All right, everyone,
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
Secret Series Book Club page
All right, everyone,...
All right, everyone, here's the official page for the Secret Series book club. As a reminder the members ( and the only people who can post here) are:
1. Me (Abigail A.)
2. Sir docter of Tardis
3. Red
4. Evan S
5. Elizabeth
First of all, everyone make sure you have the book (The Name of This Book is Secret by Pseudonymous Bosch). If you don't, please tell me so I can give you a little extra time to find a copy.
Second, the assignment. By February 9, please have completed the first 8 chapters (don't worry, they're VERY short). Every day I'm going to be posting questions about the book- answer them at your own pace. I'll post the first question or two as soon as this gets up.
And thirdly, enjoy!!!
submitted by Abigail A., age 12, VT
(February 2, 2014 - 7:31 am)
(February 2, 2014 - 7:31 am)
My answers....
C3. 1. Here we meet Max-Ernest. He's....well, let's say, interesting. What do you think of Max-Ernest?
I think he's awesome- and annoying. I like how he really doesn't seem to care what other people think of him:)
C3. 2. We also meet Amber, a girl Cass clearly is not that fond of. She often gives Cass her half-used Smoochies. What type of Smoochie flavor would you like?
I would like either a maple or peanut butter.
C4. 1. In the chapter before, Max-Ernest and Cass first really meet. They get talking and find they actually have a decent amount in common. M-E ends up helping Cass quite a bit with the Symphony of Smells-who do you think wrote the "Musical" message?
Gee, I wonder:)
C4. 2. Do you think the magician is dead?
Really, the book couldn't happen if he was.
C5. 1. Through a series of events, Cass ends up going to M-E's house- and meeting his parents. What do you think of them?
Pests. That sums them up for me.
C5. 2. Why do you think Cass and M-E want to go to the magician's house??
Because. They're Cass and M-E.
C6. 1. ON the way to the magician's house, Cass thinks she'd like to turn M-E off. Have you ever wanted to turn someone off??
Yes. My little brother, LOTS of times:)
C6. 2. Would you sneak around the magician's house?
Err, maybe.
C7. 1. What do you think of Dr. L? How about Ms. Mauvis?
C7. 2. What's in that notebook??
Something that is vital to the plot of the story.
C8. 1. In the notebook, the magician leaves a code to break. Where you able to figure it out before Cass and M-E?
First time I read it, I had the vague idea, but they solved it first
C8. 2. And what this whol 'underneath'?
Something interesting:)
(February 20, 2014 - 7:47 am)
C3.1: He's very similar to someone I know very well. I refuse to name names. On another note, his method of randomly going off on strange tangents and going on and on is really shared by all of us. Whenever we try to talk about anything, we all go horribly off topic.
C.3.2: I've never used lip gloss, but I would probably find one that makes you look like you're wearing lipstick just to see everyone stare. Yes, that would be immensely satisfying.
C4.1: At this point, I do believe we're past all spoilers, so I can say what I like. I do believe that mysterious magician may have written it.
C4.2: I highly doubt it. Chances are, he went off to a mysterious party, got delayed by a number of dwarves, and is now having fabulous adventures with a magical ring and dragons. I assume he'll pop up sooner or later and deny that he was ever late with the claim that "a magician is never late, nor is he early, but arrives precisely when he means to."
C5.1: I think they are marvelous people and I think that I should become best friends with Max-Ernest. Who doesn't want two free breakfasts?
C5.2.: They want to find proof that the magician is, indeed, dead and not off hunting dragons and Dwarvish gold.
C6.1: Certain unmentionable persons from C3.1 fit this criterion very nicely, thank you very much. Moving on.
C6.2: Pssh, but of course! How often do you get to break into a magician's house?
C7.1: I do think that saying "Just L" in the smuggest voice posisble is one of the greater pleasures of life. Ms. Mauvais is all right. She's kind of weird looking in some of the series' later illustrations.
C8.1: I honestly can't remember- I've read this book too many years ago. Sorry.
C8.2: Hmm, "And what's this whole underneath? Forty-two." No, I don't believe that quite works. NEXT!
