In which my

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

The Lost Hero
In which my...

In which my brother actually reccomends a book to me. 

Thoughts: Like before, I like the worldbuilding aspect and the humor. Leo's a hilarious, original character, and that makes him so human and relatable that yeah, automatic favorite character. I do think that Riordan overdid the 'Yeah, man, that's totally radical!' but maybe that's just me. Piper... Well, she's honestly rather annoying, and she's a bit of a Faux Action Girl. She gets points for trying, but honestly never does anything useful besides charm speak, which is rather frustrating, because she just always gets what she wants. Her eternal crush on Jason kind of irks me as well. 

Speaking of Jason, he's even more aggravating than Piper! He has absolutely no established flaws, he ALWAYS does the right thing or whatever, he's such a stereotypical hero. 
Also: I want more villains. 
Seeing Annabeth again was nice. 
Drew or whatever her name is is not a very interesting character at all. She's just the stereotypical 'mean girl', and I sort of wish he'd been more creative. 
Overall, pros: Better cover art, cool worldbuilding, engrossing, more racial diversity, Leo, seeing new places and gods that weren't in the old books, it doesn't just focus on the twelve Olympians as much but includes more obscure gods as well.
Cons: Jason, overdone speech patterns for Leo, Jason, Drew is boring, Jason, I want more kick-butt-ness from Piper, and Jason. 
Also Jason. 
I'm in the middle of the book, so don't spoil things!
submitted by FantasyQuill
(May 19, 2013 - 10:08 pm)

Oh my gosh, you just said EVERYTHING I say to my family all the time about that series! Piper is annoying! Yes, some things she does gets points (but I won't spoil;) but she's SO focused on NOT being pretty, popular, blah blah blah. But she's to the other extreme, and frankly, strikes me as almost narcissistic.

Jason: I TOTALLY AGREE! And frankly, to me, he's got little to no personality.

Leo: LEO. IS. AWESOME. Plain and simple. You can't argue with it. He just is. I ADORE him! And yeah, I loved Annabeth being back!

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age ageless, Camp Half Blood
(May 20, 2013 - 6:16 pm)

Update on Piper: Still annoying, slightly more useful. 

Also: I just love that smug feeling when I can figure out the Greek mythology character they're meeting way before they can. A few hours ago, I was reading you-know-what scene, and I was just going: "Media! Media! Media! Media! It's Media! She's Media! SHE'S MEDIA GOSHDARNIT– okay, thank you, Piper."

submitted by FantasyQuill
(May 20, 2013 - 8:52 pm)

That was me! I guessed Media before they did too! What gave it away for sure was the sunscreen. I remembered Annabeth talking about it in The Sea of Monsters.

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, Camp Half Blood
(May 21, 2013 - 11:03 am)

I need to say Piper really didnt have to steal a car to get attenion. She is a little annoying. And why does Jason get super powers five minutes into the story?

submitted by Chance h, age I'm only 8, Californa
(June 28, 2013 - 8:58 am)

Piper I liked for a while, but Jason is not as cool as Percy, hands down. Leo isn't bad, because he seems really real, and doesn't have the whole automatic-superpower-because-I'm-a-demigod things going on.

submitted by Everinne, age 14, Middle Earth
(May 23, 2013 - 3:46 pm)

Whaaa ! I completly disagree ! The Lost Hero is seriously an AWESOME book ! Your mind just needs to be open to the fact that it's FICTION! (:

submitted by Vidaaa, age 13, Sophmoreeee
(July 25, 2013 - 3:42 pm)

All I have to say is, waaaaaaaaa!!!! The House of Hades comes out in October, and it's only August,

and I've been waiting for it since June! YellCry But I totally agree, Percy is way cooler then Jason!

Just to think that I started The Lightning Theif last September. The Percy Jackson series is my

favorite book series big time!

submitted by Lena A., age 9, laptop
(August 15, 2013 - 7:11 pm)

I happen to like Piper and Jason.  I do think Jason's flawed because of how much internal conflict is going on there.  I just like Piper for some reason.  No real reason.


Wait until you get to the next book.  Hazel and Frank are my absolute favorites.

submitted by Melody, age 15, Disney
(August 21, 2013 - 2:23 pm)