I'm going to

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Book quote game!
I'm going to...

I'm going to start a new book quote game since all the others seem to die... just... like... that! 


"Michael K. Knew his first day in a new school in a new city was going to be weird. How could a first day at someplace in Brooklyn, New York, called P.S. 858 not be weird?" 


P.S. SpamBox says igbw. What does that mean, if you please, SpamBox?


Signing off, Violet 

submitted by Violet, age 10, Anywhere
(May 15, 2012 - 2:06 pm)

Oooh! Powerless. That book was amazing.

submitted by L
(June 7, 2012 - 2:31 pm)

Totally. It's my favorite book, EVER! No argument.

submitted by Maddie B, age 11, Minnetonka MN
(June 8, 2012 - 4:40 pm)

Wheee quote time!

"She gave me her camera. And I took her picture. Standing there bravely in front of her plane, with the mist rising from the jungle. Then she climbed aboard, taxied down our rough-and-tumble runway, and took off into the immense blue sky, tipping her wings good-bye."

A bit long, but... hmmph.


submitted by L
(June 12, 2012 - 4:23 pm)

Too hard? I'll give you a hint. None of the characters are people.

Hope this helps :)

submitted by L
(June 21, 2012 - 6:45 am)

Here's a good one:

They told me you had been to her,

And mentioned me to him:

She gave me a good character,

But said I could not swim.


He sent them word I had not gone

(We know it to be true):

If she should push the matter on,

What would become of you?


I gave her one, they gave him two,

You gave us three or more;

They all returned from him to you,

Though they were mine before


If I or she should chance to be

Involved in this affair,

He trusts to you to set them free,

Exactly as we were. 


My notion was that you had been

(Before she had this fit)

An obstacle that came between

Him, and ourselves, and it 


Don't let him know she liked them best,

For this must ever be

A secret, kept from all the rest,

Between yourself and me. 

I have memorized this quote. It is awesome. 

submitted by Sakura C., age 12, The Trial (Hint)
(June 22, 2012 - 12:50 pm)

@ Sakura:

Glorious quote, but can you pleeease tell me where it's from? I have absolutely no idea, but want to read the book it's in. 

submitted by Everinne, age 13, The Midnight Sun
(June 27, 2012 - 7:07 pm)

It is actually just from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

submitted by Sakura C., age 13, The Same Trial
(July 26, 2012 - 7:03 pm)

The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien:

"Not all those who wander are lost."

I love this quote! 

submitted by Rosie, age 12, Milky Way, Earth
(January 19, 2013 - 5:11 am)