(March 13, 2014 - 5:41 pm)
I've been enjoying seeing your responses to the book!!! Here's the next batch of questions and your next assingment. I'll post my answers later:) (and you'll seeing, I'm doing the questions numbering thing-y a little differntly-the other was annoying to type:)
Chapter 9:
1. Do you think leaving Cass with larry and Wayne was the greatest idea Cass's mom has ever had??
2. Gloria hasn't been to the shop for a few days. Where do you think she could be?
Chapter 10:
1. In this chapter, the Symphony of Smells disapears!! AND Cass is under suspicion for taking it ( she didn't, of course) Where do you think it is?
2. Our narrator asks is you think she should have "confessed". What do you think?
3. Do you have any people in you life as WONDERFULLY wacky and nice as Larry and Wayne?
Chapter 11:
1. Whats up with Benjamin??
2. Do you think ignorance is bliss as Pietro states?
3. Whats with this "Midnight Sun" ?
Chapter 12:
1. Did you do any of the things are narrator suggests to do to better read this chapter??
2. Have you ever been to a circus? Were you as captivated by it as Pietro was?
Chapter 14:
1. Are you superstitious?
2. What are your opinions on syanaethsia? Do you wish you had it? Do you know someone that does? And why do the kids with this condition keep disapearing?
3. We learn a little more about the Symphony of Smells. What is with it?
Chapter 15:
1. Should have Cass and M-E argued?
2. How is Cass going to "save" Benjamin??
Thats all for now!! Your next assingment is Chapters 16-24 by the 26 of February:)
(February 19, 2014 - 7:21 pm)
Chapter 9
1) No, because Larry and Wayne are the kind of people who let kids do stuff without that many questions, so Cass could go off and get in trouble or something. Of course, if she hadn't, this book would be really boring and I would not read it. :D
2) SPACE!!!!! (I've read the book many times so I know but, as River from Doctor Who says, spoilers!!!)
Chapter 10
1) Where ever Dr. L and Ms. Mauvis are!!
2) Maybe, but if she had Larry and Wayne would probaly have put her under strict supervison so she wouldn't do something of the sort again.
3) If fictonal charecters count, then the Doctor, if they don't, then my dad and my really weird friend Breece.
Chapter 11
1) He is very spaced out!! :D
2) Sometimes. If I knew nothing about Doctor Who my life would be a lot less fun, but if I knew nothing about some stuff we covered in Family Life then my life would be a lot more...uh...I don't really have a word for it but I think you can find one for what my life would be more of.
3) It is a magical place with a magical sun.
Chapter 12
1) I read it in bed so not really. For some reason I always read this chapter in bed!!!!! :D
2) No, but I did write a very weird murder mystery featuring a very fat insane serial killer who was once a tightrope walker killing people at the circus!
Chapter 13
1) Not really, although I periodicly wear my favorite T-shirt to events and things.
2) I think it would be cool to have synathesia. I don't know anyone with it, but I once read a book for Reading about a girl who discoveres she has synathesia and what happens because of this revolation. As for the disapearing kids, I won't say anything!!!
3) It's a magical box that you can use to send messages to other people!!!
Chapter 15
1) Yes, becasue otherwise the argument is essential to the plot!! If this was in real life, thogh, I would say no, as the argument was a little pointless.
2) Using her magic powers!!
(February 22, 2014 - 2:45 pm)
Chapter 9:
1. Why yes, yes I do.
2. She's probably off with Pietro and the dwarves having wonderful magical adventures with a dragon and a ring.
Chapter 10:
1. I believe the Symphony of Smells was taken by the dwarves to assist on their quest.
2. *runs to find the actual book because I'm not entirely sure what you're talking about* Oh, now I know what you're asking. I don't think she should have because often, strange stories sound like lies, and it hurts to not be taken seriously. So I don't think she should have confessed as they wouldn't have believed her anyway and she would have gotten in trouble for lying.
