This was a
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
This was a...
This was a GREAT book! I like how Jason had a crush on Catherine, because it caused some conflict in the story.
submitted by Bookbug
(August 19, 2014 - 3:21 pm)
(August 19, 2014 - 3:21 pm)
I have reread that book so many times it is crazy. I love it. I like how Catherine made rules for her brother, and they always related to something she had done. Usually..
(August 20, 2014 - 12:23 pm)
When I saw the book I wasn't sure I'd like it, but it ended up being a great book. I own it.
(August 20, 2014 - 2:19 pm)
(September 12, 2014 - 12:48 pm)