I have finished

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

I have finished...

I have finished Harry Potter. I was shaking last night as I read, goosebumps covered my body. It was amazing. I want to send J.K. Rowling a letter of thanks. 

Now all I must do is arrange to watch the rest of the movies (I have already seen the first). I just wanted to ask you: are the movies very good? I didn't think the first was at all as good as the book, though for me that goes without saying; for I have hardly ever thought a movie measured up to the book it was based on.

So, thoughts? 

submitted by The Chocabookaholic , age 12
(April 12, 2015 - 9:17 am)

It's good you are asking this, cuz most of the time, the books are a LOT better than the movie.

But with Harry Potter, I believe (and so do all the kids in my class) that the Harry Potter movies are nearly as good as the books.

But I think you should put some time before you watch the movies if rereading the series, so that it still seems as exciting and as cool as before.

Trust me, I just finished rereading the series, and it still feels as amazing as when I first read it

And what you said about finishing the series, that sums it up perfectly. It was AMAZING, SUPERB, OUT-OF-THIS-WORLD, UNBELIEVABLE, SUPERCALIFFRAGILISTICEXPEALDOCIOUS, and this is a message to EVERYONE IN THE WORLD: IF YOU HAVEN'T READ HARRY POTTER YET, READ. IT. NOW. The Harry Potter books are like, the best books I've ever read, and I've read 677 books (yes ive been counting).

I want to talk more about this later. 

submitted by Owlgirl, age 11, Texas
(April 12, 2015 - 9:59 am)

Thank you for your answer, Owlgirl! I am sorry that I didn't really say enough in praise of the books; I just couldn't put it into words like you could. I agree with all you said.

submitted by The Chocabookaholic , age 12
(April 12, 2015 - 2:23 pm)

Oh, I'm sorry! Did I seem mad at you? I wasn't. You were fine, did nothing wrong.

I was just telling others tor read Harry Potter cuz it's so good. 

submitted by Owlgirl, age 11, Texas
(April 12, 2015 - 2:39 pm)

Nope, I was complimenting, not responding to condemnation!

submitted by The Chocabookaholic , age 12
(April 12, 2015 - 3:33 pm)

I got chills too.Smile

submitted by Owlgirl, age 11, Texas
(April 12, 2015 - 3:56 pm)
submitted by Top
(April 12, 2015 - 12:40 pm)

5 is my favorite book but 7 is my favorite movie. I like that the author worked with the people who made the movie, but I wish they had Peeves in the movies; besides that they are really, really good.

submitted by Forrest
(April 12, 2015 - 2:49 pm)

The movies were okay. They weren't the best for me, to be honest. They left out a lot of stuff, and Dobby was usually replaced by Neville. (And they left out some of the best jokes!) But they were pretty good. They gave the mood correctly and told the story quite nicely.

The books are still more awsome though. I didn't really get scared, to be honest, but still, it was awesome. And really sad. But still awsome. 

P.S: If for some reason someone tells you to wait before watching the last three, don't worry. Harry Potters numbers 7 and 8 really weren't as scarey as they should have been.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(April 12, 2015 - 5:55 pm)

PFFT. As usual, I think the movies BUTCHER the books. Harry Potter? Butchered. Hunger Games? Butchered. Tuck Everlasting? Butchered. Where the Red Fern Grows? Butchered. Coraline? Well... not really butchered. The movie is good as a movie but not really as an adaptation of the book. The Nightmare Before Christmas? Same as Coraline.

If we're on the subject of bad movies, the movie I hated the MOST in my ENTIRE LIFE is ParaNorman. IT. STUNK. LIKE. HECK. Also, it was super-cheesy. 

submitted by Somebody, age Who cares, Various places
(April 12, 2015 - 8:25 pm)

You finished! Huzzah! Good for you, Choca!

J.K Rowling is a producer of the movies, so they stick to the story pretty well. The only reason they cut out the stuff is because the books are too long to put everything in the movies. The movies are probably the best book-movie adaptations I've seen, but that, sadly, is not saying much.

submitted by Katie M
(April 13, 2015 - 2:55 pm)

Honestly, there has been exactly one occasion when I thought the movie was better than the book: Matilda. That was a pretty amazing movie! The only problem was she didn't lose her magic. But it had a lot more than the book, and it was pretty great! (I'm getting off topic. Sorry.)

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(April 13, 2015 - 5:25 pm)

The only movie I ever thought was better than the book was Kung Fu Panda. But, that was when I was like 8... so I bet if I read it now I would like it better.

submitted by hotairballoon
(April 15, 2015 - 2:09 pm)

I'm not sure I saw the Harry Potter movie you saw... Really? And now I TOTALLY disagree with what you said about WtRFG. Come ON. And The Hunger Games was amazing! Seriously.

I'm starting to think you hate movies in particular.

(Please don't get offended. My temper is getting off after my mom just yelled at me for doing something I DIDN'T DO. YES MOM, I DIDN'T DO IT. 

submitted by Danie
(April 15, 2015 - 8:17 pm)

So, this is my highly biased take on books vs. movies.

I love books, hate movies. I don't like movies because I find them scary. I'm a wimp about movie suspense. I've watched the Sorcerer's Stone and Chamber of Secrets movies.

Because I am a movie suspense wimp, I did not like Chamber. However, I think it was still good, because I read the book and knew what was happening so I could appreciate it.

I love the HP universe. I love the movies (I haven't watched all of them, but I've seen the moviemaking books, and I love the way they represented this amazing universes). 

submitted by Air
(April 13, 2015 - 10:34 pm)

Thanks for the feedback guys! I decided to risk watching the movies. If I hate 'em, I hate 'em. If I don't, I don't. 

submitted by The Chocabookaholic, age 12
(April 14, 2015 - 7:40 am)