So... does anybody
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
So... does anybody else like?
I started watching TNG when I was sixth or seventh grade, because it was on at 8 and by then my homework and piano were all done, so we could watch it as a family. The 2009 movie was so awesome, and now it is taking all of my will power not to type in capitals and exclamation points because all three trailers for Into Darkness are so awesome looking and BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH and it comes out on May 17th, but I won't get to see it until the 19th at least because my mother doesn't let me see movies during the week, which makes sense. I am so excited and fangirly and I just want to skip the next month. The movie poster has been my desktop background since december. And I only have one other friend who's excited as I am, but two of my friends might come see it with us because "that one guy is hot."
So... any other Trekkies? Because I just watched the third trailer and there's so much Cumberbatch and Kirk and Spock and explosions and Enterprise and ominous ships and stuff.
(April 17, 2013 - 9:39 pm)
I love Star Trek, both the shows with Patrick Stewart and the 2009 movie. I haven't seen the older movies because they're supposed to be cheesy. The trailer of Star Trek: Into Darkness looks pretty good so I think I'll watch it. I also really like Chris Pine...
(April 19, 2013 - 6:40 am)
(April 21, 2013 - 7:28 pm)
AHHH YES A FELLOW TREKKIE!! I can't even really begin to put into words the emotion I feel for Star Trek seriously ahh but I must talk about it, yes! I just got two Star Trek posters for my room though I'm excited.
(July 15, 2013 - 7:55 pm)