3. Well, if I wasn't so horribly modest, I might just have to name myself for this role.
Chapter 11:
1. He ran off with dwarves, found a magic ring, and now it is possessing him.
2. Yeah, it kind of is. Except for when people are like, "Teehee, I know something that you don't. Do you want to know? Do you? Do you? Well, too bad because I won't tell you, haha!" There's a guy I know who does just that, the little grumble grumble grumble.
3. Midnight Sun sounds like a brand of shampoo. I'm just saying.
Chapter 12:
1. Oh, geez, come on memory, remember! I think... I think I went and got a snack and then plowed ahead while eating a snackbar. Mind you, this was four years ago, so I'm not entirely sure.
2. I've never been to a circus. Ruby isn't fond of crowds.
Chapter 13: (Ha! I will leave it as thirteen and skip fourteen! So there, author!)
1. Me? Oh, no, certainly not. I don't need to watch out for- ahh, a black cat! Whoo, I nearly stepped on a crack while dodging that cat. Hey, look, a penny! Oh, what was I saying? I don't need to watch out for bad luck because I have my lucky rabbit's foot and four-leaf clover of course! (I've honestly never seen a four-leaf clover. That's kind of sad.)
2. We're kind of synesthetic but it's really not that cool or anything. We hear things in colors and percieve colors, personalities, and voices in inanimate objects like letters or numbers. Our sight and hearing senses are kind of mixed together, I guess, but never our smell. I actually can't smell things, isn't that odd? Ru-kun never uses his sense of smell so we don't even have one at all. Our noses are pretty much useless. I can feel smells if Ruby smells them on purpose, but I can't experience them on my own. Okay, that's enough about me. Moving on.
3. It is the one Symphony to rule all the senses, the one Symphony to find them. The one Symphony to bring them all and in the Midnight Sun bind them. (I need to stop with the Lord of the Rings references, but this is too fun. I'll stop next book. Maybe.)
Chapter Fifteen:
1. Friends argue a lot. It's pretty normal for kids to fight with friends.
2. She will slip into the dungeon where he is being stored, steal the keys when the guards are asleep, take him to an underground river, stuff him in a barrel, and toss the barrel out onto the water.
Captcha says ofer. A possible dwarf name?
(March 16, 2014 - 10:59 am)
Well. I'm not late at all. I'm sorry I haven't been able to keep up with this, but I will make a stupendous effort to keep on top of this and to reply to the ones I missed. Yes. That sounds like a good plan.
(February 24, 2014 - 7:24 pm)
Thanks, Red!:)
(February 26, 2014 - 12:58 pm)
Hey all, we're heading out of town unexpectedly, so I wouldn't be able to post questions till March 3. Anyways, your next assignment is the next 4 chapters by that date.
:)Abigail A:)
(February 26, 2014 - 5:37 pm)
Question time!!:)
Chapter 16:
1. Spas. Do you like them or not?
2. We find out a teency bit more about The Midnight Sun. What do you think it says about Ms. Mauvis adn Dr. L?
3. Do you think Cass should have written the "ransom note"? What would you do if you were in her place?
Chapter 17:
1. Here is our narrator again *eye roll and smile*. What is with this guy? (rhetorical question:)
Chapter 18:
1. Do you think Cass should have let/forced Max-Ernest to come even if it meant begging?
2. Would you go to the Midnight sun-alone?
1. Do you think Egyptology is really that impotant of a subject?
2.Why is that flame-orb thing so promient?
3. In one sense the Midnight Sun seems nice- quite a resort. Would you go to it if there was no evil in it- and you had the money to?
Chapter 20:
1. Do you think that the random doctor was right about Max-Ernests feelings?
Chapter 21:
1. Would you drink that elixir?? What do you think was in it?
2. Do you think the whole synesthia thing and the fac that all the treatments are meant to bring the senses together are connected?
