Chatterbox: Blab About Books



So here we can post all our fictional crushes and relate to each other about them. I will get us started: DO NOT JUDGE ME FOR HAVING SO MANY!

Percy Jackson from Percy Jackson

Freddy Benson from iCarly

Ash Ketchum from Pokemon (OK, that was when I was like 7, don't judge.)

N from Pokemon (As I said, I was little.)

Cheren from Pokemon (OK, maybe I watched too much Pokemon...)

And my current crush:

Zuko from Avatar! (The cartoon Avatar)


So... don't judge.



submitted by Guess, age Guess, Guess
(December 5, 2015 - 4:06 pm)

Eryn G-- I think I might possibly have the smallest of crushes of Link from the Legend of Zelda, too. DX There, I said it! Funnily enough, most of my almost-not-really-I-don't-think crushes are from children's movies and children's books. Somehow, I don't really ever develop crushes on characters from live-action films or books for my age group-- maybe because it's so obvious that you're supposed to have a crush on them? I don't know ;)

submitted by Esthelle (Es-thel-ay, age Anonymous, Rivendell (I wish) ;)
(June 4, 2016 - 10:43 am)

Aragorn from LOtR

Peeta from The Hunger Games, although I haven't watched the movies or read the books, but I looked it up on Wikepedia and boy, do I want to.

Deyna from Taggerung, a Redwall book (although yeah, I'm not an otter.)

I also kind of like Hiccup from the How to Train your Dragon movies, not the books, because he just looks plain weird in those.

Aaaand...probably some others, but my mind is blank right now. 

submitted by A certain somebody , age Her name, Who would not like to tel
(June 7, 2016 - 6:42 am)

Artimis Fowl! (Don't judge)

Legoles, duh.

Fred Weasly!

Ummmmm...... Ok, I'm not going to say Jack from Kickin it. PLEASE DON'T JUDGE ME. 

submitted by ;)
(June 8, 2016 - 8:42 am)

I find it rather funny that so many people have crushes on Legolas... I wonder what they'd do if they met him in real life? Probably be embarrassed that they'd ever dared to have a crush on him, as though he were locker fodder like all the rest of them. I don't know-- Tolkien's Eldar don't seem like people you have crushes on. They aren't just pretty people with pointy ears. At. All. I guess it's rather difficult to explain. Oh, well. Also, I have to say that Orlando Bloom is NOT LEGOLAS. Not even a little. Sorry for that Tolkien-reader-rant, everyone. ;)

submitted by Esthelle (Es-thel-ay, age Anonymous, Rivendell (I wish) ;)
(June 11, 2016 - 6:37 pm)

I can't be the only one with a small crush on Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians) or Hiccup...

submitted by Bluebird
(June 11, 2016 - 8:30 pm)

(I have a crush on Jack too ...) Do you ship Jelsa?

submitted by Cho Chang
(June 12, 2016 - 1:25 pm)

Mmm... not really. I like Elsa as being single, and I really hope that if they make a Frozen 2 she will not have a love interest.

submitted by Bluebird
(June 15, 2016 - 4:14 pm)

Draco from HP

Nico from PJO

Cedric from HP

The definition of a "geek" is someone who has more crushes on fictional characters than people in real life. 

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh)
(June 11, 2016 - 9:27 pm)

I have a fictional crush on a bad guy that is so bad that he overthrew all the bad guys and absorbed them to become the ultimate bad guy....

Heh.....I'm kinda weird that way. He's from a youtube Roleplay series (based in minecraft) so none of you know him (probably)....

But how Geeky can we get these days (hey, Geeky isn't a bad thing though!)? XD All the other girls my age are whispering about boys and asking me if I like people.... I just say "I have a fictional crush. That's it."

Other girls my age have a bunch friends that they actually have met in real life...

I have maybe 5? 


submitted by Icy, age 11, The Forest
(June 16, 2016 - 9:02 am)

Never settle for anything less than a Gilbert! Just remember that. 

Okay, I'm done.

submitted by ---
(June 15, 2016 - 6:06 pm)

---, BluKat and I have that quote written up on our walls! And yes, yes, and yes. 

submitted by Booksy Owly
(June 15, 2016 - 9:02 pm)

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!!! 

I have a big fictional crush on Gilbert Blythe from the Anne of Green Gables series.  

submitted by Alexandra
(July 5, 2016 - 7:03 pm)


I have never, ever told anyone about this..... ever....

*whispers* I have a huge crush on Harry Potter.


oot dab s'eh nekat.... I osla ekil yddeT nipuL morf eht tsal koob....tub erom fo a rethorb-retsis ekil.


*blush* please don't kill me... 

I mean, how do I even like someone I've never met? I mean.....they just feel so real to me...


submitted by Icy, age 11, The Forest
(June 16, 2016 - 8:57 am)



submitted by Brooklyn Newsie
(June 17, 2016 - 1:34 pm)

Okay. This is awkward.

I have a book crush on coughcoughHuckleberryFinncoughcough.

And I know it's not a book, it's a movie, but I have major crushes on two newsies in Newsies.


So yeah.

Awkward silence. 

submitted by Brooklyn Newsie
(June 17, 2016 - 12:47 pm)