I'm going to
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
I'm going to start one book club for the Chatterboxers who love to read.
After I finish my book, What Katy Did, I will start a book club for it that will allow Chatterboxers to read along and join in some fun activities while they read. If you have not read this book, read it with us and follow along in the book club. You may also join if you have already read the book, but please don't give any information away.
So if you want to sign up, sign up by Sunday, December 1, 2013. To sign up, just comment below "I want to sign up". A comment in reply to yours from me will be used to confirm that you've signed up. A list of the first 10 people who have signed up will be posted Monday, December 2, 2013. Please check that list to make sure you are in the book club. There is a limit of 10 spots for the book club, so sign up now!
I will try to finish my book next week, and start the book club Saturday, December 7, 2013. Assignments for book club members to complete will also be posted below. If the book club will cancel for any reason, I will say so in the comments.
Here is the main info:
Book we will be reading: What Katy Did by Susan Coolidge
Signing up starts: Saturday, November 9, 2013
Signing up ends: Sunday, December 1, 2013
List of the people in book club: Monday, December 2, 2013
Book club begins and will be posted: Saturday, December 7, 2013
I am unsure when we will be finished with the book. The actual book club will be posted December 7 in a different post. If you want to stop the book club when you have already signed up, please let me know!
Be sure to ask any questions below. I will answer any questions promptly.
This is my first book club, so I am unsure on how this will work out. I hope it will be a successful book club!
(November 9, 2013 - 3:26 pm)
I have a few important book club updates. First of all, I have 7 people signed up for my book club! YAY! :D That also means that there are only 3 spots available so sign up and save your spot now!
Second, the book club might start earlier than stated. After 10 people have signed up, which is my goal, I will post a list of people who are in the book club on here. Please check that list to make sure that you are in the book club. Also, I might start book club earlier than December 7. I'm thinking next weekend or the end of November. I want to finish the book club before the holidays begin so that you can spend the holidays with your family.
Be sure to frequently check this page for other updates. And be looking out for the What Katy Did book club in a different post- I might start early! :)
Lastly, I just finished the book at this moment. The book is amazing and I think it would be a great selection for my book club. I have some book club activities I have in mind. If you have any book club activity ideas, please share them with me!
(November 11, 2013 - 10:03 pm)
I would LOVE to sign up!
Don't take my spot!
Haha, I'm getting the book ASAP :D I can't wait, Nina!
See Y'all!
-Nora the Singer
(November 13, 2013 - 12:28 pm)
@ Nora the Singer: Thanks for signing up! :)
(November 13, 2013 - 2:13 pm)
Hi everyone! I have 8 people signed up now, and you know what that means- I have 2 spots available! Be sure to sign up now and save your spot before someone else grabs it! :)
After I get those 2 people, I will post the list of who's in the book club. I'm hoping to get 2 more people by Friday so I can post the book club either Saturday or Sunday. Be on the look out for the book club: it will be titled "The What Katy Did Book Club!"
Please be frequently checking this page for any more updates. Hope everyone who has signed up will be able to grab a copy of the book ASAP!
(November 13, 2013 - 2:19 pm)