Chapter 22:
1. What do you think happened between this chapter and the last?
2. Will Owen betray Cass?
3. What is Ms. Mauvis up to?
Chapter 23:
1. Are youglad Max-Ernest is back in the picture?
2. How long do you think it took Ma. Mauvis and Dr. L to convince M-E they were "good"? :)
Chapter 24:
1. Ugh, eww and gross. Of the dinner items, which seems the most disgusting to you?
2. With Ms. Mauvis's meal, do you think the items actually were what our narrator lead us to believe?
Chapter 25:
1. Whats this "Secret"?
2. Does the whole "bad-luck follows the Secret" remind you of anything?
3. Why do you think Dr. L changed?
Chapter 26:
1. Would you like to be a student at the Art of Bounds camp?
2. What 'color' do you think your voice is?
3. Why did Ms. Mauvis and Dr. L kidnap Benjamin?
Chapter 27:
1. What's with all the gloved people?
2. Alchemy. Do you believe in it or not?
Chapter 28:
1. How about this code- were you able to break it?
All right everyone, this is your last assingnment. By the *looks at calender* 14th, please finish the book (Red, finish when you can:).
(March 6, 2014 - 4:50 pm)
Chapter 16:
1. Oh, dahhling, spas are my thing. I often get the butler to bring me around to the spa every weekend, luvvy. I come so often I'm a real VIP, dahhling.
2. They're hip people. Ms. Mauvais and I, luvvy, we go way back. We were girls in grade school together, best friends, Antoinette and I. And I said, "Toiney, you and me got to do something, girl. We've gotta hit up this town." Then she ran off with some old Italian coot L, but me and her are still in touch, dahhling. I've got a special discount at her spa, I do.
3. Climb on a park bench and sing Bohemiam Rapsody- I mean, hitchhike to the Midnight Sun, bust through the windows and demand to be taken to their leader.
Chapter 17:
1. He likes chocolate, so they say. Personally, I can't see why. Awful stuff.
Chapter 18:
1. Max-Ernest should come because Cass doesn't seem like the kind of person to have enough knowledge to pull off a master heist.
2. No, it's more fun to drag protesting people along on dangerous adventures.
Chapter 19:
1. I haven't taken it, and I'm still alive.
2. It is the eye, the all-seeing eye. Of SAURON. Cast the Syphony of Smells into the fires of Mt. Midnight and the Sun shall perish.
3. Despite my pretending to be a rich old lady up there, I actually have no interest in this kind of thing. So no, not really.
Chapter 20:
1. I don't know- I am full of feelings! Feelings are my dream, my passions! They rule me and subject me to their human cruelty!
Chapter 21:
1. Eww, no. It looks like a protein powder shake.
2. I suppose so.
Chapter 22:
1. ... Let me go find my book so I know what you're talking about. Oh, yes, this part. Cass told Dr. L about the dwarves and all. She called herself Barrel-rider and then Dr. L swooped out to punish the Lake Men.
2. Owen is too pure of heart to do any such thing. People set their moral compasses by him, you know.
3. No good.
Chapter 23:
1. OMG, yes, because Max-Ernest and Cass are just, like, the cuuutest couple, their name is Cass-Ernest (I suck at making names for couples) and they're so cuttteeee, they make me go <3<3<3.
2. What do you mean? They're not bad people, just misunderstood.
Chapter 24:
1. I'm not a big fan of tripe, so I'd say the bear liver.
2. I assume so, I don't see why Ms. Mauvais would lie.
Chapter 25:
1. I would tell you, but I'd have to dig out later books to get the wording correct and I really don't want to.
2. Those black cats back up in that last set of questions... *shiver*
Chapter 26:
1. Maybe, I think art is cool.
2. My voice is red colored. Haha, sorry, I wish it was more interesting, but there aren't very many red voices we can hear.
3. Dawrf gold is a powerful incentive for a young dragon, er, doctor.
Chapter 27:
1. Gloves are in fashion this season, dahhling.
2. Of course! There's a whole anime on it. If it's on TV, it has to be real, right? Right?
Chapter 28:
1. Ya- I know a lot of Egyptian mythology and riddles are our thing.
(March 29, 2014 - 1:17 pm)
Guys, I'm sorry I have not posted the questions but I have a major deadline on my History Day project and have zero time for myself. I'll try to post by Wednesday.
Abigail A.
(March 22, 2014 - 6:54 pm)
Hey can I join this club? I've read the entire Secret series, so can probably answer the questions, and would enjoy talking about the book.
(April 9, 2014 - 9:38 pm)