Ask me your
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
Ask me your own HypQuest! And once I answer, you can ask me a follow-up question based on the answer! And when I answer that, you can ask me another follow-up! And when I answer that... you probably get the idea.
Here are a few of my own for you to answer:
1. What would you do if your mom left you at home for a meeting with the neighbors across the street saying she'd be back in about half an hour and that you could eat anything you liked excepting the off-limits stuff and handed you a list of rules for you and your sibling, and about forty-five minutes later, she called you to say, "Hi, (your name here), I somehow got lost in the woods, and I don't have cell service so I can't call someone to help! Will you let someone know? Thanks honey."?
I would say, "Uh... if you don't have cell service, how can you call me?"
2. What would you do if you woke up wearing your pajamas in one of the Admins' house leaning on their computer table with the computer open to the page where the Admins read and approve our comments?
I'd hide until the Admin left so once they did, I could leave. If he or she caught me, I'd say, "I really don't know how I got here, and I swear I'm not here so I can use your computer to slip through stuff you won't let me post! Just let me go and I'll probably never see you again!"
3. What would you do if I called you and said, "Something urgent has happened that calls for a drastic in-person meeting of the Cricket Chatterboxers! Hurry to my house! My address is **** ****** *****, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and my zip code is *****!"?
I'd say, "Hi, me! I'm already at our house, so you've no need to worry. And how are you talking to yourself? Are you a clone?"
4. What would you do if a vampire was hanging around on your porch waiting for you to come outside?
Figure out what he wanted from a safe distance. If he says he intends to bite me and drink my blood, stay away and call the police. If he says he wants to help me somehow, stay away and still call the police to be safe.
(July 17, 2013 - 5:54 pm)
What would you do if you went to wait for a train and there was a gorilla on the tracks?
(July 25, 2013 - 2:51 pm)
I'd call Animal Control. If the train arrived first, I'd yell, "STOP THE TRAIN!"
Also re: waking up as the only person in the world other than a crazy cat lady: How would I know they'd been abducted by aliens?
(July 25, 2013 - 6:21 pm)
Well, first of all, you'd see footage from the survelliance cameras everywhere of the rest of the world's population getting abducted. Second, the aliens would have burned all sorts of messages into the ground reading "The Forces of Planet Evandres were here!" and such. Also, the crazy cat lady would have been an eyewitness to the abduction of her sister.
Also, I forgot to say about the gorilla question: I'd go hurry and buy 70000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 bananas and put them on the train platform. Then the gorilla would get off the tracks and eat the bananas. After which I'd call Animal Control and tell them to come while the gorilla was occupied.
What would you do if the chicken dinner drove up to you in a cool slick convertible with rockets that propelled it at 100 MPS (miles per second) and told you, "Get in! There's an audition for the next Rise of the Fried Furies going on in about five minutes and the studio wants you for it!"?
(Rise of the Fried Furies is the movie series the chicken dinner got the lead role in after coming to life.)
(July 26, 2013 - 11:13 am)
1. I would say that a) there are no woods anywhere near our house, and b) she has cell service if she's calling me.
2. I'd run out the door and find myself in Chicago. Since I used to live in Chicago, I'd hopefully find some better clothes and a place to stay for a time being – maybe I'd show up at the door of my ex-best-friend or something and ask to use her phone. Anyway, I'd end up calling my parents or something.
3. I'd roll my eyes and say that first of all I'm not going to Pennsylvania because school starts in two weeks and where the heck am I going to get the money for plane tickets? I also wouldn't believe you were actually JS. Honestly, though, I probably wouldn't even pick up because my phone is dead half the time anyway.
4. I'd probably assume he was wearing a costume of some sort, and ask him to go away, opening the door just a crack using the chain thing. If he didn't, I'd call the police, on the basis that a man I don't know is loitering on my front porch.
(July 27, 2013 - 10:23 am)
Oh, Joe.. I've missed you so much!!!
Here are some of mine, even though I'm not good at coming up with these.. they're terrible.
1. What would you do if you woke up one day and there was another person in the room with you, in another bed, who was choking like crazy on an overdose of camphor oil?
2. What would you do if you were sneaking through a dark forest that was infested with werewolves and who knows what else, and an annoying toddler was with you, nagging you in a loud voice to do stuff with you?
3. What would you do if you were falling down a bottomless pit that had no end, werewolves were chasing you in their speeders, and all around you TVs and pizzas were falling within reach.
4. What would you do if you had finally arrived at home, but when you walked in,
(July 28, 2013 - 5:43 pm)
1. Wikipedia says that causes "symptoms of irritability, disorientation, lethargy, muscle spasms, vomiting, abdominal cramps, convulsions, and seizures." Call an ambulance.
2. Gag the toddler. Wonder why the heck I was there.
3. I'm allergic to pizza! The crust has wheat in it. Live off the pizza toppings, and throw a TV at the werewolves. Then see if there were any DVD players or Playstations among those TVs.
What's the fourth one?
Here's one of my own:
What would you do if you woke up in your room and discovered the Scoodlers surrounding you and getting rope to tie you up? (No clue what the heck Scoodlers are? Do a Google search for "read the road to oz online archive".)
I would say, "Uh, didn't the Shaggy Man throw away your heads in The Road to Oz?" Then I'd make THE SIGNAL, and upon me doing so, the chicken dinner would leap out of my closet and use some deep-fried action to attack the Scoodlers and seperate them from their heads, which would zip out the window. After that, he'd take me out of my room and escort me to his awesome convertible with a speed potential of 100 mps (miles per second) and then take me to the studio in Hollywood for filming of the next Rise of the Fried Furies.
Rodney says ewim. Electronic Whimsy?
(July 29, 2013 - 11:23 am)
1. Freak out and get my mom. She's good for stuff like that.
2. Punch the werewolves. And find the kid's parents.
3. Punch the werewolves.
4. Oh no! My house disappeared, just like the end of that sentence! Punch the werewolves.
(July 29, 2013 - 3:10 pm)