Chatterbox: Blab About Books



No deadline. You guys can recommend books, although the first will be either The Maze Runner, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, or Far Far Away. You guys can vote. If you can't get the book, you can put in a recommendation. Maybe you'll get picked!!! Please read 2 chapters a week.  

submitted by Young Writer, The Leaky Cauldron
(January 28, 2015 - 7:45 pm)

Harry Potter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I'm in!

submitted by St.Owl, age 10, Hogwarts
(January 29, 2015 - 7:31 am)

Harry potter! I have read them five times each, but it's the best books. I will join.

submitted by Hippogriff, Hogwarts
(February 7, 2015 - 2:17 pm)

Harry Potter! I have read it five times, but still the best. I will join.

submitted by Hippogriff, Hogwarts
(February 7, 2015 - 2:20 pm)


submitted by Keira S., age 9, California
(February 8, 2015 - 6:07 pm)

Oh and the books I vote on are the Percy JACKSON AND THE OLYMPIANS series.

submitted by Keira S., age 9, California
(February 8, 2015 - 6:10 pm)

I mean that I can't get any of the other books.

submitted by Keira S., age 9, mission viejo, ca
(February 9, 2015 - 10:00 am)

I mean that I can't get any of the other books.

submitted by Keira S., age 9, mission viejo, ca
(February 9, 2015 - 10:01 am)

Oh, Young Writer, you choose three of my favorite books!

Yes, I'm joining and I'm willin gto read any. I LOVE them all- any one else read Far, Far Away? 

submitted by Abigail A., age 13, VT
(February 9, 2015 - 8:21 am)

Awesome! I will join, how does it work?

submitted by Rose bud , age 12, Sc
(February 9, 2015 - 12:18 pm)


submitted by Swimluv88
(February 9, 2015 - 1:07 pm)


I'm in. Harry Potter please.



- Horse Spirit Girl 

submitted by horse Spirit Girl, age 13, New York
(February 9, 2015 - 3:10 pm)

I'm joining!

Voting for Percy Jackson! 

submitted by Katie M
(February 9, 2015 - 3:43 pm)

I'll totally join! And I vote Harry Potter.

submitted by St.Owl, age 10, NY
(February 9, 2015 - 4:36 pm)

I'll join, but I don't wanna vote on the book cuz I'm bad at making descisions.

submitted by SAVVY44x
(February 9, 2015 - 5:25 pm)

Okay. So let's start next week with Harry Potter. If you vote PJ then go ahead and read it. Warning: We might read that next. 

submitted by Young Writer, The Leaky Cauldron
(February 9, 2015 - 5:41 pm)