Hi potterheads!
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
Harry Potter Club!!!!
Hi potterheads! ...
Hi potterheads!
So Abigail was talking about how much she missed clubs on the CB. And even though I don't really know how to run one, I thought I'd give it a shot.
I present to you... the Harry Potter Club! Here you can share just about anything about Harry Potter!
Also, every day there will be a Today's Question. It could be a trivia question, a "What's your favorite..." question, ex.!
Have fun!
The Today's Question:
Who's your favorite charrie besides Harry, Ron, or Hermione? (for me it would be Luna.)
submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated
(March 28, 2015 - 9:44 am)
(March 28, 2015 - 9:44 am)
I'd love to be the first to sign up!
My favorite character besides the three...ugh, St. Owl, do we have to eliminate Hermione?!?!
McGonagall. Always McGonagall- cause she's basically Hermione grown up.
@St. Owl: I, too, love Luna. I saw this really clever fan canon that pointed out if Luna found the Mirror of Erised, she would only smile at it for a second, as there is not much interesting in one's own reflection:)
(March 28, 2015 - 5:53 pm)
(October 18, 2015 - 7:22 pm)
top! to the top!
(March 28, 2015 - 5:53 pm)
(March 28, 2015 - 8:42 pm)
Whoohoo! HP fandom!
I think my favorite character is Dumbledore.
By the way, I saw this amazing HP meme that's like:
The name's Bond.
James Bond.
The name's Dumbledore.
Brian Dumbledore.
Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.
Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.
Hahaha, Dumbledore rules!
(March 28, 2015 - 9:42 pm)
Sounds fun! Joining!
Hmm...I'd have to say Fleur is my favorite character (besides Ron, of course, but he doesn't count). Neville and Ginny are tied for second place. {:
(March 28, 2015 - 10:32 pm)
Today's Question:
If you were going to Hogwarts, would you get a pet? If so, which pet would you get? (for me, an owl. Obviously.)
(March 29, 2015 - 12:52 pm)
OMG totally an owl...I would name her...Nyra
(April 3, 2015 - 2:42 pm)
I would probably bring a cat, but maybe an owl.
(May 18, 2015 - 7:10 pm)
In no particular order:
And like everyone else!
Oh yeah! Kreacher!
(March 29, 2015 - 2:28 pm)
(March 29, 2015 - 4:39 pm)
Ah . . fave charrie that's not one of the trio? I think Sirius. Or Fred, and George (they're kinda inseperable in my mind). But Tonks, Moody, and Ginny are also very, very close to the top.
(March 29, 2015 - 8:00 pm)
Fave charrie for me that is not Harry, Ron, or Hermione is Draco Malfoy!!!! Love him. I would also chose an owl.
(March 30, 2015 - 10:40 am)
Owl, but if I was just getting a magical pet, I might end up with a niffler or a puffskein-so cute!
(March 31, 2015 - 6:31 am)
I would love to join this club...i think it's a great idea. I just finished the Harry Potter series a few months ago. I admit I have a bit of a crush on Harry!!!!!!!
As for my favorite charrie...i would have to say I can't choose just one, so my favorites are:
(April 3, 2015 - 2:47 pm)