So I just
Chatterbox: Blab About Books
So I just read Divergent and I couldn't put it down! It was so amazing. It was as good as The Hunger Games or even better! Now I'd like to make an RP about it.
I think that we all have to switch to the same faction so that we can communicate with each other. We can vote for the faction that we want to have the RP be about. Then we'll decide. I vote for Dauntless because it seems like the most violent and interesting one.
You can be a trainer, an initiate, someone from the faction or whatever else you come up with. Anyway please join!
Here's my character:
Name: Indigo Mallivont
Age: 16
Current Faction: Amity
Family: Mom, Dad, six-year-old twin siblings Blue and Red
Appearance: Auburn hair with curls at the end that falls just a little above her elbows (usually in a high ponytail, rarely down), tan skin from being outside all the time, long fingers, long legs, blue-black eyes that seem almost purple
Personality: nice (like her faction is supposed to be),though she is rebellious, clever and daring at the same time
(June 3, 2012 - 12:42 am)
Sorry I haven't posted!! :/
Indigo Mallivont-
Lenn and I are pushed out of the way as more of the initiates fly down. Lei isn't fourth or fifth or sixth or seventh or even eighth.
"Where is she?" I ask Lenn who seems just as worried as I.
He shrugs but keeps watching for Lei. Is she dead? Did something happen? How many are we?
All of a sudden a scream pierces the air and Lei lands in the net. Lenn runs to her and pulls her out, murmuring comforting things.
"That was the last initiate! Time for the Dauntless!" The same man, who wrenched me out of the net, yells to some person (I'm not exactly sure who).
We, the initiates who aren't from Dauntless, wait while teens in black come sailing out of the sky. None of them seem worried. None of them seem scared. They almost seem to like it.
The whole time Lei has her head buried in Lenn's shoulder. It seems as if she's blocked out everything except him. Her whole body shakes with fear and tears. I stand next to her, almost regretting my choice. Almost.
"Okay, initiates from Dauntless follow Tamara. Everyone else follow me." The man from before beckons us to follow him down a dark corridor. I already miss the sunlight.
This was your choice, Indigo. There's no turning back. A voice in my head whispers. I guess that's true. If I leave I'll be factionless and that's worse than jumping off a train or a building.
"Okay, people, I'm Sting. (Yes, he has a nickname like Four.) I am one of the leaders here and I've volunteered to train you along with Jessie, who you'll meet later." This is the first time that I've actually looked closely at Sting. He has a black ring in his lip and huge holes in his ears. His black T-Shirt shows off his muscles and his tattoos. His skin is covered in black/green ink. Ew.
"I'm leading you to the Pit. Don't ask. You'll find out what it's like when you're there." His eyes sweep over us and land on Lei who's face is still covered in tears. "Oh and one more thing. Weakness isn't tolerated. If you aren't ready, leave. You don't belong here."
When we get to the Pit we sit down and eat. Sting stays with us. We have grilled meat with bread. There aren't any vegetables. Nobody says a word for a while. Maybe because the looks that Sting keeps giving us are so intimidating.
Lei doesn't touch her food.
"You should really eat." I whisper. "I think you'll need your strength."
"I'm not hungry." Her face is emotionless. I look at Lenn but he shakes his head and squeezes Lei's hand. And she surprisingly takes a bite.
I have to go. I'll try to post later!!
(June 23, 2012 - 4:49 am)
TOP!!!! :D
(June 27, 2012 - 10:26 am)
Sorry I haven't posted! Createspace templates are sooo confusing. Btw, Sting is an awesome name. :D
"Hey, Tammy," Joel says breezily, winking at her. Tamara rolls her eyes.
Joel and her used to date. I'm not sure why; Joel isn't attractive and Tams is. She's also three years older and she came from Candor so they didn't grow up together.
Her hair is naturally orange-ish but she adds so much black and purple dye that she has orange highlights instead of black or purple. She has the longest eyelashes I've ever seen and there's a tattoo of a flame underneath one eye. (heh. Copying BZRK by Michael Grant)
"Shut up and follow me you all," Tamara orders. "We're going to the caf for some dinner then we'll go meet Axel at training room B."
"Axel?" Eric cries. "Axel Yuric? No way."
"Way!" Tammy chirps, grinning evilly.
One sandwich and a pudding cup later, we're standing outside the door of training room B watching silently as Tamara pounds on the door.
"Open the door already!" she yells. "Ax-"
The door swings open and a normal person would trip and fall because of the moment of leaning forward but Tamara is not a normal person. She is Dauntless. And she doesn't fall.
"Tamara, calm down," a tall man with a cool voice says. "Initiates, come inside and sit on the floor."
We all file inside and plop down on the shiny wooden planks facing a man's back.
"That's Axel," Eric hisses in my ear suddenly. I jump.
"Don't do that!" I yell.
The man turns around at the noise and I try not to scream.
"Do not yell in here," he says calmly. "You must have peace of mind or your thoughts won't be clear and you'll do something stupid." Axel Yuric pauses. "Okay?"
I nod quickly and try not to stare.
Axel's long hair is all neon colours that bleed into each other and his cheekbones are so gaunt and eye sockets so hollow he looks dead. His skin is covered in tattoos of red suns and rings that seem to vibrate colour but most startling are his eyes.
They are just white balls with one tiny, barely noticeable pinprick of black in the center that looks like dirt.
"So to hone everyone's concentration on the tasks that will be set before the next few weeks," Axel says, ignoring the stares, "everyone will give me fifty pushups then fifty jump squats. Now move!"
No one makes a sound as we all get on our hands and toes.
"You can talk," Axel says. "Talk is natural and natural sounds help us relax. It will make breathing a little harder but you're all Dauntless-born; I'm sure you can handle it."
"Why haven't I seen him before?" I hiss to Eric who is puming his arms up and down. "And what happened to his eyes? Can he see?"
"He spends his free time meditating outside, or guarding at the gates," Eric replies. "And he was born like that. He can see except all the colours blend together. He says he can see a person's peace level or something." I move closer to him; it's getting hard to hear. Everyone has started talking since we can all do one hundred of anything without breaking a sweat. But Axel was right. It is calming somehow.
"How do you know that?" I ask.
"He's my cousin."
(June 28, 2012 - 8:15 pm)
(July 3, 2012 - 12:06 pm)
(July 24, 2012 - 6:36 am)