I wanted to
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
I wanted to read these because I had heard the style and themes was a lot like those in Robin Mckinley's books (which I am a total fan of) but I felt they weren't nearly as good as advertised.
So the basic plot is that a girl, Alanna, switches places with her twin brother so that she can go to the capital to become a knight, and he can train to be a sorcerer. When she finally "earns her shield," the secret of her gender is exposed, and she goes off questin', eventually finding a powerful jewel that is supposed to keep the kingdom safe or something.
The first book was probably the best, mostly because of the novelty, and Alanna as a young girl was fun and spunky. However, as the story went on and Alanna became a "young adult," she got into a relationship with Three Different Guys in succession, which I felt kind of undermined the whole feminist theme the stories were trying to expound. And she seemed too flippant about her romantic affairs. I'm the kind of person who feels that if a girl doesn't love a guy--or at least THINKS she loves a guy; whether or not it's real love is always debatable--why is she going to have a relationship with him?
(Sorry Admins if this is all a bit grownup for usual CB fare)
I gave up midway through Book 4. I just couldn't stick it any longer.
(September 10, 2014 - 8:14 pm)
I like Tamora Pierce a ton, but honestly, it is a little inappropriate and it doesn't need to be. Have your read some of her other series? The Circle of Magic one is a lot better.
(September 12, 2014 - 8:03 pm)
(September 13, 2014 - 6:54 pm)
I don't know; I kinda gave up on Tamora, but if Circle of Magic is much better, I might check it out. What would you compare it to/what's it about?
(September 14, 2014 - 6:29 pm)
Yes, Circle of Magic is much better. I finished the Alanna series when I was like ten so I had no idea what I was reading. It was sort of akward when I found out.
(November 4, 2014 - 8:42 pm)
I agree with whoever said about liking Peirce a ton but her being toO inappropriate. I liked Alanna much more when she and I were younger.
(November 4, 2014 - 8:47 pm)