I might be

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

I might be...

I might be the only one, but has anyone read a book in a language other than English? I'm currently reading The Order of the Pheonix in Arabic. Other than those cheesy moments when they translate something too literally, it's pretty good.

Only other problem: There's no 'P' in arabic. So it's Haaary Booter. هاري بوتر

We have Heidi, and once the Secret Garden, but those are abridged and... cheesy also. I think I'll stick to orginially written Arabic  books, thanks. 

submitted by Blackberry E., age 13
(August 18, 2013 - 11:17 am)

I've read Le Petite Prince in French before, but I didn't understand most of it. 

submitted by Teresa, age 14, Michigan
(August 19, 2013 - 2:58 pm)

I read several Yotsuba comics and Drama in French for class and I didn't understand half of it.

submitted by Olive
(August 22, 2013 - 8:29 pm)

I actually read about the first chapter of Brisingr in Spanish at the library. I understood about a third of it, but enough to actually get the general idea of what was going on. Of course, I've read it in English, so it was easier, but I was still a bit proud of myself.

I love reading made-up languages best, though. The Ancient Language, Elvish, etc.

submitted by Everinne, age 14, Rivendell
(August 23, 2013 - 3:34 pm)

I haven't had to yet, but I'm told I might have to red Les Miserables in French. That'll be fun.

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(August 24, 2013 - 8:17 pm)

I've read snippets of picture books in French and Swedish.

submitted by Gollum
(August 23, 2013 - 5:51 pm)

I have a little easy reader my German teacher gave me after winning a German awards and I've read that.  I wish I have read more German books but that's about it.  I have listened to some German songs, though.  Tokio Hotel songs are pretty good in the original German. 

submitted by Melody, age 15, Disney
(August 23, 2013 - 6:10 pm)

I started reading The Sorcerer's Stone in French, but mever finished. I could understand nuts and pieces, but I've read that book so many times in English that I basically have it memorized. That definitely makes it easier! 

submitted by Ivy
(August 24, 2013 - 12:50 am)

I started reading The Hobbit in Latin. It was very interesting since there were words that weren't originally in the Latin language.

submitted by Lizzy, age 16, Texas
(August 24, 2013 - 10:59 pm)

I've read a ton of books in Belarusian, a bunch in Russian, a few in Ukrainian, and Hamlet in Polish.

submitted by Quill, age 14
(August 30, 2013 - 11:40 am)