I thought of
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
I thought of a funny idea: We can make a long list of all the things we don't think the Admins do! Admin, if you want you can briefly report on the accuracy of this list below. It's quite random and anyone can add to it! Or, you can say that you disagree with something on the list. So here we go...
I don't think that the Admins:
Use Facebook.
Write fanfiction.
Make and post memes.
Play Portal.
Play Journey.
Play Flower.
Play Fez.
Eat M&Ms for dinner.
Watch Doctor Who.
Have seen Guardians of the Galaxy.
Like platypuses.
Watch Phineas and Ferb.
Read the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books.
Commit serial murder (okay, I know it's obvious the DEFINITELY don't do that!).
Steal candy.
Have nightmares about Voldemort.
Have nightmares about the Daleks.
Have nightmares about us Chatterboxers.
Have nightmares about being fired from their job at the Carus Publishing offices.
Listen to Foxes.
Listen to Lorde.
Own giant posters that are hung everywhere and only represent 1-3 closely related interests.
Are not married. (This means I think the Admins are all married, not that they all are not, it just occured to me that might appear as confusing.)
Stalk us CBers.
Look at the clock every .000002 seconds.
Stare at beautiful people in public.
Chase squirrels.
Climb trees for the fun of it, and to touch the baby birds in a nest.
Dream of slaying dragons.
Actually slay dragons - for real!!!
Play music all night at full blast, disturbing all the neighbors and subsequently resulting in the presence of the police.
Are vampires.
Are zombies.
Are part of a conspiracy.
Would leap off a bridge into a river to retrieve lost possessions.
Don't think this is funny.
Okay, that's all I can think of for now. Again, you can all add your own, and/or opinions on my choices, and Admin, you can say something about this for yourself. If nothing else, I'd like to see you tell me if you like it and/or think that it's humorous!
Well, some of these are quite farfetched and obvious. And since there are 3 of us, some items may be true for some but not all. We are 3 distinct individuals.
(September 6, 2014 - 5:19 pm)
I actually think this is quite funny, though BAB isn't quite the place for this kind of post, is it?
(September 7, 2014 - 2:45 pm)
I chose BaB partly because I could give the thread a longer title.
(September 7, 2014 - 5:01 pm)
Ha, this is actually quite amusing! I got a real kick out of the "chase squirrels" one.
I don't think the Admins:
All secretly work for the Russian Mafia.
Are undercover agents working for the military working to prep young kids for WWIII.
Blow things up for fun. (Well actually I dunno about this one. Blowing things up is pretty dang fun.)
Have 500 pupppies each.
Sssooo yeah, taday. Just for fun, Admins, do y'all blow things up for fun? Even simple things like fireworks?
Never do I. The strongest firework I've ever lit was a sparkler.
(September 7, 2014 - 6:41 pm)
I don't think the admins..................
Ride unicorns to Candyland
Eat gooseberry pie
Are vegan
Belong to a secret society
Are time travelers
GTG, more later!
Admin: I'm vegan!
(September 10, 2014 - 7:15 am)
Oh wow! Cool!
(September 11, 2014 - 7:37 pm)
I don't think the admins . . .
Are actually supersmart dogs.
Go to bed at 4 am
(September 10, 2014 - 10:32 pm)
There's only 3 Admins?! I always pictured you guys as dozens of people in black and wearing dark sunglasses all lined up at desks, clicking away with solemn expressions.
Hey Admins, can you guys tell us about yourselves? Your names, hobbies, stuff like that?
We're supposed to stay in the background. CB is about all of you, not us. I will tell you that I rarely wear all black, I only wear sunglasses when I'm out in the sun, and that reading comments from all of you usually puts a smile on my face (even causing an outloud laugh) rather than a solemn expression.
(September 12, 2014 - 12:56 pm)
I also don't think admins . . .
Play Minecraft
Join our RPs and or make them under different names
Dislike blue moon ice cream
Have sore fingers from clicking to approve our comments and posts
Have Youtube channels
Read Calvin And Hobbes
Read Tintin books
Read Geronimo Stilton books
Watch My Little Pony
Have ever seen royalty
Are religious
Are listening to Approaching Nirvania with the volume way up as they read this
Like to carve wood
Think computers rot your brains
Are teachers
Have a pet sea serpent
Think sharks are cute
Are mad scientists
Like to listen to electronic dance music as they do yoga ( Or even do yoga )
Are millionaires
Have been to the Whitehouse to chat with their dear friend the president
Have snoozed off because this list is so long.
(September 12, 2014 - 5:59 pm)
I don't think the Admins...
Are under the age of thirty
Party a lot
Dance like crazy in public
Do the sloppy swish (I had to)
Blast alternative music
Have beards
Watch Netflix all day
Draw random, weird cartoons
Read Bizzaro
(September 14, 2014 - 10:55 pm)
I think this is hilarious, and I don't think the Admins:
Have met the Doctor (though if you have, I demand to know of it immediately)
Own Sonic screwdrivers, like real ones that open locks. (again, if I'm wrong, I want to know)
Have been on Amazing Race
Have met Albert Einstien
Are Albert Einstein
Have ever visited Charles Xavier's School for gifted Youngsters
Are X-men (though that would be totally epic)
Are Captain America/Ironman/Thor
Have ever been yelled at by an Italian butcher
Have ever met Leo Valdez
Have ever been yelled at by Han Solo or Chewbacca
You're right for this Admin! Though I am a fan of The Amazing Race, I could never eat some of the things they have to.
(April 22, 2015 - 7:15 pm)
But you have been yelled at by an Italian butcher? Have you met Albert Einstein? Are you Ironman?
(May 16, 2015 - 2:15 pm)