Has anyone read
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Brian Jacques, Anyone?
Has anyone read...
Has anyone read anything by Brian Jacques? I actually haven't read his most famous series, Redwall, (though I hear it is really good) but I have read another of his trilogies, The Castaways of the Flying Duthchman. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE his writing! The Castaways may sound boring, but it is sooo good! Please comment if you read and loved his writing!
BTW: Check out his website. He has written so many books!
submitted by Sarah, age 12
(January 3, 2015 - 2:08 pm)
(January 3, 2015 - 2:08 pm)
I read (and loved!) the Redwall series, but I never got around to reading any of his other works. I'll definitely check them out, though. Thanks for the recommendation!
And by the way, you should totally read Redwall. It's a great adventure story, and the characters are so fun!
(January 4, 2015 - 11:48 pm)
I. ADORE. THE. REDWALL. SERIES. SO. MUCH! Even though I have already read them, I am reading them for the second time. I love them so much that I am totally engulfed in the world of sea and land "vermin", (rats, stoats, weasles, foxes, ferrets) and the mice, Guoisom shrews, moles, hedgehogs, voles, squirrels, hares of and not of The Long Patrol, Badger Lords, and more. I wrote under the name of one of my all-time favorites, Romsca, the female ferret captain of the corsair ship, The Waveworm. She had a bad past, being a pirate, but besides one other, a searat that appears in another Redwall book, she was the only vermin to truly befriend Redwall creature(s). This wonderful series makes me truly laugh and cry.
(January 15, 2015 - 3:35 pm)
Romsca was awesome. She was the best part of an otherwise very long book.
(January 16, 2015 - 9:31 pm)
I liked Romsca too. I wonder how she thought when she decided to be a corsair? And how old, for that matter? I've noticed that people tend to not accurately envision their future when they're young. But let them be young. I'm probably going to feel younger than I am until I'm at least seventeen. But, considering what I've just said, who knows?
(March 5, 2015 - 8:50 pm)
I used to LOVE Redwall, and it made me laugh a lot, although I only cried once, when a hare died. I started to notice a bit of a pattern though, and then I started on Fablehaven.
(March 25, 2015 - 11:58 am)
Love his writings
(January 16, 2015 - 9:40 am)
Oh yes, I haven't read his books in so very long, but I love them! I only read the first book of Castaways, but it was very good! Thanks for reminding me about those, I'll go see if my library has the other Castaway books!
(January 30, 2015 - 8:33 am)
Yes, I LOVE Redwall! I've only read the first three, but they're so entrancing. Totally recommend it.
P.S: Thanks for reminding me of them! I think I forgot, and that's why I haven't gotten any farther. :)
(February 20, 2015 - 10:18 pm)
I don't want to brag (really) but I've read and own copies of the entire Redwall series. I didn't know Brian Jacques had a website, that's cool. I haven't read any of the other books he wrote. I love the amazing plots and multiple viewpoints. I don't know exactly where the Redwall series is set, but I suspect it's somewhere in England. It seems like practically all books like that are set in England. It sounds like a nice place. I love the idea of Redwall, I wish I could at least visit. I find it interesting how time is measured in days and seasons. Not years or months. And I find it interesting how each season has its own special name, though I wondered if it would be possible that they would run out of names. It's food for thought, isn't it? And I got so used to moles speaking the way that they do in the Redwall books that when I picked up another with talking moles, I got confused. Does anyone have a favorite book in the Redwall series? Also, I'm trying to figure out the timeline that links the books. If you've noticed how scrambled up they are, please reply. I LOVE BOOKS AND AM PROBABLY CRAZY ABOUT THEM!
(March 5, 2015 - 8:45 pm)
I'm reading Redwall for the third time, and I still absolutely these awesome books. The last time I wrote here I was Romsca.
(July 10, 2015 - 12:48 pm)