Michael Grant is

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Michael Grant is...

Michael Grant is currently my favourite author. First BZRK and then GONE! (GONE was actually written before BZRK but I read BZRK first.)

I really need HUNGER. It's in transit from the library right now, so just one more day or so.

My favourite character is either Diana or Drake or Lana (is that her name? The one who heals? I forgot already) Diana is cool and complex and interesting and unpredictable, as is Drake. Lana is just cool.

I know what you're saying, but in my opinion Sam is an ordinary run-of-the-mill hero. I identify with Astrid the most- AP classes, little autistic brother. I'm in gifted (I sound so stuck up right now, sorry) and have a little autistic brother- but those are the only points I have to give her. I find her a bit bland, honestly. If you take away Pete what have you got? An Almost-Mary Sue. She's pretty, smart, and nice.

But the book is still AMAZING. The plot has so many twists and turns and it is notnotnot cliched or predictable. (and the FAYZ? Is that not the most amazing name ever or what?) 

submitted by Olive
(April 29, 2012 - 6:05 pm)

OMG I cannot get enough of this book! Fallout Alley Youth Zone. FAYZ, awesome name! I wonder how long it took MG to think that one up ;) 

Anyway my favorite characters are Diana, Sam, and call me crazy, Computer Jack.

Diana is just awesome in so many ways, and she's so complex just like you said.

I like Sam mostly because he doesn't bask in the glory like most heroes do. He just sits on the sidelines until someone needs him. Awesome. And I also like that he's afraid of the dark. That's a new one of heroes. But I am too so yeah.

I just love how completely gullible Computer Jack is. I mean seriously! The guy's got super strength and he still bows down to Diana, Drake, and Caine.

*Spoiler* In all honesty I knew it'd be pretty easy for Sam and Caine to beat the big blink. I knew it'd be their mother, and I knew they'd say no. They both hate her too much by the time that happens.

I got one question- is the darkness in the Cayote's cave the same thing that tries to take the kids when they turn 15?

Another thing- I don't think they're in a different dimension. Too weird.

I think the whole someone hijacked the universe theory is a good one. I totally believe it.

This book is AMAZING!! I got it on my Kindle and now I'm mad because I like to get real copies of all my favorite books :) 

submitted by ~Sam~
(April 30, 2012 - 8:38 pm)

re: Cayote's cave and Darkness: I'm not sure. I haven't start HUNGER yet so I can't say. I'm not even sure if that's revealed in it because there are in total 5 books.

re: different dimension: It could be possible. But I think the Darkness (the green thing with the teeth) just ate up everyone. 

submitted by Olive
(May 1, 2012 - 4:14 pm)

I haven't read HUNGER yet either, so idk. It seems likely given that the two things are a lot alike. But I'm not sure either.

Different dimension, still iffy on that, but the thing about the green thing eating them, I'm sure that's what it's doing to all the 15 year olds in the FAYZ. IDK about it having eaten everyone but I'm sure it's eating the FAYZer's 

submitted by ~Sam~
(May 1, 2012 - 7:10 pm)

I don't want to boast, but I've read FEAR!

submitted by weirdo from mars, age 12, inside the FAYZ
(August 2, 2012 - 10:20 am)