Hello, fellow warriors.

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Rival Clan To the New IceClan
Hello, fellow warriors....

Hello, fellow warriors. This thread is for FireClan, rival Clan of IceClan, created by AmberPaw. If you want to join IceClan rather than FireClan, then go to this thread.


Thou shalt not forget IceClan!

I am Foxtail, a FireClan queen. My mate is Sparkflight and our kits were just born! We have yet to name them. We need a leader, medicine cat, possibly med cat apprentice, maybe four apprentices besides the med cat, maybe six warriors, a deputy, and some elders. Maybe two or three. You can have one or more cats. Also you can have a 'paw in each Clan'as I do. My other cat is Emberpelt the IceClan deputy. I guess you can be half-Clan if you want. I created territory for both of our Clans and will post it on both threads. The 'Moonpool' is the Moonvale for us. See more details about it on the IceClan thread. I still need to know what our 'Fourtrees' should be. Please tell me and when you do, I'll draw it into the territory and post it.

submitted by Foxtail
(November 30, 2015 - 2:02 pm)

I want to leave these two Clans. They're boring and inactive. It'll be so hard to leave the kits, but Sparkflight isn't even on here anymore.


The russet she-cat looked mournfully over her shoulder at her four kits, now three moons old. They've gotten so big, she thought regretfully. Where did those tiny kit moons go? "Goodbye, Dawnkit," she murmured to the white she-kit with purple eyes, the smallest of the litter. "Goodbye, Seedkit," she mewed to to the brown with dark seed shaped speckles and blue eyes she-kit. "Goodbye, Aspenkit," she directed at the ginger tom with leaf-green eyes. "Goodbye, Branchkit,"- the brown tom with a dark, branch-shaped stripe down his back and amber eyes- "And goodbye, FireClan."

submitted by Foxstar(tail)
(January 21, 2016 - 8:43 pm)

So are we still doing this RP or is it done?

submitted by Leaf of Love
(January 23, 2016 - 9:47 am)

I'm here. Sorry. I'm just very busy in real life.

submitted by Sparkflight
(January 23, 2016 - 2:23 pm)

I'm thinking that we can all leave this and go to the Pudding's Place clans by Faststar. I'm going to make a queen named Goldenpaws and a warrior tom named Eaglesun. I'm already Isis, a kittypet.

submitted by Foxstar
(January 23, 2016 - 7:02 pm)

Could you give me a link to the Pudding's Place Clans? I can't find it.

submitted by Leaf of Love
(January 24, 2016 - 8:46 am)

It's on the first page. It's called Hullo.

submitted by Cho C.
(January 24, 2016 - 8:03 pm)