My Lord of
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
My Lord of the Rings obsession compels me to create this post about the Fellowship of the Ring, not the book itself but the actual Fellowship. In my own opinion, a more perfect band of heroes could not have been created, and without one the whole band could not stand, but just for the fun of it...Who's your favorite in the Fellowship (you may, of course, have more than one.)
Frodo, the Sacrificing Ring-Bearer?
Samwise, the Reassuring Very Heroic Hobbit?
Meriadoc, the Quick-Thinker and Slayer of the Nazgul?
Peregrin, Servant of the Stewards and Hero of the Shire?
Aragorn, the (very cool) King in Exile?
Legolas, the Far-Seeing Elf?
Gimli, Admirer of Galadriel and Friend of Elves?
Boromir, (who really doesn't count, because he dies in the first book)?
And, of course, Gandalf, One of the Istari, and Who Always Shows Up In Time?
And, while I'm at it, how about
Arwen, the Elfin Princess and Aragorn's bride?
Eowyn, Shield Maiden and Pretty Much the Only Heroine In the Books?
Saruman, the Main Villain?
Faramir, the Just Steward?
My favorites are Aragorn and Eowyn, although Pippin is hilarious in the movie and you couldn't do at all without Sam.
(June 8, 2013 - 2:35 pm)
This is an impossible thread. To start the thread out on a bad note. I love it, but I could personally NEVER decide. Although I DO despise Saruman with an ever-boiling passion.
Chergloofigan says hydm. Haydn? Hide 'em? Hide what, Gloofy?
(June 8, 2013 - 6:01 pm)
Boromir dies in the second book, Two Towers. The first chaper is the departure of Boromir.
(December 22, 2013 - 8:56 pm)