Book about cats

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Warrior Cats by Erin Hunter
Book about cats...

Book about cats and it is really good.

I love the names of the cats.

I recommend reading it.






submitted by Sophia P. , age 10, New York
(August 8, 2012 - 6:53 pm)

I've never read these books, but I know some people on this site love this series.  A while ago, there was even a time when there were so many Warriors roleplays that the Admins had to shut them down!

submitted by Melody, age 14, Atlantica
(August 9, 2012 - 12:02 pm)

Ah, yes, the dread Warriors Era. I was part of ChocolateClan under a different name.

submitted by Ash, age 14, A galaxy far away
(August 13, 2012 - 5:13 pm)

we should start a new warriors RP!! I miss them... 

submitted by person
(September 5, 2012 - 9:35 am)

Oh yeah, I remember the Warriors era; there were basically only Warriors threads. I was part of I think three, but I don't remember. There were so many they would die all the time after only like 10 posts and then more would take their place. 

I remember trying to make one and the Admins banning it because there were so many...  

submitted by ~Sam~
(August 13, 2012 - 8:26 pm)

Hang on there was a ChocolateClan?  #snortlaughingfit  

As for Warriors- #meh.


submitted by Mattie
(August 14, 2012 - 2:56 pm)

In my defense, I happen to love chocolate.

Also, I thought my character, by the name of Foxtail, was very inspired.

And I was approximately ten years old.

submitted by Ash, age 14, A galaxy far away
(August 16, 2012 - 12:18 pm)

The Warriors series was a good idea, but it's not so incredibly original that 30+ books can be written from it. Thus, the series starts out pretty good, but I think it goes downhill.

I didn't like the names much, myself; they were fine in the beginning, like everything else, but the authors even admitted it was really hard to keep thinking of original ones after a while. I think they just failed at it eventually, although I'm sure they wouldn't agree about that, and it's fine if you don't.

I participated in the Warriors RPs, but I also admitted that there were too many. Granted, that was after I already started one, but in my defense, it eventually became the longest thread on the ChatterBox (it still is, actually) partly because I didn't want to make another Warriors thread. Other than that, I only joined existing Clans.  I don't even like to really think about that, though; I said some rather embarrassing things.

submitted by Ima
(August 14, 2012 - 3:44 pm)

I read the first one ages ago, and really liked it.  Last summer, I tried the second and it was so boring I had to stop.  Two of my friends are obsessed with them, though.  So I think I might try reading the first and second in quick succesion.  Unfortuantly, I skip around in series a lot, and if it's a story line that needs one-after-another devotedness, I will likely stop.  

Yay!  Another New Yorker!  Are you in the Big Apple, or where?  I live in Woodstock.  New York. 

Spamster in his Spamster cage says wxnu.  Translation: We know?  Yes, I have ranted on the distinctiveness of Woodstock New York rather excessively.   

submitted by Gollum, Mooseflower
(August 14, 2012 - 5:03 pm)

@Gollum?  You're a New Yorker?  Drat.  Because I really thought I met you the other day.  There's a new girl in my class who reminds me freakishly of you.  She likes Tolkien and classical music.  Other than that, not really.  She's about 2-3 years older than you, wears skirts all the time, and in short, is not you.  Okay, never mind.  #embarrassed

submitted by Mattie
(August 16, 2012 - 5:25 pm)

Yup, I am definetly a New Yorker.  Unless I sleep walk and my parents don't notice it.  Oh, I like modern classical music.  And Beethoven't fifth.  If you ever find someone who you think is me, check for red hair and a  Daniel Pinkwater obsession as well.  Viola playing also helps. 

submitted by Gollum, New York (confirmed)
(August 17, 2012 - 7:51 am)

I started reading these books, but they just didn't appeal to me. I like more action in my books, with a little less talking. But I agree, the cat's names are quite cool!

submitted by Martin the Warrior, age 13, Redwall Abbey
(October 23, 2012 - 2:33 pm)