reached for Brisingr. It was still there. Again he tried to call Saphira  but he was too far away. He tryed to use magic, calling, "Brisingr."

A ball of fire appeared in his hand. Suddenly Eragon felt like he was being watched. He straightened and glanced around.  Just outside the light of his fire, shadows had gathered. They took the shape of humans. Then Eragon heard them whispering, "Once we were the kings of this world. Once we ruled all. Everyone knew who we were, everyone knew our names. Then we were forgotten, abandoned, and cast away. We became as you see us now. Shadows. You will join our ranks. You too will become a shadow unless you face them, fight them. That is the only way you will ever go home to Saphira, Arya, and Roren. If you defeat them, the Master will send you back. If not, you will die. Kill them, kill them...."

Then they vanished.


Okay, you have guessed what this is. Who do you tink is going to win: Percy, Harry, or Eragon?   


Edited by Scylla. © Elvina 2015. All rights reserved.

Cricket Magazine Chatterbox

submitted by Scylla
(December 24, 2015 - 9:26 pm)